device disconnected on one, connected on another

Same settings. Disconnected on PC, connected on android. Verbose log shows nothing. I keep pausing the device, resuming it, nothing. Total silence. Removed the device, added it many times, nothing. Please help. PC has:

syncthing v1.0.0-ds1 "Erbium Earthworm" (go1.11.6 linux-amd64) debian@debian 2019-06-08 10:15:59 UTC [noupgrade]

verbose log:

[PB42A] 01:03:21 VERBOSE: Device XXXXXX was resumed
[PB42A] 01:03:21 VERBOSE: Configuration was saved
[PB42A] 01:04:13 INFO: Listen (BEP/tcp): TLS handshake: tls: received record with version 301 when expecting version 303
[PB42A] 01:05:35 INFO: Listen (BEP/tcp): TLS handshake: tls: received record with version 301 when expecting version 303
[PB42A] 01:08:58 INFO: Restarted folder "Default Folder" (default) (sendreceive)
[PB42A] 01:08:59 VERBOSE: Configuration was saved
[PB42A] 01:08:59 VERBOSE: Folder "default" is now scan-waiting
[PB42A] 01:08:59 VERBOSE: Folder "default" is now scanning
[PB42A] 01:08:59 INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "Default Folder" (default)
[PB42A] 01:08:59 VERBOSE: Folder "default" is now idle
[PB42A] 01:09:32 INFO: Listen (BEP/tcp): TLS handshake: tls: received record with version 301 when expecting version 303
[PB42A] 01:09:52 INFO: Restarted folder "Default Folder" (default) (sendreceive)
[PB42A] 01:09:52 VERBOSE: Configuration was saved
[PB42A] 01:09:52 VERBOSE: Folder "default" is now scan-waiting
[PB42A] 01:09:52 VERBOSE: Folder "default" is now scanning
[PB42A] 01:09:52 INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "Default Folder" (default)
[PB42A] 01:09:52 VERBOSE: Folder "default" is now idle
[PB42A] 01:10:33 INFO: Listen (BEP/tcp): TLS handshake: tls: received record with version 301 when expecting version 303

Actual error was:

[PB42A] 01:10:33 INFO: Listen (BEP/tcp): TLS handshake: tls: received record with version 301 when expecting version 303

Update to latest version solved it.

@calmh can we have a sticky post or something like that? This topic is going to come up for a few days and it would be good to have the information in one place with both possible solutions.

That’s the recommended solution indeed.

There’s more info about this e.g. here: server selected unsupported protocol version 303 or here: #7598 broke compatibility · Issue #7767 · syncthing/syncthing · GitHub

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