Can't access Syncthing anymore on Gui


I think I made a mistake. I have Syncthing installed on a Pi and used access it with . I changed in Syncthing setting “access syncthing gui” and ticked “using https” and now I can’t access it to the same address

Is there a way to disable in Syncthing setting “access syncthing gui” “using https” via the Cli ?

Thank you.

If there’s no reverse web proxy in your setup, have you tried the following?:
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Yes, I tried this because this is my Syncthing address I used before the wrong manipulation.

Now, after having ticked “using https” redirects to

It’s still not entirely clear what your existing setup is like to make work as intended with HTTPS enabled, but to re-disable HTTPS for Syncthing’s GUI…

After shutting down Syncthing, edit your config file. On an RPi, it’s most likely ~/.config/syncthing/config.xml or ~/.local/state/syncthing/config.xml if it’s been left to the default location.

In config.xml there’s a line that looks similar to the following:

<gui enabled="true" tls="true" debugging="false" sendBasicAuthPrompt="false">

Change the portion tls="true" to `tls=“false”'.

Alternatively, use Syncthing’s CLI interface to reconfigure the running instance, e.g. to disable HTTPS mode for the GUI:

syncthing cli config gui raw-use-tls set false
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Thank you for your help @gadget ! It worked, I could modify ~/.config/syncthing/config.xml and changed tls="true" to tls=“false”.

I have access to my Syncthing web page again.

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