Couple of questions about Functionality

Hi, i just installed this software and it looks promising for the task of real time syncing, i only got a couple of questions.

-Got Device A which is my PC and i want to sync a folder (send only) to Device B my android Phone. So is this transfer taking place over the internet, and if Device B is not connected at the moment of the sync, are the files stored on the cloud somewhere, or do both devices have to be coonected online for the sync to take place via some secure tunneling of sorts?

-Second question is if besides devices, i can sync from one folder to another on the same machine. Lets say i have a drive, or partition i want to backup, on an external drive, or usb stick. Is it possible to do so once that device is connected to my PC? Cause i would really love this feature. I just dont know whether i can do this already or if this should be a feature request

Thank You

  • FAQ — Syncthing v1 documentation

  • Not recommended: There’s tools designed to do local sync. If you still want to do it you need to run two instances of Syncthing on that device. Plenty of discussions with more info on this to be found on the forum.

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