[SZPU7] 23:58:33 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 23:58:33 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 23:58:33 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 23:58:33 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 23:58:33 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 23:58:33 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 23:58:33 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 23:58:33 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 23:58:33 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 23:58:33 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 23:58:33 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 23:58:33 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 23:58:33 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 23:58:42 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 23:59:03 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 00:00:03 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 00:13:43 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 00:28:34 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 00:38:33 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 00:42:06 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 00:42:06 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 00:42:42 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 00:43:06 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 00:43:06 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 00:44:01 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 01:13:39 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 01:13:48 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_havana\\door_templeA.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:48 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\shadertest\\LightmappedMaskedEnvmappedTexture.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:48 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\barricade_tall03a.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:48 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\HL1\\fvox\\voice_on.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:49 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\plaster\\offwllg_normal.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:49 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\Combine_Dropship\\combine_fenceglow.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:49 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\platform\\AddOns\\common\\cards\\hlcardback.tga"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:49 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_rooftop\\Sign_Letter02_Rus1002.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:49 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\platform\\AddOns\\common\\SteamAddOns_italian.txt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:49 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\physics\\cardboard\\cardboard_cup_impact_hard1.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:49 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_havana\\lowerrec.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:50 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\skins\\Grey\\steam\\games\\icon_dedicated_dull.tga"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:50 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\de_dust\\du_crate_96x96.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:50 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\GasPipes004a.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:50 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\canals\\arrest_run.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:50 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_combine\\pipes03_single03a.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:51 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\dogobject_wood_crate001a_damagedmax.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:51 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Plaster\\plasterwallpaper001a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:51 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\scenes\\npc\\male01\\squad_train03.vcd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:13:51 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_havana\\stn01grm05tool.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 01:13:51 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-011351.log" [monitor] 01:13:51 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 01:13:51 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 01:13:52 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 01:13:52 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 01:13:52 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 01:13:52 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 173 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (138 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: Hashing performance is 151.03 MB/s [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 01:13:53 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 01:13:54 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 01:13:54 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 01:13:54 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 01:13:54 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 01:14:24 INFO: Joined relay relay://[2001:bc8:47a8:e30::1]:22067 [SZPU7] 01:15:20 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 01:15:29 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 01:28:46 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 01:43:55 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 01:59:01 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 02:21:10 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 02:21:18 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\wood_fence02a_board07a.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:21:18 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_trainstation\\train005.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:21:19 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_dust\\templewall04b_normal.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:21:19 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\utilitypole02b.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:21:19 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_trainstation\\trainstation_post001.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:21:19 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_italy\\ivy03.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 02:21:19 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-022119.log" [monitor] 02:21:19 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 02:21:19 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 02:21:20 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 02:21:20 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 02:21:20 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 02:21:20 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 02:21:21 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 170 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (126 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: Hashing performance is 142.02 MB/s [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 02:21:22 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 02:21:50 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 02:22:39 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 02:22:47 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 02:30:22 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 02:30:22 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 02:30:45 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 02:31:22 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 02:31:22 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 02:49:29 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 02:51:23 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 03:18:46 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 03:41:12 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 03:41:20 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\test\\overwatch batch converters\\voice to loudspeaker voice.bcs"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:20 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Humans\\Group03m\\Female_01.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\interior_fence003d.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\pi_fern.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\LabTurret.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\rockgranite02b.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_office\\offcorkboarda.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Gibs\\Antlion_gib_small_1.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\InteriorPipeCluster01a.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\maps\\graphs\\background02.ain"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\decals\\holes32_05.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:22 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\sound\\physics\\glass\\glass_strain1.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:22 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\wood_chunk02a.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:22 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\wood_chunk01b.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:22 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\models\\props\\cs_office\\tv_plasma.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:22 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_rooftop\\chimneypipe01b.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:23 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_italy\\it_wnda.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:23 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_vehicles\\generatortrailer01.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:23 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\npc\\female01\\lookoutfm01.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:23 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\Handrail04_brokenSingleRise.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:23 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_office\\Exit_ceiling.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:24 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Brick\\brickwall052e_normal.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:24 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props_pipes\\PipeSet02d_256_001a.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:24 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\interior_fence003e.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:24 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_canal\\boat001a_chunk07.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:24 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_aztec\\stonework01mossa.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 03:41:24 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_junk\\wood_crate001a_Chunk09.