To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`. For more details, please visit SiCk-MBP:~ sick$ ssh pi@ pi@'s password: Linux raspberrypi 4.19.97-v7l+ #1294 SMP Thu Jan 30 13:21:14 GMT 2020 armv7l The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Last login: Sun May 31 23:46:32 2020 pi@raspberrypi:~ $ syncthing -upgrade-check 06:42:43 WARNING: Checking for upgrade: upgrade unsupported pi@raspberrypi:~ $ syncthing -update flag provided but not defined: -update Usage: syncthing [options] Options: -allow-newer-config Allow loading newer than current config version -audit Write events to audit file -auditfile="" Specify audit file (use "-" for stdout, "--" for stderr) -browser-only Open GUI in browser -config="" Set configuration directory (config and keys) -data="" Set data directory (database and logs) -device-id Show the device ID -generate="" Generate key and config in specified dir, then exit -gui-address="" Override GUI address (e.g. "") -gui-apikey="" Override GUI API key -help Show this help -home="" Set configuration and data directory -log-max-old-files="3" Number of old files to keep (zero to keep only current). -log-max-size="10485760" Maximum size of any file (zero to disable log rotation). -logfile="-" Log file name (see below). -logflags="2" Select information in log line prefix (see below) -no-browser Do not start browser -no-restart Do not restart Syncthing when exiting due to API/GUI command, upgrade, or crash -paths Show configuration paths -paused Start with all devices and folders paused -reset-database Reset the database, forcing a full rescan and resync -reset-deltas Reset delta index IDs, forcing a full index exchange -unpaused Start with all devices and folders unpaused -upgrade Perform upgrade -upgrade-check Check for available upgrade -upgrade-to="" Force upgrade directly from specified URL -verbose Print verbose log output -version Show version The -logflags value is a sum of the following: 1 Date 2 Time 4 Microsecond time 8 Long filename 16 Short filename I.e. to prefix each log line with date and time, set -logflags=3 (1 + 2 from above). The value 0 is used to disable all of the above. The default is to show time only (2). Logging always happens to the command line (stdout) and optionally to the file at the path specified by -logfile=path. In addition to an path, the special values "default" and "-" may be used. The former logs to DATADIR/syncthing.log (see -data-dir), which is the default on Windows, and the latter only to stdout, no file, which is the default anywhere else. Development Settings -------------------- The following environment variables modify Syncthing's behavior in ways that are mostly useful for developers. Use with care. STNODEFAULTFOLDER Don't create a default folder when starting for the first time. This variable will be ignored anytime after the first run. STGUIASSETS Directory to load GUI assets from. Overrides compiled in assets. STTRACE A comma separated string of facilities to trace. The valid facility strings listed below. STPROFILER Set to a listen address such as "" to start the profiler with HTTP access. STCPUPROFILE Write a CPU profile to cpu-$pid.pprof on exit. STHEAPPROFILE Write heap profiles to heap-$pid-$timestamp.pprof each time heap usage increases. STBLOCKPROFILE Write block profiles to block-$pid-$timestamp.pprof every 20 seconds. STPERFSTATS Write running performance statistics to perf-$pid.csv. Not supported on Windows. STDEADLOCKTIMEOUT Used for debugging internal deadlocks; sets debug sensitivity. Use only under direction of a developer. STLOCKTHRESHOLD Used for debugging internal deadlocks; sets debug sensitivity. Use only under direction of a developer. STNORESTART Equivalent to the -no-restart argument. STNOUPGRADE Disable automatic upgrades. STHASHING Select the SHA256 hashing package to use. Possible values are "standard" for the Go standard library implementation, "minio" for the implementation, and blank (the default) for auto detection. STRECHECKDBEVERY Set to a time interval to override the default database check interval of 30 days (720h). The interval understands "h", "m" and "s" abbreviations for hours minutes and seconds. Valid values are like "720h", "30s", etc. STGCINDIRECTEVERY Set to a time interval to override the default database indirection GC interval of 13 hours. Same format as the STRECHECKDBEVERY variable. GOMAXPROCS Set the maximum number of CPU cores to use. Defaults to all available CPU cores. GOGC Percentage of heap growth at which to trigger GC. Default is 100. Lower numbers keep peak memory usage down, at the price of CPU usage (i.e. performance). Debugging Facilities -------------------- The following are valid values for the STTRACE variable: api - REST API app - Main run facility backend - The database backend beacon - Multicast and broadcast discovery config - Configuration loading and saving connections - Connection handling db - The database layer dialer - Dialing connections discover - Remote device discovery events - Event generation and logging fs - Filesystem access main - Main package model - The root hub nat - NAT discovery and port mapping pmp - NAT-PMP discovery and port mapping protocol - The BEP protocol relay - scanner - File change detection and hashing sha256 - SHA256 hashing package stats - Persistent device and folder statistics stun - STUN functionality sync - Mutexes upgrade - Binary upgrades upnp - UPnP discovery and port mapping ur - Usage reporting versioner - File versioning walkfs - Filesystem access while walking watchaggregator - Filesystem event watcher pi@raspberrypi:~ $ syncthing -upgrade 06:42:55 WARNING: Upgrade: upgrade unsupported pi@raspberrypi:~ $ syncthing [start] 06:43:01 INFO: syncthing v1.6.0-rc.4 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.2 linux-arm) 2020-05-16 21:06:25 UTC [L6CNM] 06:43:02 INFO: My ID: L6CNM7T-HZIPRFQ-J5L7GEK-N63VF3R-Z2E5RG4-XQVCOKI-FXKDS2E-HEYXUQ6 [L6CNM] 06:43:02 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 45 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (45 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: Hashing performance is 41.14 MB/s [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: Starting deadlock detector with 20m0s timeout [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: Anonymous usage reporting is always enabled for candidate releases. [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: GUI and API listening on [::]:8384 [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: My name is "RasPi4" [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: Device SZPU7RL-JLPVCKY-NJA6WQJ-5QCIDCF-JSQG6US-WOVZOD7-MMINXJX-OIRSBA7 is "RAID" at [dynamic] [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL is "DS918plus" at [dynamic] [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: Cleaned away old file panic-20200531-192345.reported.log [L6CNM] 06:43:03 INFO: Cleaned away old file config.xml.v29 [L6CNM] 06:43:04 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 06:43:04 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 06:43:14 INFO: New NAT port mapping: external TCP address to local address [L6CNM] 06:43:14 INFO: Detected 3 NAT services [L6CNM] 06:43:22 INFO: quic:// detected NAT type: Port restricted NAT [L6CNM] 06:43:22 INFO: quic:// resolved external address quic:// (via [L6CNM] 06:52:58 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: reading length: read tcp> use of closed network connection [L6CNM] 06:52:58 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) shutting down [L6CNM] 06:52:58 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) shutting down [L6CNM] 06:53:18 WARNING: Database failed to stop within 10s [L6CNM] 06:53:18 INFO: Exiting pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo syncthing -upgrade 06:53:19 WARNING: Upgrade: upgrade unsupported pi@raspberrypi:~ $ 512bitpcAdminP17. -bash: 512bitpcAdminP17.: Kommando nicht gefunden. pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo syncthing -upgrade 06:53:32 WARNING: Upgrade: upgrade unsupported pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo syncthing -upgrade 06:55:01 WARNING: Upgrade: upgrade unsupported pi@raspberrypi:~ $ syncthing [start] 06:55:11 INFO: syncthing v1.6.0-rc.4 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.2 linux-arm) 2020-05-16 21:06:25 UTC [L6CNM] 06:55:12 INFO: My ID: L6CNM7T-HZIPRFQ-J5L7GEK-N63VF3R-Z2E5RG4-XQVCOKI-FXKDS2E-HEYXUQ6 [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 45 MB/s using crypto/sha256 (45 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd). [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: Hashing performance is 41.09 MB/s [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: Starting deadlock detector with 20m0s timeout [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: Anonymous usage reporting is always enabled for candidate releases. [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: GUI and API listening on [::]:8384 [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: My name is "RasPi4" [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: Device SZPU7RL-JLPVCKY-NJA6WQJ-5QCIDCF-JSQG6US-WOVZOD7-MMINXJX-OIRSBA7 is "RAID" at [dynamic] [L6CNM] 06:55:13 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL is "DS918plus" at [dynamic] [L6CNM] 06:55:15 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 06:55:15 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 06:55:25 INFO: New NAT port mapping: external TCP address to local address [L6CNM] 06:55:25 INFO: Detected 3 NAT services [L6CNM] 06:55:33 INFO: quic:// detected NAT type: Port restricted NAT [L6CNM] 06:55:33 INFO: quic:// resolved external address quic:// (via [L6CNM] 07:25:17 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [L6CNM] 09:15:16 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: reading length: read tcp> use of closed network connection [L6CNM] 09:15:16 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) shutting down [L6CNM] 09:15:16 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) shutting down [L6CNM] 09:15:16 INFO: Exiting pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get update Holen:1 buster InRelease [15,0 kB] Holen:2 buster InRelease [32,6 kB] Holen:3 syncthing InRelease [15,1 kB] Holen:4 buster/main armhf Packages [13,0 MB] Holen:5 syncthing/release armhf Packages [1.895 B] Holen:6 syncthing/candidate armhf Packages [2.511 B] Holen:7 buster/main armhf Packages [330 kB] Holen:8 buster/non-free armhf Packages [104 kB] Es wurden 13,5 MB in 7 s geholt (1.861 kB/s). Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get install syncthing Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut. Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig Das folgende Paket wurde automatisch installiert und wird nicht mehr benötigt: libmicrodns0 Verwenden Sie »sudo apt autoremove«, um es zu entfernen. Die folgenden Pakete werden aktualisiert (Upgrade): syncthing 1 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 105 nicht aktualisiert. Es müssen 10,3 MB an Archiven heruntergeladen werden. Nach dieser Operation werden 1.380 kB Plattenplatz zusätzlich benutzt. Holen:1 syncthing/release armhf syncthing armhf 1.7.0 [10,3 MB] Es wurden 10,3 MB in 1 s geholt (10,2 MB/s). Changelogs werden gelesen... Fertig (Lese Datenbank ... 159662 Dateien und Verzeichnisse sind derzeit installiert.) Vorbereitung zum Entpacken von .../syncthing_1.7.0_armhf.deb ... Entpacken von syncthing (1.7.0) über (1.6.0~rc.4) ... syncthing (1.7.0) wird eingerichtet ... Trigger für mime-support (3.62) werden verarbeitet ... Trigger für hicolor-icon-theme (0.17-2) werden verarbeitet ... Trigger für gnome-menus (3.31.4-3) werden verarbeitet ... Trigger für man-db (2.8.5-2) werden verarbeitet ... Trigger für desktop-file-utils (0.23-4) werden verarbeitet ... pi@raspberrypi:~ $ syncthing [start] 09:16:56 INFO: syncthing v1.7.0 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 linux-arm) 2020-06-08 06:29:55 UTC [start] 09:16:56 INFO: Archiving a copy of old config file format at: /home/pi/.config/syncthing/config.xml.v30 [L6CNM] 09:16:56 INFO: My ID: L6CNM7T-HZIPRFQ-J5L7GEK-N63VF3R-Z2E5RG4-XQVCOKI-FXKDS2E-HEYXUQ6 [L6CNM] 09:16:57 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 45 MB/s using crypto/sha256 (45 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd). [L6CNM] 09:16:58 INFO: Hashing performance is 41.06 MB/s [L6CNM] 09:16:58 INFO: Migrating database to schema version 13... [L6CNM] 09:31:37 INFO: Compacting database after migration... [L6CNM] 09:52:47 INFO: Detected upgrade from v1.6.0-rc.4 to v1.7.0 [L6CNM] 09:52:47 INFO: Checking db due to upgrade - this may take a while... [L6CNM] 10:06:08 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [L6CNM] 10:06:08 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 10:06:08 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 10:06:08 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 10:06:08 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [L6CNM] 10:06:08 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [L6CNM] 10:06:08 INFO: GUI and API listening on [::]:8384 [L6CNM] 10:06:08 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: [L6CNM] 10:06:08 INFO: My name is "RasPi4" [L6CNM] 10:06:08 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL is "DS918plus" at [dynamic] [L6CNM] 10:06:08 INFO: Device SZPU7RL-JLPVCKY-NJA6WQJ-5QCIDCF-JSQG6US-WOVZOD7-MMINXJX-OIRSBA7 is "RAID" at [dynamic] [L6CNM] 10:06:09 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 10:06:09 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 10:06:19 INFO: New NAT port mapping: external TCP address to local address [L6CNM] 10:06:19 INFO: Detected 3 NAT services [L6CNM] 10:06:27 INFO: quic:// detected NAT type: Port restricted NAT [L6CNM] 10:06:27 INFO: quic:// resolved external address quic:// (via [L6CNM] 10:33:19 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: unpausing folder "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) [L6CNM] 10:33:19 INFO: Ready to synchronize "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 10:33:19 INFO: Unpaused folder "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 10:34:02 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 10:34:02 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 10:34:02 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL folder "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) has a new index ID (0x27887EA91A359E7E) [L6CNM] 10:36:10 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [L6CNM] 10:44:52 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "99nq4-kfrtw" is out of date after crash; recalculating [L6CNM] 10:44:56 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: reading length: read tcp> use of closed network connection [L6CNM] 10:44:56 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 10:44:56 INFO: Unpaused folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 10:44:56 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 10:44:56 INFO: Unpaused folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 10:44:56 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 10:44:56 INFO: Unpaused folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 10:44:56 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "yxpju-quzdp" is out of date after crash; recalculating [L6CNM] 10:45:00 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [L6CNM] 10:45:02 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) [L6CNM] 10:45:05 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [L6CNM] 10:45:13 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 10:45:13 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 10:45:13 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) has a new index ID (0x7F2259E309C8E672) [L6CNM] 10:45:16 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) has a new index ID (0x2E3DE263FD3F7FB9) [L6CNM] 10:47:01 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [L6CNM] 10:50:36 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) has a new index ID (0x18A9B41C027C2A4D) [L6CNM] 10:50:36 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 10:50:36 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 10:50:50 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 10:50:50 INFO: Unpaused folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 10:50:50 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (sendreceive) [L6CNM] 10:50:50 INFO: Unpaused folder "o" (792we-gdmch) (sendreceive) [L6CNM] 10:50:52 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 10:50:52 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 10:50:52 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL folder "o" (792we-gdmch) has a new index ID (0x2DDA56EBB47C950E) [L6CNM] 10:59:52 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) is delta index compatible, but seems out of sync with reality [L6CNM] 10:59:52 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) has a new index ID (0xF8D80651A4F6B5ED) [L6CNM] 11:01:17 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: read timeout [L6CNM] 11:01:23 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:01:23 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:01:23 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) is delta index compatible, but seems out of sync with reality [L6CNM] 11:02:38 INFO: Puller (folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp), item "s.wagner/20191231.O2k7.Arch.SWagner.Server.pst"): pull: no such file [L6CNM] 11:03:00 INFO: Puller (folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp), item "s.wagner/20171231.O2k7.Arch.SWagner.Server.pst"): pull: no such file [L6CNM] 11:06:20 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [L6CNM] 11:12:04 INFO: "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp): Failed to sync 1 items [L6CNM] 11:12:04 INFO: Folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 10m33s. [L6CNM] 11:15:19 INFO: Puller (folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp), item "s.wagner/20191231.O2k7.Arch.SWagner.Server.pst"): pull: no such file [L6CNM] 11:20:23 INFO: Puller (folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp), item "s.wagner/20191231.O2k7.Arch.SWagner.Server.pst"): pull: no such file [L6CNM] 11:26:04 INFO: "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp): Failed to sync 1 items [L6CNM] 11:26:04 INFO: Folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 10m15s. [L6CNM] 11:32:42 INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [L6CNM] 11:41:26 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: folder is paused [L6CNM] 11:41:26 INFO: Paused folder "o" (792we-gdmch) (sendreceive) [L6CNM] 11:41:34 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "792we-gdmch" is 442881h41m34.614355917s old; recalculating [L6CNM] 11:42:22 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:42:22 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:42:22 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) is delta index compatible, but seems out of sync with reality [L6CNM] 11:42:22 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) is delta index compatible, but seems out of sync with reality panic: database is closed [monitor] 11:42:22 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "/home/pi/.config/syncthing/panic-20200710-114222.log" [monitor] 11:42:22 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at [monitor] 11:42:22 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 11:42:22 INFO: Reporting crash found in panic-20200710-114222.log (report ID 020bd559) ... [monitor] 11:42:23 INFO: Syncthing exited: exit status 2 [start] 11:42:24 INFO: syncthing v1.7.0 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 linux-arm) 2020-06-08 06:29:55 UTC [L6CNM] 11:42:27 INFO: My ID: L6CNM7T-HZIPRFQ-J5L7GEK-N63VF3R-Z2E5RG4-XQVCOKI-FXKDS2E-HEYXUQ6 [L6CNM] 11:42:28 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 45 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (45 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [L6CNM] 11:42:28 INFO: Hashing performance is 41.11 MB/s [L6CNM] 11:42:28 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [L6CNM] 11:42:28 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 11:42:28 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 11:42:28 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 11:42:28 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [L6CNM] 11:42:28 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [L6CNM] 11:42:28 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "gszzh-qrado" is 442881h42m28.841146059s old; recalculating [L6CNM] 11:42:29 INFO: GUI and API listening on [::]:8384 [L6CNM] 11:42:29 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: [L6CNM] 11:42:29 INFO: My name is "RasPi4" [L6CNM] 11:42:29 INFO: Device SZPU7RL-JLPVCKY-NJA6WQJ-5QCIDCF-JSQG6US-WOVZOD7-MMINXJX-OIRSBA7 is "RAID" at [dynamic] [L6CNM] 11:42:29 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL is "DS918plus" at [dynamic] [L6CNM] 11:42:30 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:42:30 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:42:30 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: reading length: EOF [L6CNM] 11:42:40 INFO: New NAT port mapping: external TCP address to local address [L6CNM] 11:42:40 INFO: Detected 3 NAT services [L6CNM] 11:42:48 INFO: quic:// detected NAT type: Port restricted NAT [L6CNM] 11:42:48 INFO: quic:// resolved external address quic:// (via [L6CNM] 11:43:25 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:43:25 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:44:38 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "6kjum-vumxf" [L6CNM] 11:44:38 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 6kjum-vumxf: no such folder [L6CNM] 11:45:01 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:45:01 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:45:51 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "99nq4-kfrtw" [L6CNM] 11:45:51 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 99nq4-kfrtw: no such folder [L6CNM] 11:46:01 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:46:01 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:46:02 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "99nq4-kfrtw" [L6CNM] 11:46:02 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 99nq4-kfrtw: no such folder [L6CNM] 11:46:34 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:46:34 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:46:34 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "sxtpn-rdyfp" [L6CNM] 11:46:34 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: sxtpn-rdyfp: no such folder [L6CNM] 11:46:56 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 11:46:56 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "sxtpn-rdyfp" is 442881h46m56.112295508s old; recalculating [L6CNM] 11:47:02 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:47:02 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:47:02 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "99nq4-kfrtw" [L6CNM] 11:47:02 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 99nq4-kfrtw: no such folder [L6CNM] 11:47:05 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 11:47:05 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "yxpju-quzdp" is out of date after crash; recalculating [L6CNM] 11:48:03 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:48:03 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:48:13 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "99nq4-kfrtw" [L6CNM] 11:48:13 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 99nq4-kfrtw: no such folder [L6CNM] 11:49:03 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:49:03 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:49:14 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 11:49:14 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 11:49:54 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 11:49:54 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "6kjum-vumxf" is 442881h49m54.033554446s old; recalculating [L6CNM] 11:50:04 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:50:04 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:50:14 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "99nq4-kfrtw" [L6CNM] 11:50:14 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 99nq4-kfrtw: no such folder [L6CNM] 11:51:04 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:51:04 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:51:14 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "99nq4-kfrtw" [L6CNM] 11:51:14 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 99nq4-kfrtw: no such folder [L6CNM] 11:52:04 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:52:04 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:52:15 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 11:52:15 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 11:53:05 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:53:05 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:53:11 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: started folder "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) [L6CNM] 11:53:11 INFO: Ready to synchronize "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 11:53:11 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "99nq4-kfrtw" is out of date after crash; recalculating [L6CNM] 11:53:14 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 11:53:18 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [L6CNM] 11:53:39 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [L6CNM] 11:53:55 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 11:53:55 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 11:57:01 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [L6CNM] 12:02:04 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: read timeout [L6CNM] 12:02:09 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:02:09 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:02:09 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) is delta index compatible, but seems out of sync with reality [L6CNM] 12:02:10 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:02:10 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:02:20 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:02:20 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:02:20 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) is delta index compatible, but seems out of sync with reality [L6CNM] 12:02:20 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:02:20 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:03:09 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:03:09 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:03:09 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) is delta index compatible, but seems out of sync with reality [L6CNM] 12:03:13 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:03:13 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:03:23 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:03:23 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:03:23 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:03:23 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:04:10 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:04:10 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:04:10 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:04:10 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:04:26 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:04:26 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:04:26 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:04:26 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:05:10 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:05:10 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:05:10 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:05:10 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:05:30 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:05:30 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:05:30 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:05:30 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:06:11 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:06:11 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:06:11 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:06:11 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:06:29 INFO: Pausing SZPU7RL-JLPVCKY-NJA6WQJ-5QCIDCF-JSQG6US-WOVZOD7-MMINXJX-OIRSBA7 [L6CNM] 12:06:29 INFO: Pausing 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL [L6CNM] 12:06:29 INFO: Pausing L6CNM7T-HZIPRFQ-J5L7GEK-N63VF3R-Z2E5RG4-XQVCOKI-FXKDS2E-HEYXUQ6 [L6CNM] 12:06:33 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:06:33 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:06:33 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:06:33 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:07:11 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:07:11 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:07:12 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:07:12 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:07:36 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:07:36 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:07:36 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:07:36 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:08:12 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:08:12 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:08:12 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:08:12 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:08:37 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) [L6CNM] 12:08:39 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:08:39 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:08:40 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:08:40 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:09:12 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:09:12 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:09:12 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:09:12 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:09:43 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:09:43 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:09:43 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:09:43 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:09:45 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [L6CNM] 12:10:13 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:10:13 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:10:13 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:10:13 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:11:13 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:11:13 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:11:13 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:11:13 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:12:14 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:12:14 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:12:15 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:12:15 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:12:30 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [L6CNM] 12:12:52 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:12:52 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:12:53 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:12:53 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:13:15 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:13:15 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:13:15 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:13:15 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:14:15 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:14:15 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:14:25 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:14:25 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:15:16 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:15:16 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:15:26 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:15:26 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:16:16 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:16:16 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:16:17 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:16:17 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:17:17 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:17:17 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:17:27 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:17:27 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:18:17 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:18:17 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:18:28 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:18:28 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:19:18 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:19:18 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:19:28 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:19:28 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:20:18 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:20:18 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:20:29 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:20:29 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:21:19 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:21:19 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:21:29 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:21:29 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:22:20 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:22:20 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:22:20 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:22:20 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:23:20 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:23:20 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:23:30 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:23:30 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:24:21 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:24:21 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:24:21 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:24:21 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:25:21 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:25:21 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:25:21 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:25:21 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:26:22 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:26:22 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:26:22 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:26:22 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:27:23 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:27:23 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:27:23 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:27:23 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:28:23 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:28:23 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:28:33 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:28:33 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:29:24 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:29:24 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:29:34 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:29:34 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:30:24 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:30:24 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:30:34 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:30:34 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:31:25 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:31:25 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:31:35 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:31:35 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:31:47 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:31:47 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:31:47 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:31:47 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:32:25 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:32:25 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:32:36 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:32:36 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:33:26 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:33:26 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:33:27 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:33:27 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:34:26 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:34:26 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:34:37 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:34:37 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:35:27 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:35:27 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:35:38 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:35:38 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:36:27 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:36:27 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:36:38 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:36:38 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:37:28 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:37:28 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:37:38 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:37:38 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:38:29 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:38:29 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:38:40 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:38:40 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:39:29 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:39:29 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:39:30 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:39:30 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:40:30 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:40:30 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:40:30 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:40:30 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:41:30 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:41:30 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:41:41 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:41:41 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:42:32 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:42:32 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:42:32 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:42:32 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:43:32 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:43:32 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:43:32 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:43:32 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:44:33 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:44:33 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:44:33 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:44:33 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:45:33 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:45:33 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:45:43 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:45:43 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:46:34 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:46:34 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:46:44 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:46:44 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:47:34 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:47:34 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:47:45 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:47:45 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:48:35 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:48:35 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:48:45 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:48:45 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-05-29.