Destination folder on mounted drive

I have limited space on the disk where syncthing is running. Therefore I created a symlink from /home/syncthing to /mnt/sharedfiles/DP1/syncthing.

vdir /home/syncthing lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 44 Jan 9 16:39 /home/syncthing β†’ /mnt/sharedfiles/DP1/syncthing

The target folder on /mnt/sharedfiles/DP1/ has following rights: drwxr-xr-x 5 syncthing syncthing 4096 Jan 9 16:20 syncthing

I tried also: drwxrwxrwx 5 syncthing syncthing 4096 Jan 9 16:20 syncthing

but get always the log entries: 2022-01-09 16:50:21: Loading ignores: lstat /home/syncthing/test/.stignore: permission denied

2022-01-09 16:50:21: Error on folder β€œtest” (P1-test): stat /home/syncthing/test: permission denied

2022-01-09 16:50:21: Saving config: open /home/syncthing/.config/syncthing/.syncthing.tmp.069161220: permission denied

2022-01-09 16:50:23: Saving config: open /home/syncthing/.config/syncthing/.syncthing.tmp.498757267: permission denied

2022-01-09 16:50:26: Failed to save config: open /home/syncthing/.config/syncthing/.syncthing.tmp.545244374: permission denied

Also the subfolders on /mnt/sharedfiles/DP1/ have the rights for syncthing:syncthing

My question: How can I configure that syncthing is using another path than the home path (/home/syncthing)?

setfacl seems to be my new friend. Setting the ACL to all files helped.

setfacl -Rm user:syncthing:rwx /mnt/sharedfiles/

see Linux Setfacl Command Help and Examples

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