Every file update creates a conflict

I am running syncthing v1.0.0 on a number of devices (Windows 10 PC, Windows 10 Laptop, local Ubuntu 16.04, VPS Ubuntu 18.04, Smartphone, Tablet). To isolate the problem, I deactivated all devices except Windows PC and VPS Ubuntu.

If I create a file on my PC, it is synced to VPS (virtual private server in the cloud). Any update of the file creates a conflict with the PC’s node name as part of the conflict file. This happens under these conditions

  • file watching on
  • file watching off
  • syncthing stopped while updating the file The file is synced and after a while the conflict comes back from the remote machine.

Steps to reproduce: Change a text file on PC and save it.

My assumption is the problem is caused by the VPS setup. Synced files are located on a mounted samba share, mounted with mount.cifs. The mount command is mount.cifs -o seal,user=$USER,pass=$PW //$SERVER/$SUBDIR $MNTDIR

Is there any way to get more detailed information from the remote VPS to further analyze this issue?

Cheers, Chris

Samba does not support unix permissions, so every time a file is saved, we set the permissions, read them back, and they are changed, hence conflict. Set ignore permissions for cifs shares.

I am also pretty sure this was answered tons of times before on the forum, so a quick search on the forum could have saved everyone time.

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Thanks for the quick reply and sorry for wasting a few minutes of your time. I did search before, but obviously not for the right keywords.

If this is such a regular issue, wouldn’t it make sense to automatically set “ignore perms” if the underlying fs is samba?

How do you check that it’s samba? What if it’s some other magical filesystem that we never heard of?

I don’t know about Linux programming, but on command line ‘mount -t cifs’ can be used and /proc/mounts (parseable text file) contains that info as well. Just thought if this is a common issue for many users, it might be worthwhile to prevent it programmatically. Saves you the pain of repeatedly answering questions like mine… :slight_smile:

Could “ignore perms” be set if a folder is mapped to a directory on or beneath a cifs mount point?

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