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/OAO Velikoluksky Meat Combine.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/Dolgi.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrKudToSchw_Info date install scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Приложение С. Инженерно-топографический план.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToPolk_Drafts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/veliki mjasokombinat logo.png"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200604eMPeregToFrPolkovn_Drafts Rokos-Agro.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200623eFrToGuentner_Info Delivery date.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Corresp ACR RE 2005-02/200622eToPereg_Info Parker Quote.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Contract RP 1502-03-2/приложение №1 02-06-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200612.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200619eFrKudToSchw_Claim installed scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200610eFrKudToSchw_Info installed scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/АР ЗПП.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Helukabel/IMG_3576.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200608eFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr ACR/200615eToFrKondr_Revised Quote spare parts.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200528 SF 2002-01 Calc Rosoma.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200610 WhatsApp Lemeshev.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200226eToFrToFrToFrToSchaffner_RP 1502-03-2 Quest Bank.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200603eFrGuentner_Delivery avis.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение2 2020-05-29.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToLutch_Quest date install scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Calculation RP 1502-03-2/200616_Overview price split for App.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 5.4.7 ИТП (Тепловые насосы) (Автомат. Электроснаб.).pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200603eMPeregToPolkovn_Drafts Rokos-Agro.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Banks/HypoVereinsbank/200616LToHVB_AenderDA_EVH.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200615.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/ТЗК Мытищи 42А.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Helukabel/IMG_4688.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200605eToFrToFrToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616 ACU-Debts ToACGermany.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200609eToFrNeukirch_Quest new delivery date.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToFrGross_Quest LC Opened.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A4 e_200604.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200622LToStBuero_KurzarbeitsStundenImJuni.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/ПД-11-12-17-А-КР.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Contract RP 1502-03-2/RP 1502-03-2 Speci Detailed_200602.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200619eFrKudToSchw_List problems installed scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Helukabel/IMG_4689.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200608eFrToFrToFrGross_Quest LC Opened.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200527eToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToPolk_QuestDrafts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/Kundenavis_FV1097445.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04 +Fotos_200608.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/Проект стадия П Договор Прил 2 05-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200612eToFrSveta_Difference_PaymentDebts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P07 Mundt -Texaco RP 1502-03-2/Contract RP 1502-03-2_P07/200608eToFrSommer_Orderconfirm 293795.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-03.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200226eToFrToFrToFrToSchaffner_RP 1502-03-2 Quest Bank.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/Проект стадия П Договор 05-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200506eToFrToToFrLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Приложение №3 Лист 2-4 План ХКЦ.PDF"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrToGross_QuestShipm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Supplier RE 2005-02/GEA AWP RE 2005-02/200622eToGrossr_Inqu valves with actuator -40C.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_Drafts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Helukabel/IMG_4687.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Calculation RP 1502-03-2/200602_Overview price split for App.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Banks/HypoVereinsbank/Kontaktdaten Trade Finance UniCredit Bank AG.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-19.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrToGross_QuestShipm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Компрессорная АР.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/HKP0000024643_1-HELUKABEL Rechnung 0090676748.SW.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200609eFrToFrNeukirch_Answ Quest new delivery date.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/ТЗ на картонфризер доп 22 04 2020.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200603eToFrToSchaffner_LC received.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Supplier RE 2005-02/GEA AWP RE 2005-02/200622eFrGrossr_Offer 3 valves with actuator.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200615_Test.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200402eToFrToToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №1 28-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0226180.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/GFX/Print.Stempel (rund)/ACR Stamp.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200512.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToPolk_Drafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200506eToFrToToFrLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200423eFrPolk_RequEngineering.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200604eMPeregToFrPolkovn_Drafts Rokos-Agro.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrGross_QuestShipm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/Übersicht Lieferungen Projekt RP 1502-03-2.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200603eToFrToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Deutsche Bank RP 1502-03-2/200527 Akkreditiv No. 162KDBIM200526.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToFrGross_Quest LC Opened.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Приложение №3 Лист 1-4 План ПК.PDF"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200409eToSchmeichel_Project Mytishchi.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200608.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Приложение №3 Лист 4-4 План ХКЦ.PDF"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Helukabel/IMG_4690.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200603eMPeregToPolkovn_Drafts Rokos-Agro.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200608eToSchaffner_LC received.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200514eToFrToToFrToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime_References.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/plot.log"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200608eFrToFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-19_OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200527eToFrSchaffner_LC received.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P07 Mundt -Texaco RP 1502-03-2/Contract RP 1502-03-2_P07/200608eToSommer_Reminder Order RP 1502-03-2_P07.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200623eFrToGuentner_Packing list.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200602eFrToSveta_PaymentOfDebts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Deutsche Bank RP 1502-03-2/200604_Anschreiben zu Akkreditiv.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-03_OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-05-29_OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/GFX/Print.Stempel (rund)/ACR stempel.psd"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/GFX/Print.Stempel (rund)/ACR stempel 2.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200612.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200527eFrGross_LC Opened.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Banks/HypoVereinsbank/200616LToUniCredit_AendDA_EVH .pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/B4-1-011- помещение для CarFreez.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Velikie_Luki_COA_(Pskov_Governorate).png"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/Übersicht Lieferungen Projekt RP 1502-03-2.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrToKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eToSveta_Proposal PaymDepts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToPolk_Drafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №3 28-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Заключ. о возм. использ. - Мытищи, Олимпийский пр-т 42, инв. № 0760, лит. А.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A5 e_200604.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200615_Test.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0226782.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200610.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/Kundenavis_FV1097445 ALFA.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr JCI/200615 Quote 324465 JCI.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200405eFrSizykh_Project Mytishchi.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/200611eFrSteuerbüro_Anpassung der Umsatzsteuersätze.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/! Archiv/Contracts 2004/AC Quotations-Contracts_2004.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Quote SP 2003-01/SP 2003-01 A1 re_200615 Rev.1.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/200505eFrKirsan_Drafts Rokos-Agro.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrLutchToSchw_Answ date install scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200527eFrGross_LC Opened.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Banks/HypoVereinsbank/200605 Flyer Central Sales.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200605eToFrToFrToSchaffner_LC received.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200605eFrSchwToLutch_Quest install SICK scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200609_Depts SP 1501-03.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 5.7.1 ТХ.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Приложение №3 Лист 3-4 План ХКЦ.PDF"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200608eToWagner_Overview Delieveries.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200608eFrToFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Calculation SP 2003-01/2000615_Calculation SP 2003-01_3.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/BF 2002-01/Quotation BF 2002-01/200327eToFrPolk_Quot BF 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery App. 11 -13/200602eFrLutchToSchw_Info delivery status.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A2 e_200604.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200603eToFrToFrSchaffner_LC received.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/! Archiv/Contracts 2008/AC Quotations-Contracts_2008.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eToSveta_Proposal PaymDepts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 2 ПЗУ.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/BF 2002-01/Quotation BF 2002-01/200327eToFrPolk_Quot BF 2002-01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Corresp ACR RE 2005-02/200622eToFrPereg_New Offer GEA AWP valves.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200514eToFrToToFrToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime_References.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/HKP0000024644_1-HELUKABEL Rechnung 0090676749.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_QuestDrafts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToPolk_Contr_SignACR.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A3 e_200604.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Реконструкция Мытищи.zip"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Calculation RP 1502-03-2/200616_Overview price split for App_EW.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToPolk_QuestDrafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/инжиниринг ХС.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/ДОГОВОР ИНЖИНИРИНГ АЛЬФАКОНТРАКТИНГ.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/Kopie von Книга1.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 3 АР.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Calculation RE 2005-02/200622_Calculation RE 2005-02.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr ACR/200615eFrKondr_Revised Inqu spare parts.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/! Archiv/Contracts 2007/AC Quotations-Contracts_2007.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200405eFrSizykh_Project Mytishchi.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200609eFrNeukirch_Info new delivery date.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/Договор и Приложения.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/B4-1-011- помещение для CarFreez ACAD 2013.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200501 Skype Oleg Polkovnikov.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToKud_Answ Info date install scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200602eFrToSveta_PaymentOfDebts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-06-19_OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/Проект стадия П Договор Прил 1 05-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToPolk_Drafts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrPolk_Drafts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200615_Test.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/12_2017_ИГДИ.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200612eToFrSveta_Difference_PaymentDebts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200423eFrPolk_RequEngineering.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eFrToSveta_Proposal PaymentDepts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/ГПЗУ.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Corresp ACR RE 2005-02/200622eFrPereg_New Inqu GEA AWP valves.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200608eToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200608eFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrGross_QuestShipm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Banks/HypoVereinsbank/~$0616LToHVB_AenderDA_EVH.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200623eToGuentner_Delivery avis filled.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToPolk_Contr_SignACR.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Helukabel/IMG_4691.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200608.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200605eToRott AW INQUIRY SF 2002-01.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №2 28-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-06-19.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrKondratToEH_RequDocs_SplitPrice.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200619eFrSchwToKud_Info finish installed scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200519eToAlcoINQUIRY SF 2002-01.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/AC MainReferences r_200514 Sign.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200527eToSchaffner_LC received.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P07 Mundt -Texaco RP 1502-03-2/200617eFrSuch_CoO and data sheets ru.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_QuestDrafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/LC 162KDBIM200526.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:08 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 210 items [L6CNM] 12:49:08 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 1m22s. [L6CNM] 12:49:35 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:49:35 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Приложение С. Инженерно-топографический план.dwg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/200611eFrSteuerbüro_Anpassung der Umsatzsteuersätze.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200609eFrNeukirch_Info new delivery date.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/200505eFrKirsan_Drafts Rokos-Agro.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200528 SF 2002-01 Calc Rosoma.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eToSveta_Proposal PaymDepts.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №3 28-05-2020.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P07 Mundt -Texaco RP 1502-03-2/Contract RP 1502-03-2_P07/200608eToSommer_Reminder Order RP 1502-03-2_P07.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToPolk_Drafts.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200610 WhatsApp Lemeshev.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200602eFrToSveta_PaymentOfDebts.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrToKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Приложение №3 Лист 4-4 План ХКЦ.PDF"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrToKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P07 Mundt -Texaco RP 1502-03-2/Contract RP 1502-03-2_P07/200608eToSommer_Reminder Order RP 1502-03-2_P07.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/200611eFrSteuerbüro_Anpassung der Umsatzsteuersätze.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200528 SF 2002-01 Calc Rosoma.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200609eFrNeukirch_Info new delivery date.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Приложение №3 Лист 4-4 План ХКЦ.PDF"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200602eFrToSveta_PaymentOfDebts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eToSveta_Proposal PaymDepts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/200505eFrKirsan_Drafts Rokos-Agro.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToPolk_Drafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Приложение С. Инженерно-топографический план.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200610 WhatsApp Lemeshev.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №3 28-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 210 items [L6CNM] 12:49:36 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 1m0s. [L6CNM] 12:50:36 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:50:36 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A2 e_200604.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200527eToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToKud_Answ Info date install scanner.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eFrToSveta_Proposal PaymentDepts.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200605eToFrToFrToSchaffner_LC received.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Calculation RP 1502-03-2/200616_Overview price split for App_EW.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eToSveta_Proposal PaymDepts.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eToSveta_Proposal PaymDepts.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/Kopie von Книга1.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToFrGross_Quest LC Opened.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Banks/HypoVereinsbank/200605 Flyer Central Sales.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eFrToSveta_Proposal PaymentDepts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/Kopie von Книга1.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Banks/HypoVereinsbank/200605 Flyer Central Sales.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200605eToFrToFrToSchaffner_LC received.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A2 e_200604.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200527eToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToKud_Answ Info date install scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eToSveta_Proposal PaymDepts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Calculation RP 1502-03-2/200616_Overview price split for App_EW.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eToSveta_Proposal PaymDepts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToFrGross_Quest LC Opened.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:38 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 209 items [L6CNM] 12:50:38 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 1m0s. [L6CNM] 12:50:38 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 209 items [L6CNM] 12:50:38 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 12:50:41 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:50:41 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/Договор и Приложения.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/B4-1-011- помещение для CarFreez.dwg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P07 Mundt -Texaco RP 1502-03-2/Contract RP 1502-03-2_P07/200608eToFrSommer_Orderconfirm 293795.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200608eFrToFrToFrGross_Quest LC Opened.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Calculation RP 1502-03-2/200616_Overview price split for App.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Calculation RE 2005-02/200622_Calculation RE 2005-02.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200615_Test.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200501 Skype Oleg Polkovnikov.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Contract RP 1502-03-2/приложение №1 02-06-2020.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/B4-1-011- помещение для CarFreez.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P07 Mundt -Texaco RP 1502-03-2/Contract RP 1502-03-2_P07/200608eToFrSommer_Orderconfirm 293795.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/Договор и Приложения.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Calculation RE 2005-02/200622_Calculation RE 2005-02.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200615_Test.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200501 Skype Oleg Polkovnikov.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200608eFrToFrToFrGross_Quest LC Opened.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Calculation RP 1502-03-2/200616_Overview price split for App.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Contract RP 1502-03-2/приложение №1 02-06-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 209 items [L6CNM] 12:50:42 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 12:51:36 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:51:36 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200619eFrSchwToKud_Info finish installed scanner.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 5.7.1 ТХ.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToPolk_QuestDrafts.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-03_OP.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200514eToFrToToFrToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime_References.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToPolk_QuestDrafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200619eFrSchwToKud_Info finish installed scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-03_OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 5.7.1 ТХ.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200514eToFrToToFrToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime_References.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 209 items [L6CNM] 12:51:37 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 12:52:37 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:52:37 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/ТЗ на картонфризер доп 22 04 2020.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/АР ЗПП.dwg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200608eFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200605eToFrToFrToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200615.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200501 Skype Oleg Polkovnikov.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/HKP0000024644_1-HELUKABEL Rechnung 0090676749.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200615_Test.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Calculation SP 2003-01/2000615_Calculation SP 2003-01_3.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200602eFrToSveta_PaymentOfDebts.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/Проект стадия П Договор 05-05-2020.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200623eFrToGuentner_Packing list.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/LC 162KDBIM200526.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200605eFrSchwToLutch_Quest install SICK scanner.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04 +Fotos_200608.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200605eToFrToFrToSchaffner_LC received.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Приложение С. Инженерно-топографический план.dwg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrGross_QuestShipm.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Corresp ACR RE 2005-02/200622eToPereg_Info Parker Quote.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200623eFrToGuentner_Info Delivery date.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrToKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200608eFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToPolk_Contr_SignACR.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A3 e_200604.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200514eToFrToToFrToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime_References.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200528 SF 2002-01 Calc Rosoma.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200604eMPeregToFrPolkovn_Drafts Rokos-Agro.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/ДОГОВОР ИНЖИНИРИНГ АЛЬФАКОНТРАКТИНГ.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/Проект стадия П Договор 05-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/ECO_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HRP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200616 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/GFX/AAT DVD/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.IFO"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg BF 1802-01/Draft of Equipment delivery cont _FCA_16.09.27.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Myasoptitsekombinat Blagodarnenskij.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200624eToFrKink_InfoInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04 A1_E_200628.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04 A1_E_200628.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/ZAO Stavropolskij Broiler.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eFrFinsterwalder_ConfirmTransportOrder_Berga.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Corresp ACR BF 2007-01/200703eToKondrat_BF 2007-01 - TT.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200707eToTirole_ Quest for original signed drawings vessels.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625163533_0001.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a_2.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200628.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor belt made from Stainless Steel (ARB Sortation line to box buffer ).JPG"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToPolk_Contr_SignACR.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HR_HS_HR_SK_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/BF 2002-01/Quotation BF 2002-01/200531eToFrPolk_Quot BF 2002-01-3.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626_Short.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/200707eFrFedyus_Info readiness for transport.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Calculation SP 2003-01/2000615_Calculation SP 2003-01_3.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2007-01_200703.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor belt made from Stainless Steel_2.JPG"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Pos 2 250VL-HE.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr ACR/200626eFrUsanow Inqu Gasket set for GSV-185.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200602eFrToSveta_PaymentOfDebts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_AAT.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a_3.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/200623eToZhukFrToKazants_RequQuot_Inqu RP 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor belt made from Stainless Steel_4.JPG"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Pos 2 250VL-HE_EW.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/ДОГОВОР ИНЖИНИРИНГ АЛЬФАКОНТРАКТИНГ_200616 OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Photos_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/Vessels SO 95732/suction strainers/Drawing SSD350 EY-SS-EAF.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Heat load calc freezer BF 2001-04_200626.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/GP_2020_D_Pu.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200701_Evap4Fans.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HR_HS_HR_SK_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr Client DW 2003-03 RU/200519eFrPolk_TT RefPlant.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200610eFrShin_Prop Co-op.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200610eToFrToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Dokumenteneinreichung RP 1502-03-2/DokEinreichung RP 1502-03-2 Nr.1.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Heat load calc freezer BF 2001-04_200628 Corr.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/BF 1809-02 A1 r_181116.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/air cooler.png"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrToFrLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg BF 1802-01/Draft of Equipment delivery cont _FCA_16.09.30.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eToFinsterw_TransportauftragBerga_Halle.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/P0-774-2 Mironovsky_Electric-layout.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/Ventile_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200604eMPeregToFrPolkovn_Drafts Rokos-Agro.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200628eToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200706eToArbAgentur_NachreichungAbrechnungsliste 062020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200528 SF 2002-01 Calc Rosoma.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/200702eFrKondrat_Inqu BF 10th.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eToFrOllesch_Answ readiness for delivery.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200626eToFrToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Razdel 5.4.6 ITP (Teplovye nasosy) (Kontur gruntovogo i solnechnogo teploobmennikov).pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200623eFrMPereg_CompressSelect.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/AAT-FREEZING_quotation_C 7522e 20_15th_300620.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Rosoma SF 2002-01/19267rev1_Cost breakdown_spiral freezer system cod fillet.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200701_ru.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg/Technical Speci.