android doesn't receive even with send & receive on

trying to use syncthing with obsidian. my two devices (pc and android phone) are connected and synced the file. i can see the contents of the obsidian vault in my phone file manager but when i open it with obsidian nothing is there. when i create a new note on android it’ll appear on my pc but not vice versa.

i haven’t changed any default settings, reinstalled both apps, reset ids, ect. still don’t know why it’s not working even after following obsidian syncthing tutorials.

fix for this?

Please post screenshots of the Syncthing Web GUI from both sides. On Android, you can access the Web GUI from the left slide-out panel in the Syncthing app.

It works for me without problems so there seems to be something off on your side.

when i open it with obsidian nothing is there

What does the side menu (icon at the top left) show? 0 files, 0 folders or something else?

when i create a new note on android it’ll appear on my pc but not vice versa.

Can you edit the file on your PC and do the changes sync back to your phone?

What does the side menu (icon at the top left) show? 0 files, 0 folders or something else?

0 files 0 folders.

Can you edit the file on your PC and do the changes sync back to your phone?

right now, no. even though my phone is online it shows as disconnected on the pc app. i think it did though

NOTE: i don’t know why my phone is showing as disconnected, i’ve changed nothing about the settings and it’s online

Are the two devices located in the same local network? The phone does show that it’s connected to the PC, however the connection is via a relay. The PC side shows that the phone isn’t connected at all. I would assume that the state of the PC on the phone will also change to “Disconnected” if you wait for a while.

If the two devices are indeed located on the same network, then please check your firewall settings and also the router settings for “client isolation” or similar, as it seems that something is preventing your devices from establishing a direct connection.

yes, both on the same network, both have a vpn (proton) running that i don’t want to disable. there’s no firewall and the vpn is with client apps, not through network.

With a VPN in use, things can get complicated. Also, on the PC side, there is 3/5 next to Listeners. Please click that and post a screenshot of the window that pops up. Please also unfold the Pixel 6 under This Device on Android and do the same thing there with the Listeners.

i just tried without the vpn, still shows my phone as disconnected

Also, on the PC side, there is 3/5 next to Listeners . Please click that and post a screenshot of the window that pops up. Please also unfold the Pixel 6 under This Device on Android and do the same thing there with the Listeners.

i don’t see “listeners”, where is that?

Oops, sorry about that. I meant “Discovery”, “Listeners” do look fine. It’s under “This Device”, you can see it in your first screenshot above.

screenshot from my phone auto blurs for some reason, here’s what it says though

This Device Pixel 6 Download rate 0 B/s (1.35 KIB) Upload rate 0 B/s (4.8 KIB) Local state (total) (file icon) 111 (folder icon) 7 (drive icon) ~2.16 GIB Listeners 3/3 Discovery 2/5

then there’s theuptime, id the and version (v1.23.7)

edit: just updated android to use 1.24.0-rc.1 from the github page. i’ll give it a bit to try to sync.

(reply to myself as i can’t edit again) still says my phone is disconnected.

Your node is unable to resolve the addresses of our global discovery servers. Could you check your DNS settings?


server: address: non-authoriative answer: name: address: name: address:

You’re testing this from your computer? It looks like the local DNS of your Android device doesn’t work.

Are you running something like a VPN or adblocker on your device?

yeah. i’ve said before that both have a vpn running (through device app, not my network). i’ve tried without the vpn and it still says disconnected (actually now it says up to date but it’s not syncing).

The DNS of your VPN seems to break resolution of global discovery servers. Does the VPN app any kind of traffic whitelisting etc?

no idea, it’s protonvpn.

i just tried with vms (both linux) as a test and that’s (so far) worked fine if that info helps.

also checked the versions again, there’s a stable 1.24.0 release for linux but not android, there’s only a beta 1.24.0. is that going to make a difference?

OP here,

i’ve fixed it. think it was a mix of different versions, the downloads not working for fedora (needed to use this Overview - rpms/syncthing - for it to work) and flatpak obsidian.

info: redownload syncthing (for fedora use the link above) and make sure it’s a stable release that has an android/ios version. repeat on android/ios. connect devices. create file to sync. download appimage of obsidian. create obsidian vault (or move vault to directory if you already have one). download obsidian for android/ios.

if the appimage doesn’t open, download appimagelauncher GitHub - TheAssassin/AppImageLauncher: Helper application for Linux distributions serving as a kind of "entry point" for running and integrating AppImages

if you want syncthing to run on startup use these commands in terminal (should work with any systemd distro) systemctl --user enable --now syncthing.service

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