Certificate changed, forgotten password, can't delete


Everything worked perfectly the first time. Tried to log in the next day and I get a security warning saying it’s not private and my credentials can be stolen. No idea what changed. I think nothing?

I specifically allowed it through the UFW firewall, no change.

Ok, so I just went through anyway because it’s local. Then I forgot the password I used.

There are no working instructions to change password.

tried this:

  1. Stop Syncthing: syncthing cli operations shutdown
  2. syncthing generate --gui-password=myNewPassword --gui-user=newUserName
  3. Restart Syncthing as usual.

Doesn’t change the password.

tried going to the config file and copying the password over.

Does not work.

tried completely removing syncthing and reinstalling to start fresh. It wouldn’t allow it and just asks for a password.

Please tell me how to fix or remove so I can start fresh. Why won’t it remove completely when I remove it? That feels really insecure.

**EDIT - ok I deleted the whole config file and reinstalled. I have no idea what this effects, what still loads or from where. It allowed me in which is great. But it loads my username so some stuff is still remembered but not the password or default directory I had syncing. Very confusing behaviour, please advise.

Looks like you followed the right directions to reset your GUI password. Not sure what happened there.

When you deleted the config file and restarted, Syncthing acted like you had reinstalled. I’m wondering if your username was remembered by autocomplete in your browser rather than Syncthing. Nothing else should have been kept other than the database.

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Thank you for your response. It’s really nice to get a tech support response that doesn’t tell me to go away and ask better questions. I appreciate that.

My password wasn’t remembered as I don’t save any passwords in my browser, just a password manager. I am actually pretty confident I was using the correct password as I even copied it directly from the config file before deleting it and it still didn’t work. Maybe it’s hashed in some way? I can’t remember as my passwords are always quite complex.

Well it seems to have worked ok by deleting the config file which was at $HOME/.local/state/syncthing

If it’s only copied the database and nothing important I should be ok to just setup a password now that it is reinstalled.

Thanks again.

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Thanks very much @no_idea for the kind words!

I’m not part of the Syncthing team; I try to help out where I can here on the forum. My day job is in cybersecurity but otherwise unrelated to Syncthing. I tell you this because today was one of the toughest days at work I’ve had in years. Again, thank you.

It’s not clear to me what happened, but I’m glad things are working for you now.

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ahh cool. I’m very interested in cybersecurity and have found it extremely challenging just to stay on top of and manage my own personal security & privacy, so I can only imagine how tough it must be to work directly with it every day.

I often wonder why I chose this path at all but the tech just keeps coming so no choice but to engage and learn.

Well thanks again for your help. I’m very grateful for syncthing as it is going to take a lot of pressure off and allow me to adapt much more easily as I learn more and more.

I hope a new day arrives for you soon! Sometimes, it’s best to just let those tough ones go and remind ourselves we can only do our best, as we take a deep breath and start fresh every day.

Thanks chaos. Take care.

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