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04_E_200624.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Quote SP 2003-01/SP 2003-01 A1 re_200707 Rev.2.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_er.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200505eToFrToToKirs_Addr_Rokos-Agro.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor belt made from Stainless Steel_3.JPG"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/MBF 2001-04-E_P01_200224.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr Client DW 2003-03 RU/ТЗ на оборудование для полуфабриктов замороженных 2020-05-19 корр согл с АК.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0227219.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Quotation BF 2007-01/BF 1909-01 A1 r_200203.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Calculation BF 2001-04/Calc_BF 2001-04-5_200628_15 tph_2z.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Russkaya Bronya BF 2001-04/200702eToFrTyurin_Inqu BF 2001-04_P03.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4867.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/GP_2020_DE_Mot.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200615_Test.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2001-01 Vasiljevskaya PF/Suppliers SP 2001-01/AAT SP 2001-01/20128eToFrJena_Quot AEA 858.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4866.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200608eFrFranke Angebot AN15018 ASK 914-20-3200.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/BF 1809-02 A1 r_181116.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrHausen_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/АР ЗПП.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/BF Velikie Luki_200701.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/200616eFrToShinToNik_Prop Co-op.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2001-01 Vasiljevskaya PF/Suppliers SP 2001-01/AAT SP 2001-01/20128eToFrJena_Quot AEA 858.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr JCI/77-233-8000_partList.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04-E_P01_200224.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/MBF 810-02_E A2_91207.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/Heat load calc freezer BF 1909-01_200211.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Corresp ACR BF 2007-01/200703eToKondrat_BF 2007-01 - TT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr ACR/200707eToUsanow New Offer including Gasket set.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200701_ru_P3.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/200623eToZhukFrToKazants_RequQuot_Inqu RP 2002-01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eFrOllesch_Info readiness for delivery.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Einlegeblätter BF 1809-02.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Photos_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/BF 2002-01/Quotation BF 2002-01/200531eToFrPolk_Quot BF 2002-01-3.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200617eFrTirole_ Info sending technical documentation.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200608eFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HRP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/P0-774-0 Mironovsky_General-layout.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg/D0505-13494 A1 r_191007.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200623eFrToGuentner_Info Delivery date.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKink_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200608eFrFrankeAW Angebot AN15018 ASK 914-20-3200.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200701_ru_P1.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HAD_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrHausen_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200605eToFrToFrToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/200702eFrKondrat_Inqu BF 10th.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrToKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200630eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_SpeciConv_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a_1.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2001-01 Vasiljevskaya PF/Calculation SP 2001-01/200211_Calculation SP 2001-01.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200624 SF 2002-01 Calc Rosoma, Alco.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/ДОГОВОР ИНЖИНИРИНГ АЛЬФАКОНТРАКТИНГ.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/GFX/AAT DVD/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2016/RP 1502-03 Makinskaya PF/Documentation RP 1502-03/SIEMENS/Contactors_202004270735169006.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/GP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg BF 1802-01/Draft of Equipment delivery cont _FCA_13 08 19_eng_rus_03.10.19.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200703eFrFrGreschner_Quest delivery address techn docu.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/GFX/AAT DVD/OpenDVD/Untitled.dvd"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/ТЗ на картонфризер доп 22 04 2020.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Desyaterik, Nikolaj.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Calculation SP 2003-01/2000629_Calculation SP 2003-01-2.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Heat load calc freezer BF 2001-04_200701_Evap4Fans.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/РЕКОНСТРУКЦИЯ_13.03.2020.pptx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToToPolk_Contr_SignACR.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eToTrinks Inqu Transport thermowave.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200409eToSchmeichel_Project Mytishchi.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/200628eToLemesh_DraftEngContr BF 2001-04_E.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200505eToFrToKirs_Addr_Rokos-Agro.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToHausen_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200629 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Calculation BF 2001-04/Calc_BF 2001-04-4_200628_15 tph 18h 2z.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/GFX/AAT DVD/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200615.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200623eFrToGuentner_Packing list.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04 A2_E_200628.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628_Corr.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/OEL_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToHausen_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/! Archiv/Contracts 2009/MBF 810-02-E Mironkhleb Vinnitsa/Documentation MBF 810-02-E/Final docu MBF 810-02-E/Chapter6 02-2010 E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200206.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200624 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200701eToFrToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-6.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z AirCoolFrTF.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/010.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4869.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200504eToAN YK MP_Inqu_Rokos-Agro.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Gravity Roller Conveyor (for No Read).JPG"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2016/RP 1502-03 Makinskaya PF/Documentation RP 1502-03/SIEMENS/3RT20151BB42_datasheet_en.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Russland_II.JPG"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/LC 162KDBIM200526.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04 +Fotos_200608.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/pressure_vessel_equipment_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2001-01 Vasiljevskaya PF/Calculation SP 2001-01/200211_Calculation SP 2001-01 Rev.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToKazants_QuestCompres.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKink_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A3 e_200604.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Solyar, Aleksandr Vasiljevich.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/HKP0000024643_1-HELUKABEL Rechnung 0090676748.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04_E_200628.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eFrToFrOllesch_Packing list and fix date.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/TT_BoxFreez_ LISKo_BF 1904-01-2_200116.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Приложение С. Инженерно-топографический план.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200707eToFrGreschner_Answ delivery address techn docu.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrToFrLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/200616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200616eMPToFrPolk_Drafts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HRP_2020_D_Pu.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200630eToFrToFrKink_CorrQuot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 Альфаконтрактинг_200616 OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/TT - BF 1909-01_200123.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrToKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_ru.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToKazants_QuestCompres.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Intralox Zero Tangent Curve 90° made from Stainless Steel.JPG"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/GFX/AAT DVD/OpenDVD/ClickMe.htm"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200617eToToFrTirole_ Reminder sending technical docu.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200504eToAN YK MP_Inqu_Rokos-Agro.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/REF FLOW-1.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Russkaya Bronya BF 2001-04/200702eToTyurin_Inqu BF 2001-04_P03.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707 Transport_Order RP 1502-03-2_T01.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04_E_200628.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Rosoma SF 2002-01/19267rev1 Spiralfroster Geflügel Kasachstan-ALFA Contracting.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200612eToFrToToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04_Dwg.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200628eToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/MBF 810-02_E_91207.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200630eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_SpeciConv_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200626eToMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4868.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Calculation BF 2001-04/Calc_BF 2001-04-4_200626_15 tph 18h 2z.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrToKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200514eToFrToToFrToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime_References.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/GFX/AAT DVD/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200505eToFrToToFrToKirs_Addr_Rokos-Agro.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200617eToFrTirole_ Answ Info sending technical docu.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4864.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HRP_2020_E_Pu.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4865.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Dokumenteneinreichung RP 1502-03-2/DokEinreichung RP 1502-03-2 Nr.1a.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200623 Antrag Kug 06_2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200610eToFrToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Quotation BF 2007-01/200204eToFrToTrofimov_AnsQuestQuot BF 1909-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200616eMPToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200629.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200626.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/Chapter6 02-2010 E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200603eFrPolkToACR_RequEngineering.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_ru.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/Chapter5 02-2010 E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/Contract MBF 810-02-E Docu E.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a_4.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/AAT-FREEZING_quotation_C 7522d 20_15th_240620.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eFrKuehmst_Suppliers declaration.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200624eToFrKink_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Russkaya Bronya BF 2001-04/200702eToFrTyurin_Inqu BF 2001-04_P03.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200624eToFrKink_InfoInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/GFX/AAT DVD/OpenDVD/opendvd.pvm"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/200616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение2 Альфаконтрактинг_200616 OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/OEL_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z AATWithAirCool.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/Книга1.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr ACR/200629eToFrUsanow Answ Inqu Gasket set for GSV-185.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToFrKazants_QuestCompres.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200701eToFrToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-6.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Corresp ACR RE 2005-02/200622eToPereg_Info Parker Quote.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200626.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr Client DW 2003-03 RU/200519eFrPolk_TT RefPlant.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-5 A1 r_200626 - 2z.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4870.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200703.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200623eToArbAgentur_Antrag06_2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/200525eToZhukFrKazants_Quot_Inqu RP 2002-01 - Kaz.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/WP_HR_2020_DE.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/~$0616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HAD_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200616eFrHuber_Invoice 9006748 Suppliers declaration.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/GP_2020_E_Pu.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626_Short.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200501 Skype Oleg Polkovnikov.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200701eFrKink_InfoEvapor BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Calculation SP 2003-01/2000707_Calculation SP 2003-01_3.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Corr ACR E 2002-01/200604eToACR_Requ ComplContr E 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200630eToFrToFrKink_CorrQuot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/PRUEF_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/EMSR_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Russkaya Bronya BF 2001-04/200702eToTyurin_Inqu BF 2001-04_P03.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/! Archiv/Contracts 2009/MBF 810-02-E Mironkhleb Vinnitsa/Documentation MBF 810-02-E/Final docu MBF 810-02-E/Chapter5 02-2010 E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200306eToFrToLemeshev_MeetQuot BF 2001-04.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/PRUEF_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200615 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2001-01 Vasiljevskaya PF/Corresp ACR SP 2001-01/200210eFrKondrat_Quot_RequDisc.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200624eToKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2001-01 Vasiljevskaya PF/Corresp ACR SP 2001-01/200210eFrKondrat_Quot_RequDisc.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200608 AN15018 ASK 914-20-3200.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200706Abrechnungsliste Kug 06_2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200605eToFrToFrToSchaffner_LC received.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/Ventile_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/ECO_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200626eToMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2016/RP 1502-03 Makinskaya PF/Documentation RP 1502-03/SIEMENS/3RT20151BB420CC0_datasheet_ru.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4863.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200624eToFrKink_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr JCI/200629 Quote JCI 5053287.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/200623 Lieferschein.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToFrKazants_QuestCompres.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200612eToFrToToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04_Dwg.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200701eFrKink_InfoEvapor BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/GP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/B4-1-011-CarFreez_AAT_BoxFreezer_2020-06-19_JP.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2002-04 ChMPZ Penza/Engineering BF 2002-04/BlastFreezer BF 1406-02_141112.dwl"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/GP_2020_DE_Mot.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Corr ACR E 2002-01/200604eToACR_Requ ComplContr E 2002-01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-5 A1 r_200626 - 2z.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/MBF 810-02_E_91207german.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Corr ACR E 2002-01/200622eToToAN YK MP_EnginDraft Contract No. E 2002-01.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200701.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Dokumenteneinreichung RP 1502-03-2/Overview of supplies RP 1502-03_171123.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200629.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200701_ru_P2.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/WP_HR_2020_DE.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200603eFrPolkToACR_RequEngineering.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/MBF 810-02-E_P01_100111.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Conveyor system RP 1904-01-2_191215.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200203eFrToFrLemeshevViaStein_Inqu BF 15 th.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/System Description.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Calculation BF 2001-04/Calc_BF 2001-04-6_200701_15 tph_2z.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/EMSR_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 1909-01_detailed_200123.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrGross_QuestShipm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/Capacity Calc_BF 1909-01_200211.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/GFX/AAT DVD/OpenDVD/Sources/VTS_01_1_VOB/"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/P0-774-1 Mironovsky_Foundationplan.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200608eFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200624eFrNeukirch_Info weight of delivery.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg/D0505-13494 A1 e_191007.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200625eFrHaus_C 7522 20 - Layout.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200624eToKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/GFX/AAT DVD/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.BUP"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/HAD_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200626eToFrToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/MBF 810-02_E A1_91207.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/HKP0000024644_1-HELUKABEL Rechnung 0090676749.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/200610eFrShin_Prop Co-op.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor belt made from Stainless Steel.JPG"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Pos 1 250VL-M.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2002-04 ChMPZ Penza/Engineering BF 2002-04/BlastFreezer BF 1406-02_141112.dwl2"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/AS_Kaelteanlagen_Zubehoer_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200605eFrSchwToLutch_Quest install SICK scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200623 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707 Transportorder RP 1502-03-2_T01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200623eFrMPereg_CompressSelect.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 543 items [L6CNM] 12:52:49 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 12:52:50 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 543 items [L6CNM] 12:52:50 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/B4-1-011- помещение для CarFreez ACAD 2013.dwg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToToPolk_Contr_SignACR.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0226180.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200605eFrSchwToLutch_Quest install SICK scanner.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2002-04 ChMPZ Penza/Engineering BF 2002-04/BlastFreezer BF 1406-02_141112.dwl2"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200501 Skype Oleg Polkovnikov.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200608eFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/BF 2002-01/Quotation BF 2002-01/200531eToFrPolk_Quot BF 2002-01-3.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200624 SF 2002-01 Calc Rosoma, Alco.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200701_ru_P1.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eFrToSveta_Proposal PaymentDepts.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKink_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr Client DW 2003-03 RU/200519eFrPolk_TT RefPlant.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200630eToFrToFrKink_CorrQuot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200615_Test.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Heat load calc freezer BF 2001-04_200701_Evap4Fans.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04 A1_E_200628.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Corr ACR E 2002-01/200604eToACR_Requ ComplContr E 2002-01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg/D0505-13494 A1 e_191007.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200624eToFrKink_InfoInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200703.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrToKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200616eMPToFrPolk_Drafts.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200612eToFrSveta_Difference_PaymentDebts.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToFrToFrToFrLemeshev_QuestQuot BF 2001-04-6.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Calculation 2002-01 GmbH и ООО 2020-06-30 (1).xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eToFrTrinks Offer Transport thermowave.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-7.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/ICT RP 1502-03-2/200707eToHausch_New Inqu Trucks.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-7 A1 r_200708 - 2z.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/WG WITT - Preisliste (657080)-Dateien/colorschememapping.xml"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/Corresp thermowave P04/200708eFrHofm_Pictures delivery.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200707eFrPereg_CalcQuot-2.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1 Цены (1).doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/170526 Price split RP 1502-03.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr Client DW 2003-03 RU/200519eFrPolk_TT RefPlant.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A1 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200624 SF 2002-01 Calc Rosoma, Alco.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200608eFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200709eToPolk_DraftContr E 2002-01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/051.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eFrToSveta_Proposal PaymentDepts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Bank/200708 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04 A1_E_200628.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/RP 2002-01 Beschr. Ordner.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200707eFrPereg_CalcQuot-2.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg/D0505-13494 A1 e_191007.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/191216 Price split RP 1502-03-2.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Calculation BF 2001-04/Calc_BF 2001-04-7_200708_15 tph_2z.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A5 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/200709eToPolk_Quot RP 2002-01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToToPolk_Contr_SignACR.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Bank/200708 CMR_1502-03-2_CMR01 re.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/050.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200706 Price split RP 2002-01.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200709 Price split RP 1502-03_RP 2002-01.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/Corresp thermowave P04/200707eFrSchulter_Suppliers declaration.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200623eFrPolk_Contr_SignedAll.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Heat load calc freezer BF 2001-04_200701_Evap4Fans.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/WG WITT - Preisliste (657080)-Dateien/themedata.thmx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4944.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/Scannen 2020-7-8 08.48.45.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1 Цены.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/200625eToZhukFrToFrKazants_NewQuot_Inqu RP 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200616eMPToFrPolk_Drafts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A2 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4942.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 DE A4 Холод Договор с GmbH Этап2.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/30043782 - 29.06.2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4941.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Engineering RP 2002-01/Heat Loads_200706.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 RU A3 Холод Договор с ООО Этап1.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200709eToFrPolk_Quest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/~$2002-01 A2 e_200604 SW.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/ROKOS-AGRO.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/RP 1502-03 A1r_150704.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200703.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A3 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eToFinsterw_LoadTime_ReferenceBerga.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200708 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A1 e_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200710eToFrToPolk_AnsQuest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200701eFrPereg_HeatLoads.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P05 Petro Canada RP 1502-03-2/CMR Reflo.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200630eToFrToFrKink_CorrQuot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200704eFrPereg_CalcQuot.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-7 A1 r_200708 - 2z AirCoolFrTF.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200704eFrPereg_CalcQuot.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4943.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Bank/200708 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 e.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/BF 2002-01/Quotation BF 2002-01/200531eToFrPolk_Quot BF 2002-01-3.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Calculation 2002-01 GmbH и ООО 2020-06-30.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/200625eToZhukFrToFrKazants_NewQuot_Inqu RP 2002-01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200612eToFrSveta_Difference_PaymentDebts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/Commission RP 1502-03_Calc.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 re_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4938.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/181204 Price split RP 1502-03_BF.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200709 Price split RP 2002-01.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200706_Calc RP 2002-01.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrToKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Corr ACR E 2002-01/200604eToACR_Requ ComplContr E 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/Alfa Contracting 657080.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Bank/200708 CertOrig RP 1502-03-2_CO01.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200709eToFrPolk_Quest_DraftContr E 2002-01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 RU A5 Холод Договор с ООО Этап2.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200701_ru_P1.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-7.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Bank/200707 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/200709eToPolk_Quot RP 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 DE A2 Холод Договор с GmbH Этап1.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200615_Test.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200624eToFrKink_InfoInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Einlegeblätter E 2002-01.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/RP 1502-03 A1 e_160919.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 RU A3 Холод Договор с ООО.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKink_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A4 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200710eToFrToPolk_AnsQuest_DraftContr E 2002-01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4945.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Teplovye nagruzki 2020-06-23.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2019/Russia 2019/Chicken Russia 2019/BF 1905-03-2 CK Bryansk/Engineering BF 1905-03-2/~$TT_BoxFreez_ Bryansk_BF 1905-03_200110.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200501 Skype Oleg Polkovnikov.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4939.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2002-04 ChMPZ Penza/Engineering BF 2002-04/BlastFreezer BF 1406-02_141112.dwl2"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/WG WITT - Preisliste (657080)-Dateien/filelist.xml"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/ICT RP 1502-03-2/200708eFrToHausch_New Offer Trucks.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/~$2002-01 A2 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200623eFrPolk_Contr_SignedAll.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200707 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Bank/200708 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 e.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/B4-1-011- помещение для CarFreez ACAD 2013.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToFrToFrToFrToLemeshev_AnsQuestQuot BF 2001-04-6.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/170526 Price split RP 1502-03_200709.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200605eFrSchwToLutch_Quest install SICK scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1r_200707.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4940.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/MPP-4702 Rev1 (Alfa Contracting) от 25.06.2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 DE A2 Холод Договор с GmbH.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/WG WITT - Preisliste (657080).htm"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200709eToPolk_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToFrToFrToFrToLemeshev_AnsQuestQuot BF 2001-04-6.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToFrToFrToFrLemeshev_QuestQuot BF 2001-04-6.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/SCAN_20200623_151621064.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/RF 2001-04 Beschr. Ordner.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200706 RP 2002-01_Calc_ACG.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200707eFrTaferner_Suppliers declaration.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200708 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0226180.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/ICT RP 1502-03-2/200408eFrHausch_Offer Trucks.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A2 e_200604 SW.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 646 items [L6CNM] 12:53:39 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 12:53:40 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 646 items [L6CNM] 12:53:40 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToPolk_Drafts.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200615 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2001-01 Vasiljevskaya PF/Corresp ACR SP 2001-01/200210eFrKondrat_Quot_RequDisc.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr Client DW 2003-03 RU/ТЗ на оборудование для полуфабриктов замороженных 2020-05-19 корр согл с АК.doc"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200423eFrPolk_RequEngineering.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200615 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToPolk_Drafts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200423eFrPolk_RequEngineering.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr Client DW 2003-03 RU/ТЗ на оборудование для полуфабриктов замороженных 2020-05-19 корр согл с АК.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2001-01 Vasiljevskaya PF/Corresp ACR SP 2001-01/200210eFrKondrat_Quot_RequDisc.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:53:52 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 645 items [L6CNM] 12:53:52 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 12:54:38 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:54:38 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:54:38 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:54:38 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:54:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200706Abrechnungsliste Kug 06_2020.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:54:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-19_OP.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:54:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_QuestDrafts.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:54:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/Ventile_2020_E.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:54:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:54:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A4 r_200709.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:54:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Photos_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:54:38 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/AS_Kaelteanlagen_Zubehoer_2020_D.