First, I wish to deeply thank @calmh and @imsodin for all the hard work, dedication, sweat, blood and tears shed on our behalf over the years.
@calmh, without you this would have been a lesser project.
You have my eternal gratitude for all you’ve done. Know you’ve made at least this one unimportant man happy on this planet.
Second, I gave the app of @Catfriend1 (as advised) a crack → Official Syncthing Android App will be discontinued · Issue #1149 · Catfriend1/syncthing-android · GitHub
Its fantastic. A lovely fork. Worked perfectly on my OPPO (basic and CPU limited!). Kudos.
I saw the new project a little while ago while rebuilding the phone, but now I’ve impetus to migrate.
Migration was dead-set trivial. Worked perfectly. No screaming, no ripping of wires… smooth and by the numbers.
Thank you again @imsodin and @Catfriend1