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 03:41:24 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-034124.log" [monitor] 03:41:24 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 03:41:24 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 03:41:25 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 03:41:25 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 03:41:25 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 03:41:26 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 03:41:26 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 159 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (109 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: Hashing performance is 151.99 MB/s [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 03:41:27 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 03:41:28 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 03:41:28 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 03:41:35 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 03:41:54 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 03:42:53 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 03:57:34 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 04:11:28 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 04:11:29 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 04:19:41 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 04:19:41 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 04:19:42 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 04:20:41 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 04:20:41 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 04:34:36 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 04:57:14 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 04:57:22 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\models\\weapons\\w_models\\w_eq_defuser\\w_eq_defuser.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 04:57:22 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_docks\\dock_bumper04a.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 04:57:22 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\cargo_container01b.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 04:57:23 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\lockerdoorsingle.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 04:57:23 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Brick\\brickwall052b.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 04:57:23 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-045723.log" [monitor] 04:57:23 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 04:57:23 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 04:57:23 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 04:57:23 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 04:57:23 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 04:57:24 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 170 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (131 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Hashing performance is 152.96 MB/s [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 04:57:25 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 04:57:56 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 04:58:50 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 04:58:58 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 05:13:10 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 05:27:27 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 05:43:09 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 05:49:55 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 06:02:08 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 06:02:08 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 06:12:45 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 06:12:53 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Decals\\Plaster011a.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:12:53 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_dust\\residBwall03.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:12:53 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\skybox\\sky_day03_01ft.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:12:54 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\Gasmeter003a.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 06:12:54 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-061254.log" [monitor] 06:12:54 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 06:12:54 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 06:12:55 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 06:12:55 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 06:12:55 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 06:12:55 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 184 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (133 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: Hashing performance is 158.60 MB/s [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 06:12:56 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 06:12:57 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 06:12:57 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 06:12:57 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 06:13:04 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 06:13:27 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 06:14:17 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 06:28:44 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 06:42:58 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 06:58:35 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 07:22:03 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 07:22:12 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\classes\\equipment.res"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:22:12 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\metal_panelchunk01f.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:22:12 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\VGUI\\gfx\\VGUI\\p90.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:22:12 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Glass\\glasswindow005c.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:22:12 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Items\\ammocrate_smg1.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:22:13 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\Alyx\\eyeball_r.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:22:13 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\Weapons\\V_IRifle\\V_IRifle_core.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:22:13 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Gibs\\gunship_gibs_eye.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 07:22:13 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-072213.log" [monitor] 07:22:13 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 07:22:13 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 07:22:14 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 07:22:14 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 07:22:14 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 07:22:14 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 186 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (133 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: Hashing performance is 151.99 MB/s [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 07:22:15 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 07:22:16 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 07:22:16 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 07:22:16 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 07:22:23 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 07:22:47 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 07:23:40 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 07:35:51 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 07:52:17 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 07:54:46 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 07:57:41 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 07:57:41 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 07:58:25 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 07:58:40 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 07:58:40 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 08:13:20 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 08:35:44 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 08:35:52 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Combine_Room\\combine_monitor002.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:52 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_office\\projector_p5.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:53 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\physics\\plaster\\drywall_impact_soft3.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:53 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_combine\\Citadel_pods.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:53 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\grinderclamp01a.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:53 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\NovaProspekt\\al_whereareyou02.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:53 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_buildings\\CollapsedBuilding02b.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:54 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Gibs\\helicopter_brokenpiece_01.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:54 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\VGUI\\timer.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:54 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_docks\\dock01_crossbeam01b.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:54 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\physics\\wood\\wood_box_impact_hard6.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:54 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\de_dust\\du_dome_d2b.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:54 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\ravenholm\\monk_rant22.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:55 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\reslists\\Half-Life 2\\d2_coast_11.lst"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:55 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\physics\\cardboard\\cardboard_box_impact_bullet3.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:55 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\props_combine\\portalball001_sheet.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:55 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\scenes\\k_lab\\teleport03.vcd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:55 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\scripts\\soundscapes_manifest.txt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:55 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_junk\\garbage_glassbottle002a_chunk02.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:56 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\weapons\\v_pist_elite.