1 Master with multiple slaves


I’m struggling trying to figure out the best way to achieve the following:

I have my computer at work where I set up a folder to be master. I configured the same folder on a always-on Raspberry PI at at my apartment. I also have a laptop at my place (turned off during the day) which is used to run scheduled backups. I also want to backup the folder that has been synchronized to the PI from office.

What is the way to achieve this? Should I share the folder from The PI to the home laptop? I guess sharing the folder from office laptop to home laptop is pointless since the latter is not running during the day.

Thanks for your help

Sure you can share the folder from the pi to you home laptop. sharing it also between work and home laptop doesn’t hurt; if you ever happen to have both on at the same time, the sync will be faster.

But if you always backup at home, I would rather share the folder via SMB or NFS, than sync it to you laptop.

The master option does only prevent changes from others the impact the data on the master node. It doesn’t care what the other nodes do with it.

Sharing the same folder with multiple devices is safer should one be offline.

Awesome thank you very much.

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