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:54:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200706Abrechnungsliste Kug 06_2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/Ventile_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_QuestDrafts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A4 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/AS_Kaelteanlagen_Zubehoer_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-19_OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Photos_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:39 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 645 items [L6CNM] 12:54:39 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HAD_2020_D.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Rosoma SF 2002-01/19267rev1 Spiralfroster Geflügel Kasachstan-ALFA Contracting.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrKudToSchw_Info date install scanner.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200710eToFrToPolk_AnsQuest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Pos 2 250VL-HE.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Calculation SP 2003-01/2000629_Calculation SP 2003-01-2.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200701_ru_P3.jpg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToKud_Answ Info date install scanner.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Calculation SP 2003-01/2000629_Calculation SP 2003-01-2.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrKudToSchw_Info date install scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HAD_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Pos 2 250VL-HE.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToKud_Answ Info date install scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200701_ru_P3.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Rosoma SF 2002-01/19267rev1 Spiralfroster Geflügel Kasachstan-ALFA Contracting.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200710eToFrToPolk_AnsQuest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:54:55 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 645 items [L6CNM] 12:54:55 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 12:55:39 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:55:39 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:55:39 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:55:39 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:55:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200609_Depts SP 1501-03.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:55:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A3 r_200709.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:55:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200206.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:55:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200604eMPeregToFrPolkovn_Drafts Rokos-Agro.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:55:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200609_Depts SP 1501-03.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:55:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200206.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:55:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200604eMPeregToFrPolkovn_Drafts Rokos-Agro.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:55:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A3 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:55:40 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 645 items [L6CNM] 12:55:40 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 12:55:57 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:55:57 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:55:57 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:55:57 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:55:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628_Corr.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:55:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:55:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200605eToRott AW INQUIRY SF 2002-01.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:55:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eToSveta_Proposal PaymDepts.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:55:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2016/RP 1502-03 Makinskaya PF/Documentation RP 1502-03/SIEMENS/3RT20151BB420CC0_datasheet_ru.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:55:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628_Corr.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:55:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2016/RP 1502-03 Makinskaya PF/Documentation RP 1502-03/SIEMENS/3RT20151BB420CC0_datasheet_ru.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:55:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200605eToRott AW INQUIRY SF 2002-01.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:55:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:55:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eToSveta_Proposal PaymDepts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:55:58 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 644 items [L6CNM] 12:55:58 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 12:56:39 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:56:39 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:56:39 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:56:39 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:56:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a_2.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:56:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200615_Test.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:56:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200610 WhatsApp Lemeshev.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:56:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/GP_2020_DE_Mot.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:56:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200709eToFrPolk_Quest_DraftContr E 2002-01.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:56:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/EMSR_2020_D.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:56:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:56:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrGross_QuestShipm.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:56:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a_2.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:56:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrGross_QuestShipm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:56:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:56:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200709eToFrPolk_Quest_DraftContr E 2002-01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:56:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/EMSR_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:56:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/GP_2020_DE_Mot.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:56:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200615_Test.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:56:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200610 WhatsApp Lemeshev.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:56:40 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 644 items [L6CNM] 12:56:40 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 12:57:40 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:57:40 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:57:40 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:57:40 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:57:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1 Цены (1).doc"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:57:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/ТЗК Мытищи 42А.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:57:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 Альфаконтрактинг_200616 OP.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:57:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200608eToSchaffner_LC received.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:57:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/200702eFrKondrat_Inqu BF 10th.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:57:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/200707eFrFedyus_Info readiness for transport.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:57:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1 Цены (1).doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:57:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/200707eFrFedyus_Info readiness for transport.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:57:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200608eToSchaffner_LC received.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:57:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 Альфаконтрактинг_200616 OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:57:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/ТЗК Мытищи 42А.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:57:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/200702eFrKondrat_Inqu BF 10th.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:57:41 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 642 items [L6CNM] 12:57:41 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 12:58:04 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:58:04 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:58:04 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:58:04 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:58:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200409eToSchmeichel_Project Mytishchi.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:58:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200610eFrShin_Prop Co-op.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:58:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr JCI/200629 Quote JCI 5053287.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:58:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04-E_P01_200224.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:58:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr JCI/200629 Quote JCI 5053287.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:58:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200610eFrShin_Prop Co-op.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:58:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04-E_P01_200224.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:58:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200409eToSchmeichel_Project Mytishchi.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:58:05 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 640 items [L6CNM] 12:58:05 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 12:58:41 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:58:41 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:58:41 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:58:41 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:58:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/RF 2001-04 Beschr. Ordner.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:58:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrGross_QuestShipm.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:58:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:58:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04_E_200628.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:58:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/RF 2001-04 Beschr. Ordner.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:58:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04_E_200628.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:58:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrGross_QuestShipm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:58:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:58:42 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 639 items [L6CNM] 12:58:42 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/ТЗ на картонфризер доп 22 04 2020.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200706Abrechnungsliste Kug 06_2020.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628_Corr.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToHausen_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/GP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200626.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor belt made from Stainless Steel_2.JPG"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0226180.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/GP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628_Corr.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200706Abrechnungsliste Kug 06_2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0226180.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor belt made from Stainless Steel_2.JPG"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:59:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToHausen_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:59:08 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200626.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:59:08 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/ТЗ на картонфризер доп 22 04 2020.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:59:08 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 638 items [L6CNM] 12:59:08 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 12:59:41 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 12:59:41 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 12:59:41 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 12:59:41 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 12:59:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04_E_200628.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:59:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z AirCoolFrTF.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 12:59:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:59:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr ACR/200615eToFrKondr_Revised Quote spare parts.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 12:59:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04_E_200628.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:59:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr ACR/200615eToFrKondr_Revised Quote spare parts.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:59:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:59:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z AirCoolFrTF.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 12:59:42 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 637 items [L6CNM] 12:59:42 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:00:10 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:00:10 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:00:10 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:00:10 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:00:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Banks/HypoVereinsbank/200616LToHVB_AenderDA_EVH.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:00:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4870.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:00:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200603eFrPolkToACR_RequEngineering.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:00:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Banks/HypoVereinsbank/200616LToHVB_AenderDA_EVH.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:00:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4870.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:00:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200603eFrPolkToACR_RequEngineering.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:00:11 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 636 items [L6CNM] 13:00:11 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:00:42 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:00:42 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:00:42 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:00:42 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:00:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a_4.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:00:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200616eMPToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:00:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200701.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:00:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/! Archiv/Contracts 2008/AC Quotations-Contracts_2008.xls"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:00:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200616eMPToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:00:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a_4.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:00:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200701.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:00:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/! Archiv/Contracts 2008/AC Quotations-Contracts_2008.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:00:43 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 634 items [L6CNM] 13:00:43 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/200616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrToKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №2 28-05-2020.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200306eToFrToLemeshev_MeetQuot BF 2001-04.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/GP_2020_DE_Mot.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor belt made from Stainless Steel (ARB Sortation line to box buffer ).JPG"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToPolk_Contr_SignACR.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200709eToFrPolk_Quest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4866.jpg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4866.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №2 28-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToPolk_Contr_SignACR.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200306eToFrToLemeshev_MeetQuot BF 2001-04.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/200616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/GP_2020_DE_Mot.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200709eToFrPolk_Quest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrToKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:01:14 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor belt made from Stainless Steel (ARB Sortation line to box buffer ).JPG"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:01:15 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 634 items [L6CNM] 13:01:15 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:01:42 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:01:42 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:01:52 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:01:52 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:01:53 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 634 items [L6CNM] 13:01:53 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:02:17 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:02:17 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:02:17 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:02:17 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:02:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/010.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:02:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200610eFrKudToSchw_Info installed scanner.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:02:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200616eFrHuber_Invoice 9006748 Suppliers declaration.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:02:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200616eFrHuber_Invoice 9006748 Suppliers declaration.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:02:18 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/010.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:02:18 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200610eFrKudToSchw_Info installed scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:02:18 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 634 items [L6CNM] 13:02:18 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04 A2_E_200628.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №2 28-05-2020.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200612eToFrSveta_Difference_PaymentDebts.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr JCI/77-233-8000_partList.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 DE A2 Холод Договор с GmbH Этап1.doc"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200612eToFrSveta_Difference_PaymentDebts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №2 28-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:02:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 DE A2 Холод Договор с GmbH Этап1.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:02:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04 A2_E_200628.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:02:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr JCI/77-233-8000_partList.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:02:44 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 634 items [L6CNM] 13:02:44 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:03:20 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:03:20 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:03:20 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:03:20 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:03:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200605eToFrToFrToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:03:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 Альфаконтрактинг_200616 OP.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:03:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eToSveta_Proposal PaymDepts.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:03:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:03:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200623eToGuentner_Delivery avis filled.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:03:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:03:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200616eToSveta_Proposal PaymDepts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:03:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 Альфаконтрактинг_200616 OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:03:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200605eToFrToFrToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:03:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200623eToGuentner_Delivery avis filled.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:03:21 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 633 items [L6CNM] 13:03:21 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:03:43 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:03:43 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:03:53 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:03:53 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:03:54 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 633 items [L6CNM] 13:03:54 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:04:23 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:04:23 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:04:24 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:04:24 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:04:24 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/AAT-FREEZING_quotation_C 7522d 20_15th_240620.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:04:24 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Corresp ACR RE 2005-02/200622eToFrPereg_New Offer GEA AWP valves.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:04:24 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Heat load calc freezer BF 2001-04_200701_Evap4Fans.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:04:24 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/AAT-FREEZING_quotation_C 7522d 20_15th_240620.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:04:24 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Heat load calc freezer BF 2001-04_200701_Evap4Fans.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:04:24 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Corresp ACR RE 2005-02/200622eToFrPereg_New Offer GEA AWP valves.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:04:24 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 632 items [L6CNM] 13:04:24 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2001-01 Vasiljevskaya PF/Corresp ACR SP 2001-01/200210eFrKondrat_Quot_RequDisc.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-05-29.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200527eToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200626eToFrToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4944.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Calculation BF 2001-04/Calc_BF 2001-04-4_200626_15 tph 18h 2z.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Calculation BF 2001-04/Calc_BF 2001-04-4_200626_15 tph 18h 2z.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200626eToFrToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-05-29.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:04:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4944.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:04:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:04:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200527eToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:04:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:04:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2001-01 Vasiljevskaya PF/Corresp ACR SP 2001-01/200210eFrKondrat_Quot_RequDisc.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:04:45 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 632 items [L6CNM] 13:04:45 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/200702eFrKondrat_Inqu BF 10th.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Razdel 5.4.6 ITP (Teplovye nasosy) (Kontur gruntovogo i solnechnogo teploobmennikov).pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/050.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/ECO_2020_E.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_ru.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №3 28-05-2020.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Dokumenteneinreichung RP 1502-03-2/DokEinreichung RP 1502-03-2 Nr.1.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/050.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №3 28-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/200702eFrKondrat_Inqu BF 10th.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Dokumenteneinreichung RP 1502-03-2/DokEinreichung RP 1502-03-2 Nr.1.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/ECO_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_ru.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Razdel 5.4.6 ITP (Teplovye nasosy) (Kontur gruntovogo i solnechnogo teploobmennikov).pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:28 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 632 items [L6CNM] 13:05:28 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:05:44 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:05:44 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:05:44 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:05:44 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:05:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_QuestDrafts.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200710eToFrToPolk_AnsQuest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-06-19_OP.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04-E_P01_200224.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200707eFrTaferner_Suppliers declaration.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:05:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Pos 2 250VL-HE_EW.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:05:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToKazants_QuestCompres.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:05:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToKazants_QuestCompres.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-06-19_OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04-E_P01_200224.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Pos 2 250VL-HE_EW.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200707eFrTaferner_Suppliers declaration.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_QuestDrafts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200710eToFrToPolk_AnsQuest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:05:45 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 632 items [L6CNM] 13:05:45 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:06:45 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:06:45 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:06:55 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:06:55 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:06:56 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 632 items [L6CNM] 13:06:56 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 RU A3 Холод Договор с ООО.doc"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0226180.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/AAT-FREEZING_quotation_C 7522e 20_15th_300620.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/ROKOS-AGRO.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 RU A3 Холод Договор с ООО.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/ROKOS-AGRO.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/AAT-FREEZING_quotation_C 7522e 20_15th_300620.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:07:34 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0226180.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:07:35 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 630 items [L6CNM] 13:07:35 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200206.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200615_Test.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/OAO Velikoluksky Meat Combine.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200505eToFrToToFrToKirs_Addr_Rokos-Agro.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200617eToToFrTirole_ Reminder sending technical docu.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/OAO Velikoluksky Meat Combine.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200617eToToFrTirole_ Reminder sending technical docu.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200505eToFrToToFrToKirs_Addr_Rokos-Agro.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200206.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:07:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200615_Test.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:07:47 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 630 items [L6CNM] 13:07:47 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:08:46 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:08:46 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:08:56 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:08:56 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:08:57 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 630 items [L6CNM] 13:08:57 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/AAT-FREEZING_quotation_C 7522e 20_15th_300620.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg BF 1802-01/Draft of Equipment delivery cont _FCA_16.09.30.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200624eToFrKink_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/200623eToZhukFrToKazants_RequQuot_Inqu RP 2002-01.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HRP_2020_D_Pu.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HRP_2020_D_Pu.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/200623eToZhukFrToKazants_RequQuot_Inqu RP 2002-01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/AAT-FREEZING_quotation_C 7522e 20_15th_300620.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg BF 1802-01/Draft of Equipment delivery cont _FCA_16.09.30.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200624eToFrKink_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:09:48 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 630 items [L6CNM] 13:09:48 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:10:43 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:10:43 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:10:43 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:10:43 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:10:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_AAT.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Rosoma SF 2002-01/19267rev1_Cost breakdown_spiral freezer system cod fillet.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Calculation 2002-01 GmbH и ООО 2020-06-30.xls"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/OAO Velikoluksky Meat Combine.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/BF 1809-02 A1 r_181116.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:10:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/! Archiv/Contracts 2007/AC Quotations-Contracts_2007.xls"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:10:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/BF 1809-02 A1 r_181116.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/! Archiv/Contracts 2007/AC Quotations-Contracts_2007.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Calculation 2002-01 GmbH и ООО 2020-06-30.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Rosoma SF 2002-01/19267rev1_Cost breakdown_spiral freezer system cod fillet.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_AAT.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/OAO Velikoluksky Meat Combine.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:44 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 630 items [L6CNM] 13:10:44 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToFrToFrToFrLemeshev_QuestQuot BF 2001-04-6.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr JCI/200629 Quote JCI 5053287.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04_E_200628.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200701_ru_P2.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1r_200707.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №1 28-05-2020.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2016/RP 1502-03 Makinskaya PF/Documentation RP 1502-03/SIEMENS/3RT20151BB420CC0_datasheet_ru.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Corresp ACR BF 2007-01/200703eToKondrat_BF 2007-01 - TT.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrToFrLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Calculation SP 2003-01/2000629_Calculation SP 2003-01-2.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200610eFrShin_Prop Co-op.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/PRUEF_2020_E.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:10:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200604eMPeregToFrPolkovn_Drafts Rokos-Agro.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200604eMPeregToFrPolkovn_Drafts Rokos-Agro.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200610eFrShin_Prop Co-op.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200701_ru_P2.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2016/RP 1502-03 Makinskaya PF/Documentation RP 1502-03/SIEMENS/3RT20151BB420CC0_datasheet_ru.