Difference Windows 10/Windows 7 behind Corp. Firewall

Hi there,

I’m using Syncthing for quite some time now behind a Corporate Firewall (which details I’m not aware of). Until now I was working with a Windows 7 computer, lately running Syncthing 1.6.1. ST is configured for NAT traversal, but I did not need to set the all_proxy environment variable described in Using Proxies — Syncthing v1 documentation. Actually, to my surpise, it simply worked.

Now, with a new Windows 10 Laptop, in the same corporate network, ST cannot establish communication anymore.

I’m running both computers in parallel right now, Windows 7 OK, Windows 10 :frowning: Both running ST 1.6.1, on both Windows Firewall is open for ST.

Outside the corporate network, ST is running well on Windows 10 as well.

Any idea where I can have a look. I would be happy to provide any additional information (if I have it)…

Cannot establish communication to what? Other devices? Discovery servers? Relays?

Beg your pardon. This is what I get:

[monitor] 16:58:00 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\runget\AppData    \Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log"
[start] 16:58:00 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC
[start] 16:58:21 INFO: Couldn't fetch release information: Get "https://upgrades.syncthing.net/meta.json": dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
[start] 16:58:21 INFO: Initial automatic upgrade: no version to select
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 477 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (331 MB/s using crypto/sha256).
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: Hashing performance is 385.13 MB/s
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: Using discovery server https://discovery.syncthing.net/v2/?noannounce&id=LYXKCHX-VI3NYZR-ALCJBHF-WMZYSPK-QG6QJA3-MPFYMSO-U56GTUK-NA2MIAW
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: Using discovery server https://discovery-v4.syncthing.net/v2/?nolookup&id=LYXKCHX-VI3NYZR-ALCJBHF-WMZYSPK-QG6QJA3-MPFYMSO-U56GTUK-NA2MIAW
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: Using discovery server https://discovery-v6.syncthing.net/v2/?nolookup&id=LYXKCHX-VI3NYZR-ALCJBHF-WMZYSPK-QG6QJA3-MPFYMSO-U56GTUK-NA2MIAW
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: Ready to synchronize "W..." (12345-12345) (sendreceive)
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Default Folder" (default) (sendreceive)
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: Ready to synchronize "K..." (67890-67890) (sendreceive)
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "K..." (67890-67890)
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "W..." (12345-12345)
[HE6MZ] 16:58:22 INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "Default Folder" (default)
[HE6MZ] 16:58:32 INFO: GUI and API listening on
[HE6MZ] 16:58:32 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL:
[HE6MZ] 16:58:32 INFO: My name is "XYZ"
[HE6MZ] 16:58:33 INFO: Detected 0 NAT services
[HE6MZ] 16:58:43 INFO: Listen (BEP/relay): Get "https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint": dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
[HE6MZ] 16:58:43 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) shutting down
[HE6MZ] 16:58:43 INFO: c.S.listenerSupervisor: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (1.000000 failures of 2.000000), restarting: true, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
[HE6MZ] 16:58:43 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting
[HE6MZ] 16:59:04 INFO: Listen (BEP/relay): Get "https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint": dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
[HE6MZ] 16:59:04 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) shutting down
[HE6MZ] 16:59:04 INFO: c.S.listenerSupervisor: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (1.615515 failures of 2.000000), restarting: true, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
[HE6MZ] 16:59:04 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting
[HE6MZ] 16:59:25 INFO: Listen (BEP/relay): Get "https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint": dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
[HE6MZ] 16:59:25 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) shutting down
[HE6MZ] 16:59:25 INFO: c.S.listenerSupervisor: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (1.994358 failures of 2.000000), restarting: true, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
[HE6MZ] 16:59:25 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting
[HE6MZ] 16:59:46 INFO: Listen (BEP/relay): Get "https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint": dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
[HE6MZ] 16:59:46 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) shutting down
[HE6MZ] 16:59:46 INFO: Entering the backoff state.
[HE6MZ] 16:59:46 INFO: c.S.listenerSupervisor: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (2.227516 failures of 2.000000), restarting: false, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
[monitor] 16:59:58 INFO: Signal 2 received; exiting
[HE6MZ] 16:59:58 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) shutting down
[HE6MZ] 16:59:58 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) shutting down
[HE6MZ] 16:59:58 INFO: Exiting

syncthing.exe is running with my own user credentials and interestingly, I can reach https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint in my browser…

Your browser is probably discovers the proxy via PAC file (or it’s preconfigured).

Anyways, you need to figure out what’s the address for the proxy and configure the environment variable as the documentation suggests.

