1 Out of Sync but list is empty

I have two local machines sync’d up completely but one machine’s Syncthing Web UI says Out of Sync Items: 1 items, ~232MiB. The other machine says “Up to Date”. Clicking the “1 items” link pops up an empty list.

Hitting the api on the out-of-sync machine, db/status says “needBytes”: 243591168 and “needFiles”: 1 but db/need lists nothing. The other machine has 0s for need fiels. The localFiles count is the same, but the out-of-sync box has an inSyncFiles value that’s off by 1. Not sure how to find out what that one file is.

The folder is Send/Receive and ignore permissions is on.

What version are you running?


Try staring it with STRECHECKDBEVERY=1s env var set, and see if that fixes it. Remove the env var afterwards.

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That did it. Thanks.

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