Exclude all subfolders


I have set up to servers to sync my photography work.

However I would like to exclude all folders called trash. These are in different subfolders.

Also I would like to ignore a specific file type *.cop as an example.

How would I set this up.


Please check https://docs.syncthing.net/users/ignoring if you haven’t already.

To answer the question, you just need to add these to the ignore patterns:

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Thx i did check, and did try the suggested here but did not really see anything change.

Please post screenshots of the Syncthing Web GUI, including the ignore patterns. The folder local state should change once the patterns have been applied.

I did a full reboot of my unraid servers and looks like that did help.

However I have added *._ trying to exclude files starting with ._filename

This does no seem to work

You’re almost there…

The pattern *._ actually tells Syncthing “ignore everything that ends with a dot followed by an underscore”. So if you have a file such as “filename._” it’d work fine.

Instead, use the following pattern:


It says “ignore everything that begins with a dot followed by an underscore”.

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That makes sens I will give it a go :slight_smile:

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