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrToFrLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Corresp ACR BF 2007-01/200703eToKondrat_BF 2007-01 - TT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04_E_200628.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №1 28-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1r_200707.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr JCI/200629 Quote JCI 5053287.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToFrToFrToFrLemeshev_QuestQuot BF 2001-04-6.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/PRUEF_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Calculation SP 2003-01/2000629_Calculation SP 2003-01-2.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 630 items [L6CNM] 13:10:48 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:11:46 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:11:46 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:11:46 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:11:46 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:11:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626_Short.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:11:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4941.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:11:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200622LToStBuero_KurzarbeitsStundenImJuni.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:11:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:11:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200707eFrPereg_CalcQuot-2.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:11:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4864.jpg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:11:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200707eFrPereg_CalcQuot-2.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626_Short.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4864.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200622LToStBuero_KurzarbeitsStundenImJuni.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4941.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:47 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 630 items [L6CNM] 13:11:47 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/BF 1809-02 A1 r_181116.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/LC 162KDBIM200526.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/Chapter5 02-2010 E.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200504eToAN YK MP_Inqu_Rokos-Agro.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200423eFrPolk_RequEngineering.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200604eMPeregToFrPolkovn_Drafts Rokos-Agro.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200709eToFrPolk_Quest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrGross_QuestShipm.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200504eToAN YK MP_Inqu_Rokos-Agro.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/LC 162KDBIM200526.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/Chapter5 02-2010 E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200709eToFrPolk_Quest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200423eFrPolk_RequEngineering.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/BF 1809-02 A1 r_181116.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrGross_QuestShipm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200604eMPeregToFrPolkovn_Drafts Rokos-Agro.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:11:49 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 630 items [L6CNM] 13:11:49 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:12:48 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:12:48 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:12:49 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:12:49 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:12:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HRP_2020_D_Pu.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:12:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200609_Depts SP 1501-03.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:12:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/200623 Lieferschein.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:12:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eToTrinks Inqu Transport thermowave.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:12:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/200623 Lieferschein.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:12:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200609_Depts SP 1501-03.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:12:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eToTrinks Inqu Transport thermowave.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:12:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HRP_2020_D_Pu.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:12:58 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 629 items [L6CNM] 13:12:58 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m10s. [L6CNM] 13:13:49 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:13:49 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:13:49 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:13:49 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:13:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4940.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:13:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eToTrinks Inqu Transport thermowave.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:13:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A2 r_200709.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:13:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Russkaya Bronya BF 2001-04/200702eToFrTyurin_Inqu BF 2001-04_P03.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:13:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4945.jpg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:13:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4945.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:13:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A2 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:13:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4940.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:13:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Russkaya Bronya BF 2001-04/200702eToFrTyurin_Inqu BF 2001-04_P03.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:13:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eToTrinks Inqu Transport thermowave.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:13:50 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 628 items [L6CNM] 13:13:50 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:14:49 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:14:49 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:15:00 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:15:00 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:15:00 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 628 items [L6CNM] 13:15:00 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Supplier RE 2005-02/GEA AWP RE 2005-02/200622eFrGrossr_Offer 3 valves with actuator.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HRP_2020_E_Pu.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2007-01_200703.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/EMSR_2020_D.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200409eToSchmeichel_Project Mytishchi.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200409eToSchmeichel_Project Mytishchi.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HRP_2020_E_Pu.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:15:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/EMSR_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:15:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Supplier RE 2005-02/GEA AWP RE 2005-02/200622eFrGrossr_Offer 3 valves with actuator.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:15:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2007-01_200703.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:15:51 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 628 items [L6CNM] 13:15:51 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:15:59 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:15:59 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:15:59 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:15:59 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:15:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200609eFrToFrNeukirch_Answ Quest new delivery date.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:15:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToFrToFrToFrLemeshev_QuestQuot BF 2001-04-6.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:15:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/HKP0000024643_1-HELUKABEL Rechnung 0090676748.SW.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:15:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/! Archiv/Contracts 2004/AC Quotations-Contracts_2004.xls"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:15:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:15:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/OAO Velikoluksky Meat Combine.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:15:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200703eFrFrGreschner_Quest delivery address techn docu.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:15:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200710eToFrToPolk_AnsQuest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:15:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200701eToFrToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-6.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/170526 Price split RP 1502-03_200709.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2016/RP 1502-03 Makinskaya PF/Documentation RP 1502-03/SIEMENS/Contactors_202004270735169006.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/170526 Price split RP 1502-03_200709.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/HKP0000024643_1-HELUKABEL Rechnung 0090676748.SW.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200701eToFrToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-6.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200609eFrToFrNeukirch_Answ Quest new delivery date.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToFrToFrToFrLemeshev_QuestQuot BF 2001-04-6.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/OAO Velikoluksky Meat Combine.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200703eFrFrGreschner_Quest delivery address techn docu.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/! Archiv/Contracts 2004/AC Quotations-Contracts_2004.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2016/RP 1502-03 Makinskaya PF/Documentation RP 1502-03/SIEMENS/Contactors_202004270735169006.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200710eToFrToPolk_AnsQuest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 628 items [L6CNM] 13:16:00 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:16:50 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:16:50 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:16:51 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:16:51 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:16:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Corresp ACR BF 2007-01/200703eToKondrat_BF 2007-01 - TT.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:16:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z AirCoolFrTF.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:16:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Corresp ACR BF 2007-01/200703eToKondrat_BF 2007-01 - TT.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:16:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z AirCoolFrTF.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:16:51 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 628 items [L6CNM] 13:16:51 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200629.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Calculation SP 2003-01/2000629_Calculation SP 2003-01-2.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/ROKOS-AGRO.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1r_200709.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/200625eToZhukFrToFrKazants_NewQuot_Inqu RP 2002-01.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/Проект стадия П Договор 05-05-2020.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200623 Antrag Kug 06_2020.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/Проект стадия П Договор 05-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200629.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200623 Antrag Kug 06_2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Calculation SP 2003-01/2000629_Calculation SP 2003-01-2.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/200625eToZhukFrToFrKazants_NewQuot_Inqu RP 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:17:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/ROKOS-AGRO.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:17:04 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 628 items [L6CNM] 13:17:04 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:17:51 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:17:51 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:17:51 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:17:51 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:17:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200605eToFrToFrToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:17:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Calculation 2002-01 GmbH и ООО 2020-06-30.xls"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:17:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrToKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:17:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/200709eToPolk_Quot RP 2002-01.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:17:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/B4-1-011-CarFreez_AAT_BoxFreezer_2020-06-19_JP.dwg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:17:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200605eToFrToFrToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:17:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrToKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:17:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/200709eToPolk_Quot RP 2002-01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:17:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/B4-1-011-CarFreez_AAT_BoxFreezer_2020-06-19_JP.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:17:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Calculation 2002-01 GmbH и ООО 2020-06-30.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:17:52 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 627 items [L6CNM] 13:17:52 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:18:06 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:18:06 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:18:06 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:18:06 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:18:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200623 Antrag Kug 06_2020.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:18:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Heat load calc freezer BF 2001-04_200626.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:18:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Pos 1 250VL-M.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:18:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/ROKOS-AGRO.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:18:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 2 ПЗУ.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:18:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200623 Antrag Kug 06_2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:18:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Heat load calc freezer BF 2001-04_200626.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:18:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/ROKOS-AGRO.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:18:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 2 ПЗУ.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:18:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Pos 1 250VL-M.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:18:07 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 627 items [L6CNM] 13:18:07 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200402eToFrToToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrToGross_QuestShipm.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Pos 2 250VL-HE.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg/Technical Speci.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Приложение №3 Лист 1-4 План ПК.PDF"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200605eFrSchwToLutch_Quest install SICK scanner.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200605eFrSchwToLutch_Quest install SICK scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrToGross_QuestShipm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200402eToFrToToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg/Technical Speci.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:18:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Приложение №3 Лист 1-4 План ПК.PDF"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:18:53 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Pos 2 250VL-HE.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:18:53 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 626 items [L6CNM] 13:18:53 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:19:09 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:19:09 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:19:09 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:19:09 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:19:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:19:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Russkaya Bronya BF 2001-04/200702eToFrTyurin_Inqu BF 2001-04_P03.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:19:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/12_2017_ИГДИ.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:19:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200605eToRott AW INQUIRY SF 2002-01.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:19:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200605eToRott AW INQUIRY SF 2002-01.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:19:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/12_2017_ИГДИ.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:19:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:19:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Russkaya Bronya BF 2001-04/200702eToFrTyurin_Inqu BF 2001-04_P03.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:19:10 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 626 items [L6CNM] 13:19:10 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:19:52 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:19:52 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/12_2017_ИГДИ.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 2 ПЗУ.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/MPP-4702 Rev1 (Alfa Contracting) от 25.06.2020.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/ПД-11-12-17-А-КР.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200504eToAN YK MP_Inqu_Rokos-Agro.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 re_200709.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 Альфаконтрактинг_200616 OP.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707 Transport_Order RP 1502-03-2_T01.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200619eFrKudToSchw_List problems installed scanner.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4938.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200615.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A4 r_200709.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToKud_Answ Info date install scanner.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/AAT-FREEZING_quotation_C 7522d 20_15th_240620.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200608 AN15018 ASK 914-20-3200.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Calculation BF 2001-04/Calc_BF 2001-04-4_200628_15 tph 18h 2z.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-05-29.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1r_200709.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/200628eToLemesh_DraftEngContr BF 2001-04_E.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-7 A1 r_200708 - 2z AirCoolFrTF.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/Проект стадия П Договор 05-05-2020.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrToKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200409eToSchmeichel_Project Mytishchi.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Pos 2 250VL-HE.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/~$0616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/200709eToPolk_Quot RP 2002-01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Bank/200708 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №2 28-05-2020.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/ДОГОВОР ИНЖИНИРИНГ АЛЬФАКОНТРАКТИНГ_200616 OP.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Dokumenteneinreichung RP 1502-03-2/DokEinreichung RP 1502-03-2 Nr.1a.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0226180.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628_Corr.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToFrKazants_QuestCompres.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery App. 11 -13/200602eFrLutchToSchw_Info delivery status.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/010.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 RU A3 Холод Договор с ООО Этап1.doc"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200615_Test.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Russkaya Bronya BF 2001-04/200702eToTyurin_Inqu BF 2001-04_P03.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Calculation RP 1502-03-2/200602_Overview price split for App.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-06-19.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HAD_2020_E.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200603eFrGuentner_Delivery avis.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200610eToFrToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200617eFrTirole_ Info sending technical documentation.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200608eFrToFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0226782.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200619eFrSchwToKud_Info finish installed scanner.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200519eToAlcoINQUIRY SF 2002-01.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Corr ACR E 2002-01/200604eToACR_Requ ComplContr E 2002-01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200226eToFrToFrToFrToSchaffner_RP 1502-03-2 Quest Bank.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200402eToFrToToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200608.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200206.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200704eFrPereg_CalcQuot.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200608.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/Heat load calc freezer BF 1909-01_200211.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Приложение №3 Лист 2-4 План ХКЦ.PDF"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery App. 11 -13/200602eFrLutchToSchw_Info delivery status.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 2 ПЗУ.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Приложение №3 Лист 2-4 План ХКЦ.PDF"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0226782.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200608.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToFrKazants_QuestCompres.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Pos 2 250VL-HE.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4938.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/AAT-FREEZING_quotation_C 7522d 20_15th_240620.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToKud_Answ Info date install scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/200709eToPolk_Quot RP 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200226eToFrToFrToFrToSchaffner_RP 1502-03-2 Quest Bank.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200615_Test.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-7 A1 r_200708 - 2z AirCoolFrTF.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200704eFrPereg_CalcQuot.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Calculation BF 2001-04/Calc_BF 2001-04-4_200628_15 tph 18h 2z.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A4 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/010.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Calculation RP 1502-03-2/200602_Overview price split for App.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200610eToFrToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200409eToSchmeichel_Project Mytishchi.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/ДОГОВОР ИНЖИНИРИНГ АЛЬФАКОНТРАКТИНГ_200616 OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-06-19.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/12_2017_ИГДИ.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200617eFrTirole_ Info sending technical documentation.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 Альфаконтрактинг_200616 OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/ПД-11-12-17-А-КР.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0226180.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200504eToAN YK MP_Inqu_Rokos-Agro.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Russkaya Bronya BF 2001-04/200702eToTyurin_Inqu BF 2001-04_P03.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 RU A3 Холод Договор с ООО Этап1.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/Проект стадия П Договор 05-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200206.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/200628eToLemesh_DraftEngContr BF 2001-04_E.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200608eFrToFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HAD_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/Heat load calc freezer BF 1909-01_200211.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Corr ACR E 2002-01/200604eToACR_Requ ComplContr E 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707 Transport_Order RP 1502-03-2_T01.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-05-29.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Bank/200708 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 re_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrToKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Dokumenteneinreichung RP 1502-03-2/DokEinreichung RP 1502-03-2 Nr.1a.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200619eFrSchwToKud_Info finish installed scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200519eToAlcoINQUIRY SF 2002-01.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200603eFrGuentner_Delivery avis.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200608.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200608 AN15018 ASK 914-20-3200.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200615.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200402eToFrToToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628_Corr.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/MPP-4702 Rev1 (Alfa Contracting) от 25.06.2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/~$0616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №2 28-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200619eFrKudToSchw_List problems installed scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 624 items [L6CNM] 13:22:04 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 4m11s. [L6CNM] 13:22:19 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:22:19 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:22:19 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:22:19 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:22:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/200709eToPolk_Quot RP 2002-01.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/WP_HR_2020_DE.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrToFrLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eToFrOllesch_Answ readiness for delivery.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-19.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/Chapter5 02-2010 E.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:22:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToPolk_QuestDrafts.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:22:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/200702eFrKondrat_Inqu BF 10th.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:22:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/WP_HR_2020_DE.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/200709eToPolk_Quot RP 2002-01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrToFrLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/Chapter5 02-2010 E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eToFrOllesch_Answ readiness for delivery.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/200702eFrKondrat_Inqu BF 10th.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-19.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToPolk_QuestDrafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:20 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 624 items [L6CNM] 13:22:20 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:22:53 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:22:53 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:22:53 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:22:53 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:22:53 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/MPP-4702 Rev1 (Alfa Contracting) от 25.06.2020.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:53 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 DE A2 Холод Договор с GmbH.doc"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:53 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/30043782 - 29.06.2020.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:22:53 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Deutsche Bank RP 1502-03-2/200604_Anschreiben zu Akkreditiv.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:22:53 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr ACR/200626eFrUsanow Inqu Gasket set for GSV-185.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:22:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Deutsche Bank RP 1502-03-2/200604_Anschreiben zu Akkreditiv.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/30043782 - 29.06.2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr ACR/200626eFrUsanow Inqu Gasket set for GSV-185.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 DE A2 Холод Договор с GmbH.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/MPP-4702 Rev1 (Alfa Contracting) от 25.06.2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:22:54 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 624 items [L6CNM] 13:22:54 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4941.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Bank/200708 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 e.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4865.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/Corresp thermowave P04/200707eFrSchulter_Suppliers declaration.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/30043782 - 29.06.2020.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200701eToFrToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-6.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200704eFrPereg_CalcQuot.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4865.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200701eToFrToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-6.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625eToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Bank/200708 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 e.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4941.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200704eFrPereg_CalcQuot.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/Corresp thermowave P04/200707eFrSchulter_Suppliers declaration.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:23:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/30043782 - 29.06.2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:23:55 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 624 items [L6CNM] 13:23:55 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:24:54 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:24:54 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:24:54 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:24:54 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:24:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04_E_200628.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:24:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200623eToGuentner_Delivery avis filled.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:24:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-19_OP.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:24:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/MPP-4702 Rev1 (Alfa Contracting) от 25.06.2020.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:24:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-05-29.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:24:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:24:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:24:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Компрессорная АР.dwg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:24:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/200707eFrFedyus_Info readiness for transport.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:24:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04_E_200628.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:24:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-05-29.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:24:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-19_OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:24:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/200707eFrFedyus_Info readiness for transport.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:24:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Компрессорная АР.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:24:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:24:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200623eToGuentner_Delivery avis filled.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:24:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:24:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/MPP-4702 Rev1 (Alfa Contracting) от 25.06.2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:24:55 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 623 items [L6CNM] 13:24:55 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:25:28 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:25:28 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200405eFrSizykh_Project Mytishchi.