Cannot get folder in sync


I’ve been happily using SyncThing for several years with almost no issues. I’ve recently moved my fileserver to a new setup and am finding one folder that simply will not get properly synced.

The source on my Raspberry Pi shows that it is up-to-date, with 331 files, 2 directories and 635GB of data. However, the file server is always showing many more files, and always results in ‘Out of Sync’.

I have tried stopping the share at both ends, and re-establshing, but this ends up in the same situation. If I try to look at the un

What is causing this and what can I do.

Seems like this is due to ignore files.

Sounds like it may be the cause yes. Ignoring files on some devices but not others leads to the folders being not in sync, which Syncthing correctly reports as such.