Celebrate Syncthing is public deployed over 100k active machines!

I think we could have a small celebration with the project as more then 100k active machines have reported they are alive. I’m an old timer of the Syncthing project and following it since v0.14 or maybe earlier.

I wish you all the best with your data and keeping things securly in sync without the Big 3 (Google Drive, Microsoft Onedrive, Dropbox) ! Bring your own cloud!!!

But I have another offsite backup with nightly rclone cronjob synced to payed Google One account on Google Drive when shit hits the fan. I’m a little paranoid.

Source: https://data.syncthing.net/


There is also https://monitor.syncthing.net/dashboard/db/discovery with 700+ thousands active devices :slight_smile:. If I remember correctly, it was only around 500 thousands last year.



Yeah the Grafana dashboard has different information.

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