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200626eToMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/ROKOS-AGRO.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200617eToToFrTirole_ Reminder sending technical docu.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-03.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200609eToFrNeukirch_Quest new delivery date.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200226eToFrToFrToFrToSchaffner_RP 1502-03-2 Quest Bank.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A1 e_200709.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200623eFrToGuentner_Packing list.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eFrFinsterwalder_ConfirmTransportOrder_Berga.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200617eToToFrTirole_ Reminder sending technical docu.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200405eFrSizykh_Project Mytishchi.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A1 e_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/ROKOS-AGRO.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eFrFinsterwalder_ConfirmTransportOrder_Berga.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200609eToFrNeukirch_Quest new delivery date.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200626eToMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200623eFrToGuentner_Packing list.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-03.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200226eToFrToFrToFrToSchaffner_RP 1502-03-2 Quest Bank.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:25:29 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToLutch_Quest date install scanner.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1 Цены (1).doc"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200423eFrPolk_RequEngineering.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/AS_Kaelteanlagen_Zubehoer_2020_D.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200608eFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Teplovye nagruzki 2020-06-23.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200630eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_SpeciConv_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200629 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/Проект стадия П Договор Прил 1 05-05-2020.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/Teplovye nagruzki 2020-06-23.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200629 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200608eFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/AS_Kaelteanlagen_Zubehoer_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200630eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_SpeciConv_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToLutch_Quest date install scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/Проект стадия П Договор Прил 1 05-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1 Цены (1).doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200423eFrPolk_RequEngineering.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:25:56 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:25:56 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:26:55 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:26:55 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:26:55 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:26:55 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:26:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/200625eToZhukFrToFrKazants_NewQuot_Inqu RP 2002-01.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:26:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200704eFrPereg_CalcQuot.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:26:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200512.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:26:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Engineering RP 2002-01/Heat Loads_200706.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:26:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:26:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200616eMPToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:26:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200609eFrToFrNeukirch_Answ Quest new delivery date.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:26:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HAD_2020_E.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:26:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4939.jpg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:26:56 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg BF 1802-01/Draft of Equipment delivery cont _FCA_16.09.27.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:26:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/ТЗК Мытищи 42А.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:26:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200512.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:26:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HAD_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:26:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4939.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:26:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200609eFrToFrNeukirch_Answ Quest new delivery date.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:26:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Engineering RP 2002-01/Heat Loads_200706.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:26:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:26:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200616eMPToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:26:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg BF 1802-01/Draft of Equipment delivery cont _FCA_16.09.27.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:26:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200704eFrPereg_CalcQuot.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:26:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/ТЗК Мытищи 42А.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:26:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/200625eToZhukFrToFrKazants_NewQuot_Inqu RP 2002-01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:26:58 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:26:58 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m2s. [L6CNM] 13:27:56 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:27:56 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:27:56 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:27:56 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:27:56 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200615 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:27:56 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/BF 2002-01/Quotation BF 2002-01/200531eToFrPolk_Quot BF 2002-01-3.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:27:56 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Einlegeblätter BF 1809-02.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:27:56 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A4 r_200709.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:27:56 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200610eFrKudToSchw_Info installed scanner.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:27:56 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:27:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/BF 2002-01/Quotation BF 2002-01/200531eToFrPolk_Quot BF 2002-01-3.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:27:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Einlegeblätter BF 1809-02.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:27:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200615 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:27:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200605eFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:27:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200610eFrKudToSchw_Info installed scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:27:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A4 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:27:57 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:27:57 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:28:56 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:28:56 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-5 A1 r_200626 - 2z.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200703.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A5 r_200709.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Bank/200708 CMR_1502-03-2_CMR01 re.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A5 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Bank/200708 CMR_1502-03-2_CMR01 re.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200703.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-5 A1 r_200626 - 2z.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:28:57 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:29:57 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:29:57 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:30:07 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:30:07 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:30:08 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:30:08 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:30:44 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:30:44 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Banks/HypoVereinsbank/Kontaktdaten Trade Finance UniCredit Bank AG.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200707eFrPereg_CalcQuot-2.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200706eToArbAgentur_NachreichungAbrechnungsliste 062020.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/ПД-11-12-17-А-КР.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/ПД-11-12-17-А-КР.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200706eToArbAgentur_NachreichungAbrechnungsliste 062020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200707eFrPereg_CalcQuot-2.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Banks/HypoVereinsbank/Kontaktdaten Trade Finance UniCredit Bank AG.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:30:45 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:30:57 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:30:57 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HAD_2020_E.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HR_HS_HR_SK_2020_D.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Heat load calc freezer BF 2001-04_200628 Corr.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4942.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrHausen_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-06-19_OP.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A4 r_200709.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-03_OP.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200708 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a_1.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrHausen_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a_1.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200708 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4942.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-03_OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-06-19_OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HAD_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Heat load calc freezer BF 2001-04_200628 Corr.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A4 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HR_HS_HR_SK_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:30:58 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200616 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200226eToFrToFrToFrToSchaffner_RP 1502-03-2 Quest Bank.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0227219.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200519eToAlcoINQUIRY SF 2002-01.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Velikie_Luki_COA_(Pskov_Governorate).png"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/BF 1809-02 A1 r_181116.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200609_Depts SP 1501-03.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200629 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/DHL/LEJ0227219.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Velikie_Luki_COA_(Pskov_Governorate).png"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/BF 1809-02 A1 r_181116.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200226eToFrToFrToFrToSchaffner_RP 1502-03-2 Quest Bank.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200519eToAlcoINQUIRY SF 2002-01.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200629 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200616 Inv RP 1502-03-2_TR01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:48 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200609_Depts SP 1501-03.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:49 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:31:49 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:31:58 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:31:58 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:31:58 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:31:58 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:31:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HRP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:31:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200629 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:31:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/plot.log"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:31:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Dokumenteneinreichung RP 1502-03-2/DokEinreichung RP 1502-03-2 Nr.1a.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:31:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200710eToFrToPolk_AnsQuest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:31:58 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Dokumenteneinreichung RP 1502-03-2/DokEinreichung RP 1502-03-2 Nr.1a.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/200710eToFrToPolk_AnsQuest_DraftContr E 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200629 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HRP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/plot.log"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:31:59 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:31:59 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:32:51 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:32:51 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:32:51 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:32:51 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:32:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Helukabel/IMG_4690.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:32:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToKud_Answ Info date install scanner.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:32:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-03_OP.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:32:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:32:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200624eToFrKink_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:32:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:32:51 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:32:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToKud_Answ Info date install scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:32:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Helukabel/IMG_4690.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:32:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200624eToFrKink_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:32:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:32:52 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-03_OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:32:52 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:32:52 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:32:59 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:32:59 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:32:59 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:32:59 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:32:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/050.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:32:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrKondratToEH_RequDocs_SplitPrice.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:32:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg/D0505-13494 A1 e_191007.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:32:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200622LToStBuero_KurzarbeitsStundenImJuni.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:32:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/200628eToLemesh_DraftEngContr BF 2001-04_E.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:32:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrKondratToEH_RequDocs_SplitPrice.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:32:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2018/Russia 2018/Meat Russia 2018/BF 1802-01 Miratorg Kursk/Contract Draft AAT-Miratorg/D0505-13494 A1 e_191007.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:32:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/050.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:32:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/200628eToLemesh_DraftEngContr BF 2001-04_E.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200622LToStBuero_KurzarbeitsStundenImJuni.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:00 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:33:00 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение2 2020-05-29.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/EMSR_2020_E.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200626eToFrToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Einlegeblätter BF 1809-02.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Quote SP 2003-01/SP 2003-01 A1 re_200707 Rev.2.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200624eToKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrToGross_QuestShipm.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200626eToMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200527eFrGross_LC Opened.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/200709eToPolk_Quot RP 2002-01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200706_Calc RP 2002-01.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:33:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToFrKazants_QuestCompres.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200626eToFrToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200624eToKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200527eFrGross_LC Opened.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение2 2020-05-29.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToFrKazants_QuestCompres.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Quote SP 2003-01/SP 2003-01 A1 re_200707 Rev.2.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2/200602eFrToGross_QuestShipm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200626eToMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Einlegeblätter BF 1809-02.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200706_Calc RP 2002-01.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/200709eToPolk_Quot RP 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/EMSR_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:33:55 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:33:59 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:33:59 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:34:00 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:34:00 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:34:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/B4-1-011-CarFreez_AAT_BoxFreezer_2020-06-19_JP.dwg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:34:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/B4-1-011-CarFreez_AAT_BoxFreezer_2020-06-19_JP.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:34:01 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:34:01 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/200616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToFrKazants_QuestCompres.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200610eToFrToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200624 SF 2002-01 Calc Rosoma, Alco.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200628eToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200605eFrSchwToLutch_Quest install SICK scanner.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A4 r_200709.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 RU A3 Холод Договор с ООО Этап1.doc"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Heat load calc freezer BF 2001-04_200701_Evap4Fans.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200610eFrShin_Prop Co-op.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200423eFrPolk_RequEngineering.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200409eToSchmeichel_Project Mytishchi.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 RU A3 Холод Договор с ООО Этап1.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Heat load calc freezer BF 2001-04_200701_Evap4Fans.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200423eFrPolk_RequEngineering.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200610eToFrToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A4 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200409eToSchmeichel_Project Mytishchi.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToFrKazants_QuestCompres.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200605eFrSchwToLutch_Quest install SICK scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200610eFrShin_Prop Co-op.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:00 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200624 SF 2002-01 Calc Rosoma, Alco.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200628eToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/200616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:35:01 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 621 items [L6CNM] 13:35:01 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:36:00 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:36:00 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200603eToFrToSchaffner_LC received.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HRP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200617eFrTirole_ Info sending technical documentation.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628_Corr.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToFrToFrToFrToLemeshev_AnsQuestQuot BF 2001-04-6.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A2 e_200604.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 2 ПЗУ.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200603eToFrToSchaffner_LC received.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200617eFrTirole_ Info sending technical documentation.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 2 ПЗУ.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A2 e_200604.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HRP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628_Corr.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:36:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToFrToFrToFrToLemeshev_AnsQuestQuot BF 2001-04-6.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:36:04 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 620 items [L6CNM] 13:36:04 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/ТЗ на картонфризер доп 22 04 2020.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/200625eToZhukFrToFrKazants_NewQuot_Inqu RP 2002-01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200707eToTirole_ Quest for original signed drawings vessels.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200402eToFrToToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200402eToFrToToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/ТЗ на картонфризер доп 22 04 2020.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Suppliers RP 2002-01/Mayekawa RP 2002-01/200625eToZhukFrToFrKazants_NewQuot_Inqu RP 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/200707eToTirole_ Quest for original signed drawings vessels.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:37:01 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:37:02 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 620 items [L6CNM] 13:37:02 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:37:04 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:37:04 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:37:04 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:37:04 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:37:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToPolk_Contr_SignACR.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:37:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eToFinsterw_LoadTime_ReferenceBerga.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:37:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/GP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:37:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200707eToFrGreschner_Answ delivery address techn docu.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:37:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200629 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:37:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200527eToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:37:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200629 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:37:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200527eToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:37:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToPolk_Contr_SignACR.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:37:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eToFinsterw_LoadTime_ReferenceBerga.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:37:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200707eToFrGreschner_Answ delivery address techn docu.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:37:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/GP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:37:05 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 620 items [L6CNM] 13:37:05 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:38:02 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:38:02 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:38:02 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:38:02 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:38:02 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/170526 Price split RP 1502-03_200709.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:38:02 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eFrOllesch_Info readiness for delivery.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:38:02 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200623 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:38:02 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/170526 Price split RP 1502-03_200709.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:38:02 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200623 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:38:02 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eFrOllesch_Info readiness for delivery.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:38:03 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 620 items [L6CNM] 13:38:03 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:39:02 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:39:02 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:39:02 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:39:02 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:39:02 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/SCAN_20200623_151621064.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:39:02 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/050.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:39:02 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200626eToFrToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:39:02 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-19_OP.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:39:02 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:39:02 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200608eFrToFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:39:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200626eToFrToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:39:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/050.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:39:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Договор 2020-06-19_OP.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:39:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp Client RP 1502-03-2 LC/200608eFrToFrToGross_Quest LC Opened.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:39:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/SCAN_20200623_151621064.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:39:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:39:03 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 620 items [L6CNM] 13:39:03 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:40:03 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:40:03 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:40:03 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:40:03 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:40:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200608eToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:40:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_QuestDrafts.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:40:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/~$0616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:40:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200707eFrTaferner_Suppliers declaration.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:40:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_QuestDrafts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:40:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P03 GÜNTNER RP 1502-03-2/Corresp. GÜNTNER P03/200707eFrTaferner_Suppliers declaration.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:40:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200608eToSchaffner_LC received.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:40:03 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/~$0616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:40:04 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 620 items [L6CNM] 13:40:04 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:41:03 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:41:03 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:41:05 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:41:05 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:41:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200612.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:41:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:41:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:41:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_AAT.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:41:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:41:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_AAT.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:41:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2001-04_detailed_200612.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:41:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToFrToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:41:05 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 620 items [L6CNM] 13:41:05 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_Drafts.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200610 WhatsApp Lemeshev.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200603eFrPolkToACR_RequEngineering.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/Vessels SO 95732/suction strainers/Drawing SSD350 EY-SS-EAF.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Deutsche Bank RP 1502-03-2/200604_Anschreiben zu Akkreditiv.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Deutsche Bank RP 1502-03-2/200604_Anschreiben zu Akkreditiv.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200610 WhatsApp Lemeshev.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200603eFrPolkToACR_RequEngineering.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_Drafts.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:41:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/RP 1908-06-1 ACR/MAYEKAWA RP 1908-06-1/Corresp techn documentation/Vessels SO 95732/suction strainers/Drawing SSD350 EY-SS-EAF.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:41:18 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:41:18 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:42:04 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:42:04 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:42:04 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:42:04 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:42:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:42:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/~$0616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:42:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-5 A1 r_200626 - 2z.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:42:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Correspondence/Corresp Mayekawa_ 200610/~$0616eFrToShin_Prop Co-op.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-5 A1 r_200626 - 2z.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:04 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200612eFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:05 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:42:05 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/Corresp thermowave P04/200707eFrSchulter_Suppliers declaration.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4942.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626_Short.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Russkaya Bronya BF 2001-04/200702eToFrTyurin_Inqu BF 2001-04_P03.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eToFinsterw_TransportauftragBerga_Halle.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200514eToFrToToFrToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime_References.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Gravity Roller Conveyor (for No Read).JPG"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_ru.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Supplier RE 2005-02/GEA AWP RE 2005-02/200622eFrGrossr_Offer 3 valves with actuator.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_QuestDrafts.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/Kopie von Книга1.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626_Short.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200514eToFrToToFrToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime_References.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Gravity Roller Conveyor (for No Read).JPG"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4942.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/Kopie von Книга1.