Can't select previous version of file to restore it

I am syncing a Windows 11 folder to Ubuntu (20.04). I am using staggered file versioning, and want to restore a previous version of the file on the Ubuntu server. I can see the previous versions in the dropdown list, and can use the keyboard to highlight the one that I want to restore, but if I then press Enter nothing happens. The mouse does not navigate the dropdown list at all - I can click on it to dropdown the list, but subsequent mouse clicks don’t act on the dropdown list - they act on the main part of the page. So if I select a previous version from the list using the keyboard, then click on it using the mouse, the dropdown list just closes. I’m using the Firefox browser. Any ideas why I can’t select the version to restore it?

This link shows a screen recording of the issue:

Keyboard navigation seems glitchy indeed (both in Chromium and Firefox), however mouse does work fine for me here, also in Firefox. Can you test in a private window with no extensions enabled? If that doesn’t work either, are you able to test in a different browser?

Funnily enough things are actually worse in a Private Window. When I’m in the “Restore Versions” window, Filter by name doesn’t work, and I can’t expand any of the folders (using either the mouse or the keyboard). I’ll try installing a different browser. Is it possible to make the console available from another machine on the LAN? (I’ve tried opening port 8384 but still can’t get access from a different machine)

OK I just installed Chrome, and although it’s very slow to access the “Restore Versions” dropdown list, it does seem to work. Thanks

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To allow remote access, you need change the GUI address from to You can do it in Actions → Settings.

The list can load slowly if a) there are a lot of versioned files in the particular folder, and b) the hardware, especially the disk, is slow.


Great - thanks

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