1 Like

This is the result with the all_proxy variable set:

C:\Users\r>set all_proxy=socks5://proxyname.corp.domain:8080

C:\Users\r>"d:\Notsaved\rr\Program Files\Syncthing\syncthing.exe" -no-browser
[monitor] 12:27:41 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\r\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log"
[start] 12:27:41 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC
[monitor] 12:27:41 INFO: Proxy settings detected
[start] 12:27:41 INFO: Proxy settings detected
[start] 12:27:53 INFO: Couldn't fetch release information: Get "https://upgrades.syncthing.net/meta.json": unexpected EOF
[start] 12:27:53 INFO: Initial automatic upgrade: no version to select
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 506 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (433 MB/s using crypto/sha256).
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Hashing performance is 419.58 MB/s
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "81vxi-8tkj8" is 442234h27m54.5212803s old; recalculating
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Using discovery server https://discovery.syncthing.net/v2/?noannounce&id=LYXKCHX-VI3NYZR-ALCJBHF-WMZYSPK-QG6QJA3-MPFYMSO-U56GTUK-NA2MIAW
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Using discovery server https://discovery-v4.syncthing.net/v2/?nolookup&id=LYXKCHX-VI3NYZR-ALCJBHF-WMZYSPK-QG6QJA3-MPFYMSO-U56GTUK-NA2MIAW
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Using discovery server https://discovery-v6.syncthing.net/v2/?nolookup&id=LYXKCHX-VI3NYZR-ALCJBHF-WMZYSPK-QG6QJA3-MPFYMSO-U56GTUK-NA2MIAW
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Ready to synchronize "W..." (67890-67890) (sendreceive)
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Default Folder" (default) (sendreceive)
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Ready to synchronize "K..." (12345-12345) (sendreceive)
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "K..." (12345-12345)
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "W..." (67890-67890)
[HE6MZ] 12:27:54 INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "Default Folder" (default)
[HE6MZ] 12:28:04 INFO: GUI and API listening on
[HE6MZ] 12:28:04 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL:
[HE6MZ] 12:28:04 INFO: My name is "H..."
[HE6MZ] 12:28:05 INFO: Listen (BEP/relay): Get "https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint": authenticationrequired
[HE6MZ] 12:28:05 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) shutting down
[HE6MZ] 12:28:05 INFO: c.S.listenerSupervisor: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (1.000000 failures of 2.000000), restarting: true, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
[HE6MZ] 12:28:05 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting
[HE6MZ] 12:28:05 INFO: Detected 0 NAT services
[HE6MZ] 12:28:17 INFO: Couldn't fetch release information: Get "https://upgrades.syncthing.net/meta.json": unexpected EOF
[HE6MZ] 12:28:17 INFO: Listen (BEP/relay): Get "https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint": unexpected EOF
[HE6MZ] 12:28:17 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) shutting down
[HE6MZ] 12:28:17 INFO: c.S.listenerSupervisor: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (1.756512 failures of 2.000000), restarting: true, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
[HE6MZ] 12:28:17 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting
[HE6MZ] 12:28:29 INFO: Listen (BEP/relay): Get "https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint": authenticationrequired
[HE6MZ] 12:28:29 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) shutting down
[HE6MZ] 12:28:29 INFO: Entering the backoff state.
[HE6MZ] 12:28:29 INFO: c.S.listenerSupervisor: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (2.332061 failures of 2.000000), restarting: false, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
[monitor] 12:28:49 INFO: Signal 2 received; exiting
[HE6MZ] 12:28:49 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) shutting down
[HE6MZ] 12:28:49 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) shutting down
[HE6MZ] 12:28:49 INFO: Exiting

I’m still wondering why this is working on my Windows 7 without a being proxy set…

I suspect the proxy was set by default on your old machine.

No, it was actually not. Checking the environment variables in the old machine does not show all_proxy. In fact, I remember that I manually set the variable at the beginning, but it created issues with a jabber application. Surprisingly, removing the variable did not make ST stop working.

In fact, it is still not working on the new machine…

Having seen this in the log above

[HE6MZ] 12:28:29 INFO: Listen (BEP/relay): Get "https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint": authenticationrequired

I was wondering if this was a proxy authentication issue. So I played with cntlm a bit. Now, after having received quite a bunch of

[HE6MZ] 16:13:13 INFO: Could not connect to relay ... protocol negotiation error

messages, I finally got this:

[HE6MZ] 16:13:14 INFO: Joined relay relay://

but after this line, no new lines in the log since 20 minutes and still no remote devices connected.

Any thoughts?

If it can’t connect out (due to proxy requirements etc), the only way connection can happen is by others connecting in, so you should check other devices you expect to connect to see what addresses they see and why they can’t connect.

Tried again this morning. Once more, I see the

[HE6MZ] 09:31:53 INFO: Joined relay relay://

message on my new notebook, but I’m not able to find any message corresponding to this device on any other device. Watching the other devices logs for ~20 minutes now…

Does global discovery work (top right part of the UI)? Without that remotes don’t know which relay you are connected to/listening on.

I’m not sure what you mean here:

Does global discovery work (top right part of the UI)

Global discovery is enabled in Settings/Connections, but I don’t see any reference to it in the GUI’s main screen, but the “Discovery” line within “This Device” which tells 3/5.

That’s what I mean. If you click on that you get which two discovery methods do not work. If it’s v4 and v6 global discovery, then that’s your problem.

I see, so this seems to be the problem. :pensive:

Still, I’m not sure why this works in my old Windows 7 notebook, but I can see that it behaves differently trying to access https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint from the command line (wget/curl), even though there is definitely no all_proxy variable set.

I’ll see if I can figure it out with one of our network guys…

Thanks so far for taking the time!

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