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Russkaya Bronya BF 2001-04/200702eToFrTyurin_Inqu BF 2001-04_P03.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Forwarder RP 1502-03-2/Finsterwalder RP 1502-03-2/200707eToFinsterw_TransportauftragBerga_Halle.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_QuestDrafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_ru.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/RE 2005-02 EkoNiva Novosibirsk/Supplier RE 2005-02/GEA AWP RE 2005-02/200622eFrGrossr_Offer 3 valves with actuator.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/Corresp thermowave P04/200707eFrSchulter_Suppliers declaration.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:42:22 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:42:22 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:43:05 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:43:05 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:43:05 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:43:05 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:43:05 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:43:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:43:06 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:43:06 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:44:05 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:44:05 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:44:16 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:44:16 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:44:16 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:44:16 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:44:27 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:44:27 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:44:27 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:44:27 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:44:27 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/SCAN_20200623_151621064.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:44:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/SCAN_20200623_151621064.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:44:28 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:44:28 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HR_HS_HR_SK_2020_E.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200701.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/Проект стадия П Договор Прил 2 05-05-2020.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/PRUEF_2020_D.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr Client DW 2003-03 RU/ТЗ на оборудование для полуфабриктов замороженных 2020-05-19 корр согл с АК.doc"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04 A2_E_200628.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626_Short.jpg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/HR_HS_HR_SK_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/PRUEF_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:45:06 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr Client DW 2003-03 RU/ТЗ на оборудование для полуфабриктов замороженных 2020-05-19 корр согл с АК.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:45:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200701.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:45:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626_Short.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:45:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr ACR DW 2003-03 RU/Проект стадия П Договор Прил 2 05-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:45:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04 A2_E_200628.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:45:07 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:45:07 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:46:06 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:46:06 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:46:07 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:46:07 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:46:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Приложение №3 Лист 2-4 План ХКЦ.PDF"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:46:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/Договор и Приложения.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:46:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/Приложение №3 Лист 2-4 План ХКЦ.PDF"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:46:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/Договор и Приложения.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:46:07 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:46:07 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/РЕКОНСТРУКЦИЯ_13.03.2020.pptx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200612eToFrToToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04_Dwg.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200603eFrPolkToACR_RequEngineering.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-05-29.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200626eToFrToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04_E_200628.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04 A1_E_200628.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200504eToAN YK MP_Inqu_Rokos-Agro.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HRP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200703.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/DW 2002-03 RU Приложение1 2020-05-29.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200612eToFrToToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04_Dwg.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04_E_200628.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200626eToFrToFrKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:47:07 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200504eToAN YK MP_Inqu_Rokos-Agro.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:47:08 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200703.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:47:08 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/РЕКОНСТРУКЦИЯ_13.03.2020.pptx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:47:08 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/HRP_2020_DE_ET.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:47:08 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200603eFrPolkToACR_RequEngineering.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:47:08 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/Draft Contr BF 2001-04_E/BF 2001-04 A1_E_200628.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:47:08 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:47:08 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:48:08 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:48:08 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:48:08 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:48:08 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:48:09 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:48:09 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:48:40 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:48:40 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:48:40 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:48:40 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:48:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/ТЗ на картонфризер доп 22 04 2020.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:48:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_ru.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:48:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200610 WhatsApp Lemeshev.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:48:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:48:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №1 28-05-2020.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:48:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200610 WhatsApp Lemeshev.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:48:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №1 28-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:48:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:48:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_ru.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:48:41 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/ТЗ на картонфризер доп 22 04 2020.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:48:41 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:48:41 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:49:08 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:49:08 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:49:08 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:49:08 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:49:08 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToKud_Answ Info date install scanner.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:49:08 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Contract RP 1502-03-2/RP 1502-03-2 Speci Detailed_200602.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:49:08 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/HAD_2020_D.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:49:08 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A1 r_200709.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:49:08 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/pressure_vessel_equipment_2020_E.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:49:08 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4944.jpg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:49:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Contract RP 1502-03-2/RP 1502-03-2 Speci Detailed_200602.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:49:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2019/BF 1806-01 AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP/Corresp AAT MHP 2020/Delivery SICK/200609eFrSchwToKud_Answ Info date install scanner.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:49:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/HAD_2020_D.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:49:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/pressure_vessel_equipment_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:49:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4944.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:49:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A1 r_200709.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:49:09 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:49:09 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:49:43 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:49:43 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:49:43 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:49:43 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:49:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/ДОГОВОР ИНЖИНИРИНГ АЛЬФАКОНТРАКТИНГ.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:49:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/Alfa Contracting 657080.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:49:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200624eToFrKink_InfoInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:49:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200602eFrToSveta_PaymentOfDebts.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:49:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200624eToFrKink_InfoInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:49:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Mayekawa/ACU Docs/ACU Depts/200602eFrToSveta_PaymentOfDebts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:49:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/Alfa Contracting 657080.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:49:44 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/ДОГОВОР ИНЖИНИРИНГ АЛЬФАКОНТРАКТИНГ.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:49:44 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:49:44 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/Corresp thermowave P04/200708eFrHofm_Pictures delivery.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/BF 2002-01/Quotation BF 2002-01/200327eToFrPolk_Quot BF 2002-01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200707eToFrGreschner_Answ delivery address techn docu.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200405eFrSizykh_Project Mytishchi.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200706 Price split RP 2002-01.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/Corresp thermowave P04/200708eFrHofm_Pictures delivery.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/BF 2002-01/Quotation BF 2002-01/200327eToFrPolk_Quot BF 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200706 Price split RP 2002-01.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/200405eFrSizykh_Project Mytishchi.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200707eToFrGreschner_Answ delivery address techn docu.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:10 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:50:10 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:50:46 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:50:46 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200612eToFrToToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04_Dwg.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eFrToFrOllesch_Packing list and fix date.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToKazants_QuestCompres.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200709 Price split RP 1502-03_RP 2002-01.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200624 SF 2002-01 Calc Rosoma, Alco.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2007-01_200703.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200628eToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200527eToFrSchaffner_LC received.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Bank RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Commerzbank RP 1502-03-2/200527eToFrSchaffner_LC received.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P01 MAYEKAWA RP 1502-03-2/Corr Mycom RP 1502-03-2_2006/200621eMPFrToKazants_QuestCompres.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200628eToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eFrToFrOllesch_Packing list and fix date.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200709 Price split RP 1502-03_RP 2002-01.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200612eToFrToToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04_Dwg.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200624 SF 2002-01 Calc Rosoma, Alco.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200701eToToLemeshev_QuestCoolant_Quot BF 2001-04-5.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/TT_BoxFreez_ BF 2007-01_200703.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:50:47 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/EMSR_2020_E.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Calculation BF 2001-04/Calc_BF 2001-04-4_200628_15 tph 18h 2z.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200706 Price split RP 2002-01.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/HKP0000024643_1-HELUKABEL Rechnung 0090676748.SW.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200610eFrShin_Prop Co-op.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200622LToStBuero_KurzarbeitsStundenImJuni.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/200709eToPolk_Quot RP 2002-01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:51:09 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4866.jpg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:51:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Compressors/MYCOM/Maekawa Co-operation/200610eFrShin_Prop Co-op.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Mundt, Texaco/IMG_4866.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200622LToStBuero_KurzarbeitsStundenImJuni.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Calculation RP 2002-01/200706 Price split RP 2002-01.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/EMSR_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Calculation BF 2001-04/Calc_BF 2001-04-4_200628_15 tph 18h 2z.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/HKP0000024643_1-HELUKABEL Rechnung 0090676748.SW.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:10 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/200709eToPolk_Quot RP 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:10 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:51:10 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4938.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eFrKuehmst_Suppliers declaration.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №1 28-05-2020.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/Ventile_2020_E.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200707 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Invoices RP 1502-03-2/Delivery Halle/Drafts Truck 1 Client/200707 Pack list RP 1502-03-2_PL01 re.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4938.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №1 28-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/Ventile_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eFrKuehmst_Suppliers declaration.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:51:51 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:51:51 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:52:10 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:52:10 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:52:20 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:52:20 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:52:21 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:52:21 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:52:53 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:52:53 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:52:53 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:52:53 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:52:53 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/Capacity Calc_BF 1909-01_200211.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:52:53 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/! Archiv/Contracts 2008/AC Quotations-Contracts_2008.xls"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:52:53 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Corr ACR E 2002-01/200604eToACR_Requ ComplContr E 2002-01.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:52:53 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-7 A1 r_200708 - 2z AirCoolFrTF.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:52:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Engineering BF 2007-01/Capacity Calc_BF 1909-01_200211.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:52:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/! Archiv/Contracts 2008/AC Quotations-Contracts_2008.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:52:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Corr ACR E 2002-01/200604eToACR_Requ ComplContr E 2002-01.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:52:54 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-7 A1 r_200708 - 2z AirCoolFrTF.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:52:54 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:52:54 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/GP_2020_DE_Mot.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №1 28-05-2020.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200512.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 D/GP_2020_DE_Mot.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200630eToFrToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-5.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrToFrToHausen_Layout_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/AC Quotations-Contracts_2020_200512.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:53:11 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/приложение №1 28-05-2020.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 13:53:12 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 13:53:12 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 13:53:57 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:53:57 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:53:57 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:53:57 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:54:11 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:54:11 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:54:11 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:54:11 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:55:00 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:55:00 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:55:00 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:55:00 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:55:11 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:55:11 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:55:12 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:55:12 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:56:03 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:56:03 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:56:04 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:56:04 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:56:12 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:56:12 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:56:12 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:56:12 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:57:07 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:57:07 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:57:07 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:57:07 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:57:12 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:57:12 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:57:13 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:57:13 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:58:10 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:58:10 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:58:10 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:58:10 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:58:13 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:58:13 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:58:13 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:58:13 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 13:59:34 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 13:59:34 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 13:59:34 INFO: Connected to already connected device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL (existing: new: [L6CNM] 13:59:34 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 13:59:34 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:00:14 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:00:14 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:00:14 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:00:14 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:00:17 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:00:17 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:00:17 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:00:17 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:01:05 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:01:05 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:01:15 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:01:15 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:01:15 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:01:15 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:01:15 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:01:15 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToToPolk_Contr_SignACR.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:01:15 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Corresp ACR BF 2007-01/200703eToKondrat_BF 2007-01 - TT.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:01:15 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Corresp ACR RP 1502-03-2/200528eFrKondrat_RequDocs_SplitPrice.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:01:15 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Corresp ACR BF 2007-01/200703eToKondrat_BF 2007-01 - TT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:01:15 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToToPolk_Contr_SignACR.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:01:16 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:01:16 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 14:01:20 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:01:20 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:01:20 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:01:20 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:01:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/ДОГОВОР ИНЖИНИРИНГ АЛЬФАКОНТРАКТИНГ.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:01:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4944.jpg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:01:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200704eFrPereg_CalcQuot.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:01:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200704eFrPereg_CalcQuot.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:01:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4944.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:01:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/ДОГОВОР ИНЖИНИРИНГ АЛЬФАКОНТРАКТИНГ.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:01:21 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:01:21 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:02:15 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:02:15 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:02:15 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:02:15 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:02:15 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/air cooler.png"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:02:15 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200701eFrKink_InfoEvapor BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:02:15 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:02:16 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/air cooler.png"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:02:16 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200701eFrKink_InfoEvapor BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:02:16 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp Client BF 2001-04/200615eFrToFrToFrLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT_Confirm.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:02:16 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:02:16 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:03:16 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:03:16 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:03:16 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:03:16 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:03:16 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/BF 1809-02 A1 r_181116.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:03:16 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P07 Mundt -Texaco RP 1502-03-2/Contract RP 1502-03-2_P07/200608eToFrSommer_Orderconfirm 293795.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:03:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P07 Mundt -Texaco RP 1502-03-2/Contract RP 1502-03-2_P07/200608eToFrSommer_Orderconfirm 293795.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:03:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Chicken Rus 2020/BF 2007-01 GAP Resurs Blagodarnoe/Input BF 2007-01/BF 1809-02 A1 r_181116.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:03:17 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:03:17 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:04:16 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:04:16 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:04:27 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:04:27 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:04:27 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:04:27 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:04:30 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:04:30 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:04:30 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:04:30 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:04:30 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:04:30 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200707eFrPereg_CalcQuot-2.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:04:30 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A2 e_200604.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:04:30 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200707eFrPereg_CalcQuot-2.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:04:30 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:04:30 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Draft contract E 2002-01/Contract Draft E 2002-01/E 2002-01 A2 e_200604.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:04:31 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:04:31 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:05:17 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:05:17 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:05:17 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:05:17 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:05:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 RU A5 Холод Договор с ООО Этап2.doc"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:05:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/AAT-FREEZING_quotation_C 7522e 20_15th_300620.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:05:17 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 RU A5 Холод Договор с ООО Этап2.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:05:18 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/AAT-FREEZING_quotation_C 7522e 20_15th_300620.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:05:18 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:05:18 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:06:17 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:06:17 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628_Corr.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/ДОГОВОР ИНЖИНИРИНГ АЛЬФАКОНТРАКТИНГ.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200505eToFrToToKirs_Addr_Rokos-Agro.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200423eFrPolk_RequEngineering.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr Client RP 2002-01/200423eFrPolk_RequEngineering.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200628_Corr.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200626.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Corr ACR RP 2002-01/200505eToFrToToKirs_Addr_Rokos-Agro.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/ДОГОВОР ИНЖИНИРИНГ АЛЬФАКОНТРАКТИНГ.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:06:18 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:07:18 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:07:18 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:07:28 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:07:28 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:07:29 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:07:29 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:07:39 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:07:39 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:07:39 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:07:39 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:07:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200608.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:07:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_AAT.xlsx"): pull: requestGlobal: no such device: 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL [L6CNM] 14:07:39 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToFrToFrToFrToLemeshev_AnsQuestQuot BF 2001-04-6.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:07:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToFrToFrToFrToLemeshev_AnsQuestQuot BF 2001-04-6.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:07:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/Capacity Calc_BF 2001-04_200608.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:07:40 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_AAT.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:07:40 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:07:40 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:08:19 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:08:19 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:08:19 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:08:19 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:08:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200609eFrNeukirch_Info new delivery date.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:08:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_AAT.xlsx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:08:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/200707eFrFedyus_Info readiness for transport.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:08:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200609eFrNeukirch_Info new delivery date.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:08:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P04 thermowave RP 1502-03-2/200707eFrFedyus_Info readiness for transport.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:08:19 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/Conveyor system BF 2001-04_200630_AAT.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:08:20 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:08:20 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:08:42 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:08:42 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:08:42 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:08:42 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:08:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Rosoma SF 2002-01/19267rev1 Spiralfroster Geflügel Kasachstan-ALFA Contracting.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:08:42 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/EMSR_2020_E.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:08:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:08:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Suppliers/Pumps refrigeration/WITT/Preislisten 2020 Eng/EMSR_2020_E.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:08:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:08:43 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Rosoma SF 2002-01/19267rev1 Spiralfroster Geflügel Kasachstan-ALFA Contracting.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:08:43 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:08:43 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:09:19 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:09:19 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:09:19 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:09:19 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:09:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 5.7.1 ТХ.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:09:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Раздел 5.7.1 ТХ.