[3ZF3M] 2022/10/24 03:28:37 INFO: Connection to M45H3JI at [2401:4900:1c30:1827:80ec:8e32:9d07:be56]:22000-[2401:4900:1c30:1827:d149:ba56:f583:282b]:45034/tcp-server/TLS1.3-TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 closed: reading length: read tcp [2401:4900:1c30:1827:80ec:8e32:9d07:be56]:22000->[2401:4900:1c30:1827:d149:ba56:f583:282b]:45034: wsarecv: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. [3ZF3M] 2022/10/24 03:28:37 INFO: Established secure connection to M45H3JI at [3ZF3M] 2022/10/24 03:28:37 INFO: Device M45H3JI client is "syncthing v1.22.0" named "i1670-debian" at [3ZF3M] 2022/10/24 03:29:34 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [3ZF3M] 2022/10/24 03:32:46 INFO: quic:// resolved external address quic:// (via stun.syncthing.net:3478) [3ZF3M] 2022/10/24 13:16:48 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [3ZF3M] 2022/10/24 18:37:10 INFO: Connection to M45H3JI at closed: reading length: read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. [3ZF3M] 2022/10/24 18:52:18 INFO: Established secure connection to M45H3JI at [3ZF3M] 2022/10/24 18:52:18 INFO: Device M45H3JI client is "syncthing v1.22.0" named "i1670-debian" at [3ZF3M] 2022/10/24 18:52:18 INFO: Connection from M45H3JI at [2401:4900:1c68:e697:3ca2:7102:3517:2519]:22000 (tcp-server) rejected: already connected to this device