Can't connect to my Relay

On v1.29.2

So I have

ISP 1 with relay

ISP 2 with Addresses as relay://

ISP 3 with Addresses as relay://

The relay is shown as working by

I see by Wireshark from ISP 2 and 3 to my relay but it fails what I’m I doing wrong?


Tried with relay:// the relay still not working

Please post screenshots the GUI’s home page, and also of Actions / Settings / Connections from both of the two non-Relay Devices.

Is there anything in the Log that shows what’s going on? Can you induce the error with the “relay” debugging facility turned on if not? Feel free to post your log, or at least snippets.

relay:// or by relay://

nothing in logs

When you hover over the not found error, does it say “incorrect response code 1: not found”? That’s what it shows for me.

I think the other device is not connected to the relay.

You might have to add it as one of the Sync Protocol Listen Addresses on the other device (available in the Connections section). For example you can set the listen addresses to default,relay:// to make the device constantly connect to the relay, but still keep the default listeners.

In Catfriend1’s Syncthing-Fork (or the discontinued official Syncthing Android app) you can set the listening addresses in Hamburger (3 bars) → Settings → Syncthing Options → Sync Protocol Listen Addresses.

Why are the device names the same? Aren’t the devices seperate?