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:09:20 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:09:20 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 14:09:46 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:09:46 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:09:46 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:09:46 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:09:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:09:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200624eFrNeukirch_Info weight of delivery.msg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:09:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625163533_0001.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:09:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-7.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:09:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:09:46 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200625163533_0001.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrMehlh_Inqu BF 2001-04 - Var E.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200624eFrNeukirch_Info weight of delivery.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:09:47 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/200708eToLemeshev_Quot BF 2001-04-7.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:09:47 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:09:47 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:10:20 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:10:20 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:10:20 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:10:20 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:10:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4944.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:10:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200608eFrFranke Angebot AN15018 ASK 914-20-3200.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:10:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr Client DW 2003-03 RU/ТЗ на оборудование для полуфабриктов замороженных 2020-05-19 корр согл с АК.doc"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:10:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/SF 2002-01/Alco SF 2002-01/200608eFrFranke Angebot AN15018 ASK 914-20-3200.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:10:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Corr Client DW 2003-03 RU/ТЗ на оборудование для полуфабриктов замороженных 2020-05-19 корр согл с АК.doc"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:10:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4944.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:10:21 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:10:21 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:10:49 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:10:49 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:10:49 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:10:49 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:10:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/RP 1502-03 A1r_150704.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:10:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1r_200707.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:10:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:10:49 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z AATWithAirCool.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:10:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/RP 2002-01 A1r_200707.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:10:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/Quotation RP 2002-01/RP 1502-03 A1r_150704.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:10:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:10:50 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z AATWithAirCool.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:10:50 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:10:50 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:11:20 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:11:20 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:11:20 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:11:20 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:11:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:11:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToPolk_Contr_SignACR.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:11:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:11:20 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a_2.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:11:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z AirCoolFrTF.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:11:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/P1014-02_conveyor_system_layout#a_2.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:11:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200609eToFrToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:11:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Quotation BF 2001-04/BF 2001-04-6 A1 r_200701 - 2z AirCoolFrTF.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:11:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Engineering BF 2001-04/TT BF 2001-04_200612.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:11:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Contract DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrToPolk_Contr_SignACR.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:11:21 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:11:21 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200624eToKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200610eToFrToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrHausen_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/30043782 - 29.06.2020.pdf"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_QuestDrafts.docx"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200616eFrHuber_Invoice 9006748 Suppliers declaration.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr ACR/200629eToFrUsanow Answ Inqu Gasket set for GSV-185.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrToFrPolk_QuestDrafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04_E Velikie Luki/AAT BF 2001-04_E/200624eToKink_DraftContr BF 2001-04_E_P01.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Suppliers BF 2001-04/Thermofin BF 2001-04_2006/30043782 - 29.06.2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200610eToFrToToKink_CorrInqu BF 2001-04.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Meat Rus 2020/BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki/Corresp AAT BF 2001-04_2006/200629eToFrToKinkFrHausen_RequPhot_Quot_Inqu BF 2001-04.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P06 Helukabel RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Helukabel P06/200616eFrHuber_Invoice 9006748 Suppliers declaration.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:12:21 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr ACR/200629eToFrUsanow Answ Inqu Gasket set for GSV-185.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:12:22 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:12:22 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:13:22 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:13:22 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:13:22 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:13:22 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:13:23 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:13:23 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:13:58 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:13:58 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:13:59 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:13:59 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:13:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr JCI/200615 Quote 324465 JCI.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:13:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Приложение С. Инженерно-топографический план.dwg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:13:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200623 Antrag Kug 06_2020.pdf"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:13:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Spare parts Russia 2020/SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan/Corr JCI/200615 Quote 324465 JCI.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:13:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Russia 2020/Sizykh 200405/Приложение С. Инженерно-топографический план.dwg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:13:59 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Financing/Corona Soforthilfe und Kurzarbeit/Corona Kurzarbeit/200623 Antrag Kug 06_2020.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:13:59 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:13:59 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0s. [L6CNM] 14:14:22 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:14:22 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:14:22 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:14:22 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:14:22 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4942.jpg"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:14:22 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): pull: connection closed [L6CNM] 14:14:22 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4945.jpg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:14:22 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eFrKuehmst_Suppliers declaration.msg"): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [L6CNM] 14:14:23 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Suppliers RP 1502-03-2/Orders RP 1502-03-2/P02 Hermetic RP 1502-03-2/Corresp Hermetic P02/200629eFrKuehmst_Suppliers declaration.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:14:23 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4945.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:14:23 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Quotations 2020/Kazakhstan 2020/RP 2002-01 ROKOS-Agro/DW 2003-03 RU/Draft Cont DW 2003-03 RU/200619eMPToFrFrToFrPolk_Drafts.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:14:23 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma/Contracts 2020/RP 1502-03-2 Makinskaya PF/Pictures delivery RP 1502-03-2/Petro-Canada/IMG_4942.jpg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [L6CNM] 14:14:23 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 619 items [L6CNM] 14:14:23 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m1s. [L6CNM] 14:14:47 INFO: Paused folder "o" (792we-gdmch) (sendreceive) [L6CNM] 14:14:55 INFO: Paused folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 14:15:01 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "792we-gdmch" is 442884h15m1.537342838s old; recalculating [L6CNM] 14:15:02 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:15:02 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:15:02 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:15:02 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:15:23 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:15:23 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:15:23 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:15:23 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:16:05 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:16:05 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:16:05 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:16:05 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:16:23 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:16:23 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:16:23 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:16:23 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:16:40 WARNING: Database failed to stop within 10s [L6CNM] 14:16:40 INFO: Exiting [monitor] 14:16:40 INFO: Syncthing exited: exit status 3 [start] 14:16:41 INFO: syncthing v1.7.0 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 linux-arm) 2020-06-08 06:29:55 UTC [L6CNM] 14:16:45 INFO: My ID: L6CNM7T-HZIPRFQ-J5L7GEK-N63VF3R-Z2E5RG4-XQVCOKI-FXKDS2E-HEYXUQ6 [L6CNM] 14:16:46 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 45 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (45 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: Hashing performance is 41.09 MB/s [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: Using discovery server [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: Ready to synchronize "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "99nq4-kfrtw" is out of date after crash; recalculating [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: GUI and API listening on [::]:8384 [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: My name is "RasPi4" [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: Device SZPU7RL-JLPVCKY-NJA6WQJ-5QCIDCF-JSQG6US-WOVZOD7-MMINXJX-OIRSBA7 is "RAID" at [dynamic] [L6CNM] 14:16:47 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL is "DS918plus" at [dynamic] [L6CNM] 14:16:48 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:16:48 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:16:49 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "99nq4-kfrtw" [L6CNM] 14:16:49 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 99nq4-kfrtw: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:16:54 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 14:16:54 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "gszzh-qrado" is 442884h16m54.415557541s old; recalculating [L6CNM] 14:16:58 INFO: New NAT port mapping: external TCP address to local address [L6CNM] 14:16:58 INFO: Detected 3 NAT services [L6CNM] 14:17:06 INFO: quic:// detected NAT type: Port restricted NAT [L6CNM] 14:17:06 INFO: quic:// resolved external address quic:// (via [L6CNM] 14:17:47 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:17:47 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:17:59 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:17:59 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:18:47 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:18:47 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:18:57 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:18:57 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:19:30 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 14:19:30 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "sxtpn-rdyfp" is 442884h19m30.698418498s old; recalculating [L6CNM] 14:19:45 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 14:19:48 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:19:48 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:19:48 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:19:48 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:19:49 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [L6CNM] 14:20:17 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:20:17 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:20:29 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:20:29 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:20:29 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [L6CNM] 14:20:48 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:20:48 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:20:48 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:20:48 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:21:21 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:21:21 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:21:21 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:21:21 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:21:49 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:21:49 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:21:50 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:21:50 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:22:24 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:22:24 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:22:24 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:22:24 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:22:49 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:22:49 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:22:50 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:22:50 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:23:12 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [L6CNM] 14:23:27 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:23:27 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:23:29 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:23:29 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:23:50 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:23:50 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:23:50 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:23:50 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:24:30 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:24:30 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:24:31 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:24:31 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:24:50 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:24:50 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:24:51 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:24:51 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:25:34 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:25:34 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:25:34 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:25:34 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:25:51 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:25:51 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:25:51 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:25:51 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:26:37 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:26:37 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:26:37 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:26:37 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:26:52 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:26:52 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:26:52 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:26:52 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:27:40 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:27:40 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:27:41 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:27:41 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:27:52 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:27:52 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:27:52 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:27:52 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:27:58 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) [L6CNM] 14:28:44 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:28:44 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:28:44 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:28:44 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:28:53 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:28:53 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:28:53 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: reading length: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer [L6CNM] 14:29:53 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:29:53 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:29:54 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:29:54 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:30:54 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:30:54 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:31:04 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:31:04 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:31:55 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:31:55 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:32:05 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:32:05 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:32:55 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:32:55 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:33:05 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:33:05 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:33:56 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:33:56 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:34:06 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:34:06 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:34:56 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:34:56 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:35:06 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:35:06 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:35:57 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:35:57 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:36:07 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:36:07 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:36:57 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:36:57 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:36:58 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:36:58 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:37:58 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:37:58 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:38:08 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:38:08 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:38:58 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:38:58 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:39:09 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:39:09 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:39:59 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:39:59 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:40:09 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:40:09 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:40:59 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:40:59 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:41:10 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:41:10 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:42:00 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:42:00 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:42:10 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:42:10 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:43:01 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:43:01 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:43:11 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:43:11 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:44:01 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:44:01 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:44:11 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:44:11 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:45:02 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:45:02 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:45:12 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:45:12 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:46:02 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:46:02 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:46:03 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:46:03 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:46:49 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [L6CNM] 14:47:03 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:47:03 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:47:13 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:47:13 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:48:04 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:48:04 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:48:14 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:48:14 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:49:04 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:49:04 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:49:14 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:49:14 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:50:04 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:50:04 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:50:05 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:50:05 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:51:05 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:51:05 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:51:15 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:51:15 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:52:06 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:52:06 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:52:16 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:52:16 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:53:06 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:53:06 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:53:16 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:53:16 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:54:07 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:54:07 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:54:17 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:54:17 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:55:07 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:55:07 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:55:17 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:55:17 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:56:08 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:56:08 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:56:18 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:56:18 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:57:09 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:57:09 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:57:19 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:57:19 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:58:09 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:58:09 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:58:19 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:58:19 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 14:59:10 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 14:59:10 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 14:59:10 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 14:59:10 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:00:10 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:00:10 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:00:20 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:00:20 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:01:11 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:01:11 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:01:11 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:01:11 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:02:11 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:02:11 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:02:15 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: pausing folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [L6CNM] 15:02:15 INFO: Paused folder "o" (792we-gdmch) (sendreceive) [L6CNM] 15:02:18 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "792we-gdmch" is 442885h2m18.817083484s old; recalculating [L6CNM] 15:02:20 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:02:20 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:02:20 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:02:20 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:03:12 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:03:12 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:03:12 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:03:12 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:03:23 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:03:23 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:03:24 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:03:24 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:04:12 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:04:12 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:04:13 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:04:13 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:04:27 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:04:27 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:04:27 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:04:27 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:05:13 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:05:13 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:05:13 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:05:13 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:05:30 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:05:30 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:05:30 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:05:30 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:06:13 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:06:13 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:06:13 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:06:13 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:06:33 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:06:33 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:06:33 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:06:33 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:07:12 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (sendreceive) [L6CNM] 15:07:12 INFO: Unpaused folder "o" (792we-gdmch) (sendreceive) [L6CNM] 15:07:12 INFO: Paused folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:07:12 INFO: Paused folder "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:07:12 INFO: Failed initial scan of sendreceive folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [L6CNM] 15:07:12 INFO: Paused folder "o" (792we-gdmch) (sendreceive) [L6CNM] 15:07:12 INFO: Paused folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:07:12 INFO: Paused folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:07:12 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "yxpju-quzdp" is out of date after crash; recalculating [L6CNM] 15:07:14 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:07:14 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:07:19 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:07:19 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:08:14 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:08:14 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:08:15 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:08:15 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:08:40 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:08:40 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:08:40 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "sxtpn-rdyfp" [L6CNM] 15:08:40 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: sxtpn-rdyfp: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:09:15 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:09:15 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:09:15 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "792we-gdmch" [L6CNM] 15:09:15 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 792we-gdmch: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:09:43 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:09:43 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:09:43 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "99nq4-kfrtw" [L6CNM] 15:09:43 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 99nq4-kfrtw: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:10:15 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:10:15 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:10:16 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "99nq4-kfrtw" [L6CNM] 15:10:16 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: 99nq4-kfrtw: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:10:28 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:10:28 INFO: Unpaused folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:10:28 INFO: Ready to synchronize "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:10:28 INFO: Unpaused folder "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:10:28 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (sendreceive) [L6CNM] 15:10:28 INFO: Unpaused folder "o" (792we-gdmch) (sendreceive) [L6CNM] 15:10:28 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "99nq4-kfrtw" is out of date after crash; recalculating [L6CNM] 15:10:32 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:10:32 INFO: Unpaused folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:10:32 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "gszzh-qrado" is 442885h10m32.363237198s old; recalculating [L6CNM] 15:10:46 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:10:46 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:10:46 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "sxtpn-rdyfp" [L6CNM] 15:10:46 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: sxtpn-rdyfp: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:10:53 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [L6CNM] 15:11:16 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:11:16 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:11:17 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "sxtpn-rdyfp" [L6CNM] 15:11:17 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: sxtpn-rdyfp: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:11:49 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:11:49 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:11:50 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "sxtpn-rdyfp" [L6CNM] 15:11:50 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: sxtpn-rdyfp: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:12:17 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:12:17 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:12:17 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "sxtpn-rdyfp" [L6CNM] 15:12:17 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: sxtpn-rdyfp: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:12:53 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:12:53 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:12:53 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "sxtpn-rdyfp" [L6CNM] 15:12:53 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: sxtpn-rdyfp: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:13:17 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:13:17 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:13:18 INFO: Index for nonexistent folder "sxtpn-rdyfp" [L6CNM] 15:13:18 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at closed: receiver error: sxtpn-rdyfp: no such folder [L6CNM] 15:13:26 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:13:26 INFO: Unpaused folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:13:26 INFO: Stored folder metadata for "sxtpn-rdyfp" is 442885h13m26.19379421s old; recalculating [L6CNM] 15:13:38 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:13:38 INFO: Unpaused folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [L6CNM] 15:13:56 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL at [L6CNM] 15:13:56 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL-VDEO5WV-CMZ2PZY-HIRQ4YE-QGI6E2A-ZVLV437-OQU2JQZ-UY5YLQL client is "syncthing v1.7.0" named "DS918plus" at [L6CNM] 15:16:58 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [L6CNM] 15:17:04 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [L6CNM] 15:27:40 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "BackUp" (6kjum-vumxf) [L6CNM] 15:27:57 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp)