Devices disconnected when changing a folder settings

After editing a folder through Syncthing GUI, changing any setting and clicking “Save”, the devices that this folder is shared with become “Disconnected”. Then I have to wait the usual tens of seconds for the address to be discovered again and the devices to appear “Connected”.

Is that expected / a bug / something that could be improved? Should I create a GitHub issue to track this?

I use the default Global Discovery servers, if that is relevant.

Syncthing v1.3.1

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It’s expected and it could be improved, but it’s tricky to get right in the current code base.

I don’t think there are massive tangible benefits of this tho.

I don’t think there are massive tangible benefits of this tho.

I agree. The only benefit I see is the time saved when you’re performing the setup / playing with settings and would like to quickly see if the synchronization works correctly and as expected.

I figured out that - for my setup - the fastest way to get stuff back online again is to restart one of the instances after a config change. That’s a lot faster than waiting for the (re-)connect loop. But that likely depends on how long the inital scan takes on your machines.

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