[F52O4] INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [F52O4] INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) shutting down [F52O4] INFO: listenerSupervisor@dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint: service dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint failed: Get "https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint": dial tcp: lookup relays.syncthing.net: No address associated with hostname [F52O4] INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [F52O4] INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) shutting down [F52O4] INFO: listenerSupervisor@dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint: service dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint failed: Get "https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint": dial tcp: lookup relays.syncthing.net: No address associated with hostname [F52O4] INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) shutting down [F52O4] INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) shutting down [F52O4] INFO: Exiting [start] INFO: syncthing v1.20.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.17.2 android-arm64) vagrant@basebox-stretch64 2022-05-04 16:17:03 UTC [noupgrade, stguiassets, sthashing, stnoupgrade] [F52O4] INFO: My ID: F52O4VE-4PZYDJ5-BK7CEFP-XUVTBK6-VF5N4MN-CRZPYRQ-NT3WO52-ZBSITQJ [F52O4] INFO: Hashing performance is 194.29 MB/s [F52O4] INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [F52O4] INFO: Using discovery mechanism: global discovery server https://discovery.syncthing.net/v2/?noannounce&id=LYXKCHX-VI3NYZR-ALCJBHF-WMZYSPK-QG6QJA3-MPFYMSO-U56GTUK-NA2MIAW [F52O4] INFO: Using discovery mechanism: global discovery server https://discovery-v4.syncthing.net/v2/?nolookup&id=LYXKCHX-VI3NYZR-ALCJBHF-WMZYSPK-QG6QJA3-MPFYMSO-U56GTUK-NA2MIAW [F52O4] INFO: Using discovery mechanism: global discovery server https://discovery-v6.syncthing.net/v2/?nolookup&id=LYXKCHX-VI3NYZR-ALCJBHF-WMZYSPK-QG6QJA3-MPFYMSO-U56GTUK-NA2MIAW [F52O4] INFO: Using discovery mechanism: IPv4 local broadcast discovery on port 21027 [F52O4] INFO: Using discovery mechanism: IPv6 local multicast discovery on address [ff12::8384]:21027 [F52O4] INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [F52O4] INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [F52O4] INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [F52O4] INFO: Ready to synchronize "Drive ZZZ" (crjns-ecfw3) (sendreceive) [F52O4] INFO: Ready to synchronize "Caméra" (fp3_vacg-photos) (sendreceive) [F52O4] INFO: GUI and API listening on [F52O4] INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: [F52O4] INFO: My name is "FP3" [F52O4] INFO: Device ISFCKAL-SGX3FDT-CH37BUV-VPJJIW4-S7BPHUO-4W7272R-GCOBOTP-5QHFJAS is "Syncthing Central" at [dynamic] [F52O4] INFO: Established secure connection to ISFCKAL-SGX3FDT-CH37BUV-VPJJIW4-S7BPHUO-4W7272R-GCOBOTP-5QHFJAS at [F52O4] INFO: Device ISFCKAL-SGX3FDT-CH37BUV-VPJJIW4-S7BPHUO-4W7272R-GCOBOTP-5QHFJAS client is "syncthing v1.20.1" named "DESKTOP-0D7KTJE" at [F52O4] INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "Caméra" (fp3_vacg-photos) [F52O4] INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "Drive ZZZ" (crjns-ecfw3) [F52O4] INFO: New NAT port mapping: external TCP address to local address [::]:22000. [F52O4] INFO: New NAT port mapping: external TCP address to local address [::]:22000. [F52O4] INFO: New NAT port mapping: external TCP address to local address [::]:22000. [F52O4] INFO: Detected 3 NAT services [F52O4] INFO: quic:// detected NAT type: Port restricted NAT [F52O4] INFO: quic:// resolved external address quic:// (via stun.syncthing.net:3478) [F52O4] INFO: Joined relay relay:// [F52O4] INFO: Connection to ISFCKAL-SGX3FDT-CH37BUV-VPJJIW4-S7BPHUO-4W7272R-GCOBOTP-5QHFJAS at closed: writing message: write tcp> write: broken pipe [F52O4] INFO: Established secure connection to ISFCKAL-SGX3FDT-CH37BUV-VPJJIW4-S7BPHUO-4W7272R-GCOBOTP-5QHFJAS at [F52O4] INFO: Device ISFCKAL-SGX3FDT-CH37BUV-VPJJIW4-S7BPHUO-4W7272R-GCOBOTP-5QHFJAS client is "syncthing v1.20.1" named "" at [F52O4] INFO: Connection to ISFCKAL-SGX3FDT-CH37BUV-VPJJIW4-S7BPHUO-4W7272R-GCOBOTP-5QHFJAS at closed: reading length: EOF [F52O4] INFO: Failed to exchange Hello messages with ISFCKAL-SGX3FDT-CH37BUV-VPJJIW4-S7BPHUO-4W7272R-GCOBOTP-5QHFJAS at [::]:22000- Application error 0x0: closing [F52O4] INFO: Ready to synchronize "Drive ZZZ" (crjns-ecfw3) (sendreceive) [F52O4] INFO: Restarted folder "Drive ZZZ" (crjns-ecfw3) (sendreceive) [F52O4] INFO: Ready to synchronize "Caméra" (fp3_vacg-photos) (sendreceive) [F52O4] INFO: Restarted folder "Caméra" (fp3_vacg-photos) (sendreceive) [F52O4] INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "Drive ZZZ" (crjns-ecfw3) [F52O4] INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "Caméra" (fp3_vacg-photos)