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:56 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\Gutter_256_002a.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:56 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Concrete\\concretefloor028a.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:56 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\maps\\graphs\\background07.ain"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:56 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_rooftop\\RooftopCluser07a.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:56 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Stone\\stonewall021h_normal.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:57 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\npc\\scanner\\cbot_servoscared.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:57 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_canal\\Canal_Bars001.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:57 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_combine\\suit_charger001.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:57 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\concrete_column001a_chunk08.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:57 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\pipesystem03c.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:57 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\cafeteria_bench001a_Chunk03.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:57 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\wood_chunk04e.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:57 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Sprites\\light_glow02_add.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:58 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\bindergraylabel01a.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:58 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\lockers.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:58 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\de_dust\\du_window_4x8_square_flat.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:58 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\woodwall030b_window03a_bars.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:58 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\Building_BrokenPillar001e.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:58 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Metal\\metalwall003a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:58 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\props_canal\\coastmap_sheet.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:59 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\kitchen_counter001c.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:59 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\Breencast\\br_tofreeman08.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:59 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Tile\\tilefloor020a_cheap.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:59 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Decals\\alienflesh\\shot3.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:59 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props_rooftop\\RooftopCluser07a.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:59 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\prison_bedframe001b.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:35:59 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\PipeSet32d_256_001a.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:00 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\Gutter_320_001a.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:00 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\physics\\concrete\\concrete_block_impact_hard3.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:00 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\plaster_floorpile001a.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:00 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Building_Template\\Building_Template002b.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:00 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\wood_chunk06e.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:00 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\pipe03_90degree01.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:00 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\de_cbble\\cb_wndsng.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:00 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\props_lab\\eyescanner_sheet.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:01 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_office\\file_box_p2.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:01 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_junk\\vent001_chunk8.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:01 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Concrete\\concretewall007d.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:01 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\ambient\\fire\\fire_big_loop1.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:01 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\wood_chunk07c.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:01 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\npc\\male01\\vanswer11.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:02 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\pi_winfakebig.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:02 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\broken_floor001a.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:36:02 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\Awning002a.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 08:36:02 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-083602.log" [monitor] 08:36:02 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 08:36:02 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 08:36:03 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 08:36:03 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 08:36:03 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 08:36:03 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 08:36:04 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 177 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (133 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: Hashing performance is 148.24 MB/s [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 08:36:05 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 08:36:13 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 08:36:36 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 08:37:29 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 08:51:16 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 09:06:06 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 09:21:35 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 09:38:35 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 09:43:50 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 09:43:50 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 09:43:56 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 09:44:04 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_junk\\vent001_chunk8.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:04 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\tile_wall001a_chunk06.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:04 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\pipe02_90degree01.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:04 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Decals\\Plaster019a.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:04 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_dust\\dudoor.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:05 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_dust\\residBwall01b.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:05 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_interiors\\LightBulb01a.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:05 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_office\\projector_remote.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:05 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\shaders\\psh\\LightmappedGeneric_NoTexture.vcs"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:05 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_citizen_tech\\till001a_safetyarm01.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:05 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\Public\\SubPanelConvertExistingInstall.res"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:06 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\kitchen_fridge001a.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:06 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\maps\\soundcache\\d1_canals_05.cache"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:06 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_piranesi\\pi_bigbrkd.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:06 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_office\\offpaintingh.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:06 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\maps\\soundcache\\d1_trainstation_02.manifest"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:06 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\PipeSet32d_Bend256D_001a.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:07 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Props\\metalpanel018a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:07 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\woodwall030b_window01a_bars.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:07 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\ambient\\materials\\footsteps_stairs1.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:07 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\weapons\\w_c4.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:07 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_italy\\orangegib3.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:07 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\scenes\\Streetwar\\barricade\\male01\\c17_05_hoppers.vcd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:07 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Stone\\stonearch003c.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:08 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\props_vehicles\\truck001c_02.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:08 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_combine\\combine_bunker01.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:08 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\props_canal\\canal_bridge_railing_02.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:08 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_aztec\\trim64.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:08 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\skybox\\sky_c17_05ft.