Add sorting by likes to the the Features category?

In the Meta for the software running this (, they have a Features button - and when you enter it, you can sort by Likes - see

I think there’s some suggested code on how to do this at

I realize that I can do this with the query string right now, but most people don’t want to go through that hassle.

Also, should feature suggestions be generally opened here or on Github?

(this thread is largely copied from another thread I started for another project)


Feature votes go onto bountysource:

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@AudriusButkevicius, is 404. What replaces it? is our official feature voting thing.

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One problem with GitHub is that you cannot add reactions to locked issues.

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I think the situation is clear on the few issues where that’s the case though.

Yeah, it probably wouldn’t change the order much, but there are at least a few issues that were locked years ago, e.g. due to too heated discussion or too many +1 comments, and people haven’t been able to vote on them since then anymore.

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@tomasz86, upvote Allow to react to / vote on / give thumbs-up on locked issues/threads · community · Discussion #36107 · GitHub to remediate that.

@jcrben, that’s 404 too. Know where else to locate it, @jcrben? (This is why we should always link to specific commits on a Git repository when sharing code.)