Conflicting changes from my own device when another one si active

Hello, I use Syncthing to keep logseq note files in sync between my laptop, home desktop, and office desktop, and so far it worked fine.

Today I installed Syncthing via docker on my TrueNAS Scale NAS too, and started to get conflicts every time I edit a file on my laptop. The conflicting files are named after the ID of my lpatop.

When I stop Syncthing on my NAS, everything works fine. When I start it again and begin working on my files, I get conflicts again and again.

I must have done something wrong with Syncthing configuration my NAS, any clue? What should I look for?

For reference:

  • On my laptop I’m running Syncthing 1.27.3, installed via Flatpak on Fedora 40
  • On my NAS I’m running Syncthing 1.27.12, installed via docker from the “app catalog” provided by TrueNAS Scale 22.10RC2
  • On my desktop I run Ubuntu 24.04 and installed Syncthing from repo

Thanks to everyone, gerlos

I think I found a fix: the conflicts stopped once I checked the “Ignore Permissions” option in the “Advanced” tab of the shared folder.

I’m not sure to understand why, but it works.

I hope this might be useful to someone else.

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Generally, it’s recommended to enable “Ignore Permissions” when dealing with a mixture of different operating systems. I always do it in my setup. Also, this problem comes up very often on the forum especially when dealing with NAS operating systems.


Thanks. I didn’t expect that, since both laptop and NAS are linux-based, but perhaps there are enough differences to make this issue happen.

Yeah, the same is true for Android. The OS is Linux-based, but the permission system is its own thing.

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