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:08 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\physics\\metal\\metal_large_debris2.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:09 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Vortigaunt_Anims.ani"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:09 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\skybox\\sky_day03_01rt.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:09 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\boat_01.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:09 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\models\\de_dust\\objects\\stoneblocks01.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:09 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Gibs\\furniture_gibs\\FurnitureTable002a_Shard01.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:09 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\PipeSet32d_Bend256U_001a.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:09 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Decals\\Plaster010a.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:44:10 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\npc\\male01\\squad_train01.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 09:44:10 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-094410.log" [monitor] 09:44:10 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 09:44:10 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 09:44:10 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 09:44:11 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 09:44:11 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 09:44:11 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 172 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (136 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Hashing performance is 148.24 MB/s [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 09:44:15 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 09:44:15 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 09:44:31 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 09:44:45 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 09:44:45 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 09:44:45 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 09:45:34 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 09:45:43 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 10:10:08 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 10:14:14 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 10:38:34 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 11:01:11 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 11:01:19 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_combine\\breenlight.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:01:19 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\ravenholm\\exit_nag01.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:01:19 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\reslists\\Half-Life 2\\d1_town_05.lst"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:01:19 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_office\\computer_caseB_p7a.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:01:19 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Props\\signbillboard003a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:01:20 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\binderbluelabel.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:01:20 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Glass\\glasswindow006b.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:01:20 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_cbble\\outwall04a_normal.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:01:20 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\npc\\metropolice\\vo\\goingtotakealook.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:01:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\pipesystem03d.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:01:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\player\\general\\flesh_burn.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:01:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\props_buildings\\factory_skybox001a.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:01:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_canal\\Canal_Bars001.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:01:21 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\models\\props\\cs_office\\paperbox_01.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 11:01:21 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-110121.log" [monitor] 11:01:21 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 11:01:21 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 11:01:22 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 11:01:22 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 11:01:22 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 11:01:22 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 11:01:23 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 173 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (138 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: Hashing performance is 144.85 MB/s [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 11:01:24 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 11:01:31 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 11:01:37 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 11:01:37 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 11:01:54 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 11:02:46 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 11:17:21 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 11:19:07 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 11:24:16 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 11:24:16 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 11:24:23 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 11:25:11 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 11:25:11 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 11:31:26 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 12:03:26 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 12:28:01 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 12:28:09 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\barricade_tall04a.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 12:28:09 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props_c17\\light_industrialbell02_on.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 12:28:09 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Humans\\Group02\\male_02.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 12:28:10 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\physics\\wood\\wood_box_footstep2.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 12:28:10 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\dockplank_chunk01f.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 12:28:10 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_office\\offinspb.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 12:28:10 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Weapons\\v_Grenade_dx7.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 12:28:10 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_havana\\smoke_body.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 12:28:10 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\dockplank_chunk01a.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 12:28:11 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\props_c17\\frostedglass_01a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [5] with length 4 [monitor] 12:28:11 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-122811.log" [monitor] 12:28:11 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 12:28:11 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 12:28:11 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 12:28:11 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 12:28:12 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 12:28:12 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 170 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (138 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Hashing performance is 152.02 MB/s [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 12:28:13 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 12:28:48 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 12:29:43 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 12:29:53 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 12:44:15 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 12:58:15 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 13:03:13 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 13:07:57 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 13:07:57 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 13:08:53 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 13:09:59 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 13:09:59 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 13:23:30 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 13:46:04 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 13:46:12 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Building_Template\\Building_Template029d.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 13:46:12 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_italy\\wallpap03d.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [2] with length 2 [monitor] 13:46:12 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-134612.log" [monitor] 13:46:12 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 13:46:12 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 13:46:13 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 13:46:13 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 13:46:13 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 13:46:14 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 13:46:14 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 171 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (127 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: Hashing performance is 144.82 MB/s [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 13:46:15 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 13:47:11 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 13:47:41 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 13:47:49 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 14:02:40 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 14:16:17 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 14:32:36 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 14:54:56 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 14:55:03 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_docks\\dock02_pole02a.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 14:55:03 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_chateau\\brickfwdwb_spec.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 14:55:04 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\scripts\\propdata.txt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 14:55:04 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\airboat.