All settings are gone after updating app

After updating Syncthing to version 0.10.8 from 0.10.7 via F-Droid, Syncthing lost all its settings. When I started it, it first created security keys and then asked me about if I would like to share informations. So, everything that happens with the first start of this app. All folder and device settings were gone. Version Information

App Version: 0.10.8 Android Version: Lineage OS 14.1

Perhaps your config was corrupt which lead to that, perhaps folks in F-Droid made some changes that caused that.

It hasn’t been reported by anyone else so I assume this is an isolated incident

Not very helpful for your case, but I’m running Syncthing on about 10 different android devices, eight LineageOS 14.1 and two Samsung rooted stockroms, all configured to use F-Droid and none of them had issues updating 0.10.8.

Are you sure you didn’t wipe cache or something ? Maybe you have some ‘App2SD’ thing running, and something went wrong there ?

I don’t want to put salt into your wounds but Android Syncthing offers export/import of your settings to /sdcard/backups. A great option once you have your setup done.

I use this option as well, but you need to be aware that you expose your private key to any app that is running on your device.

yeah, this is extremely vital to know and keep in mind!

thanks for reminding!

Hi Frete, did itvask you if you want to accept a shared popup question after you updated? Did you also notice a device or folder name was changed in the UI? I had a similar problem before where the app incorrectly calls the configxml firststart routine, there changelocaldevicename is atm not optimized to run correctly on an existing config so it’ll corrupt it.

@Frete: I’ve made a PR to fix this ( ) Unfortunately this will not help you as you’ve already lost your settings but will stabilize upgrade procedure on future upgrades.

How does it corrupt it, apart from bulldozing all device names?

In my case I had some months ago, it also changed folder names to the device name resulting in weird connection requests on partner devices.

Sure, but we’re talking about complete disappearance of config, which does not sound like the same problem.

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