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 14:55:04 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\NovaProspekt\\al_holdit.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 14:55:04 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-145504.log" [monitor] 14:55:04 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 14:55:04 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 14:55:05 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 14:55:05 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 14:55:05 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 14:55:06 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 183 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (130 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: Hashing performance is 141.11 MB/s [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 14:55:07 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 14:55:28 INFO: Listen (BEP/relay): Get "https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint": dial tcp connectex: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat. [SZPU7] 14:55:28 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) shutting down [SZPU7] 14:55:28 INFO: c.S.listenerSupervisor: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (1.000000 failures of 2.000000), restarting: true, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace] [SZPU7] 14:55:28 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 14:56:27 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 14:56:28 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 14:56:37 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 15:05:17 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 15:05:17 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 15:05:51 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 15:06:17 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 15:06:17 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 15:20:28 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 15:25:09 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 15:54:36 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 16:17:05 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 16:17:13 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\glass\\glasswindowbreak070a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 16:17:13 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Props\\metalsign001f.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 16:17:14 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\eyescanner.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 16:17:14 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_rooftop\\Gutter_Drain001.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 16:17:14 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-161714.log" [monitor] 16:17:14 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 16:17:14 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 16:17:15 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 16:17:15 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 16:17:15 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 16:17:15 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 16:17:16 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 185 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (132 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: Hashing performance is 150.09 MB/s [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 16:17:17 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 16:17:22 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 16:17:22 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 16:17:25 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 16:18:09 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 16:18:41 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 16:34:03 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 16:39:52 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 16:43:56 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 16:43:56 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 16:44:32 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 16:44:53 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 16:44:53 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 16:47:19 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 17:08:35 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 17:32:21 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 17:32:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_dust\\templewall03.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\props_combine\\combine_grate01a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\eli_lab\\al_scanners01.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\metalladder002b.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\npc\\female01\\squad_approach04.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\tile_walkway001a.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\npc\\roller\\mine\\rmine_shockvehicle1.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\beam01e.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\scenes\\coast\\bugbait\\vbaittrain03_nag.vcd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\wood_chunk04d.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\metalPot002a.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\pipe02_yjoint02.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Plaster\\plasterwall022d_c17.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:31 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\furnitureStove001a.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:31 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vehicles\\Airboat\\pontoon_splash2.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:31 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Glass\\glasswindow055a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:31 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\shadertest\\shader2.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:31 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props_pipes\\Gutter_384_001a.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:31 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\models\\props\\cs_office\\offpaintinga.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:32 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Metal\\metaltruss017b.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:32 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\vgui.dll"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:32 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\npc\\combine_soldier\\vo\\stayalertreportsightlines.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:32 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Weapons\\v_357_dx7.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:33 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_italy\\pwal2.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:33 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\scenes\\npc\\vortigaunt\\takeus.vcd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 17:32:33 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_italy\\it_wndz1.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 17:32:33 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-173233.log" [monitor] 17:32:33 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 17:32:33 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 17:32:34 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 17:32:34 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 17:32:34 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 17:32:34 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 17:32:35 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 156 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (110 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Hashing performance is 155.94 MB/s [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: started folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 17:32:36 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 17:32:43 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 17:33:28 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 17:33:36 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 17:33:36 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 17:33:58 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 17:49:51 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 18:02:38 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 18:16:06 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 18:20:01 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 18:20:01 INFO: Failed to exchange Hello messages with 7GCKOOL at read tcp> i/o timeout [SZPU7] 18:20:42 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 18:20:42 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 18:53:08 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 18:53:15 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Gibs\\Strider_Gib5.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:16 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\PipeCluster08d_004a.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:16 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Metal\\citadel_metalwall077a.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:16 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\teleportbulk.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:16 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Barney.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:16 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_italy\\ptilefloor1.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:17 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\NovaProspekt\\al_room2_vent.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:17 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props_wasteland\\rockcliff07e.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:17 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\bin\\materialsystem_i486.so"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:17 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_docks\\dock01_polecluster01c.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:17 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\pipe02_tjoint01.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:17 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Overlays\\rug001a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:17 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\npc\\scanner\\scanner_talk1.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:18 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\Handrail04_end.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:18 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Items\\AR2_Grenade.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:18 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Gibs\\furniture_gibs\\FurnitureTable001a_Chunk02.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:18 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_combine\\CombineInnerwall001a.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:18 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\de_dust\\du_palm_tree01_skybx.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:18 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Metal\\metalrail013a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:18 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_office\\Table_coffee_p2.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 18:53:18 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Decals\\decalgraffiti008a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 18:53:19 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-185319.log" [monitor] 18:53:19 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 18:53:19 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 18:53:19 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 18:53:19 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 18:53:19 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 18:53:20 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 180 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (129 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Hashing performance is 148.27 MB/s [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 18:53:21 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 18:53:28 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 18:54:14 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 18:54:52 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 19:10:38 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 19:23:23 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 19:40:36 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 19:59:00 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 19:59:24 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 19:59:24 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 20:10:01 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) panic: runtime error: index out of range [4] with length 3 [monitor] 20:10:08 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-201008.log" [monitor] 20:10:08 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 20:10:08 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 20:10:09 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 20:10:09 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 20:10:09 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 20:10:11 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 171 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (129 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: Hashing performance is 151.03 MB/s [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 20:10:12 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 20:10:13 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 20:10:19 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 20:11:13 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 20:11:33 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 20:28:26 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 20:40:14 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 20:50:13 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 20:57:16 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 20:57:16 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 20:57:37 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 20:58:15 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 20:59:16 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 20:59:16 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 21:28:08 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 21:28:15 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\FurnitureDrawer003a.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 21:28:16 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_chateau\\groundd.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 21:28:16 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_combine\\combine_barricade_short01a.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 21:28:16 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\walldestroyed05a.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 21:28:16 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-212816.log" [monitor] 21:28:16 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 21:28:16 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 21:28:16 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 21:28:17 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 21:28:17 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 21:28:17 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 21:28:18 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 154 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (125 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: Hashing performance is 136.73 MB/s [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 21:28:19 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 21:28:25 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 21:29:29 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 21:29:40 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 21:43:45 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 21:58:21 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 22:14:11 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 22:36:35 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 22:40:37 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-224037.log" [monitor] 22:40:37 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 22:40:37 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 22:40:38 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 22:40:38 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 22:40:38 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 22:40:39 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 171 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (126 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: Hashing performance is 135.88 MB/s [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 22:40:40 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 22:41:36 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 22:41:40 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 22:41:40 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 22:42:01 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 22:42:10 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 22:42:13 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 22:43:12 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 22:43:12 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 23:01:52 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 23:10:42 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 23:30:42 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 23:53:22 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 23:53:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\npc\\turret_floor\\deploy.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 23:53:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_chateau\\interiortile01b.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 23:53:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_havana\\wndl.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 23:53:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\platform\\AddOns\\chess\\chess_schinese.txt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 23:53:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\npc\\metropolice\\knockout2.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 23:53:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\de_dust\\du_dome_star_window.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 23:53:31 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200614-235331.log" [monitor] 23:53:31 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 23:53:31 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 23:53:31 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 23:53:31 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 23:53:31 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 23:53:31 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 23:53:32 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 171 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (140 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: Hashing performance is 145.78 MB/s [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 23:53:33 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 23:53:38 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 23:53:38 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 23:53:40 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 23:54:04 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 23:54:54 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 00:09:50 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 00:23:35 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 00:26:08 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 00:33:38 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 00:33:38 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 00:34:14 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 00:34:38 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 00:34:38 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 00:42:04 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 01:05:01 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 01:05:09 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\concrete_column001a_chunk03.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:05:10 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Decals\\decal_birdpoop001.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:05:10 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_combine\\breenwindow.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:05:10 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_junk\\garbage_carboard002a.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:05:10 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\pipecluster002a.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:05:10 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\npc\\vortigaunt\\vmono_22.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:05:10 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\pipe03_straight01_short.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:05:11 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\glass\\glasswindowbreak070a.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:05:11 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\ambient\\machines\\truck_pass_distant3.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 01:05:11 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\props_combine\\masterinterface01.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 01:05:11 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200615-010511.log" [monitor] 01:05:11 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 01:05:11 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 01:05:12 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 01:05:12 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 01:05:12 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 01:05:12 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 169 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (135 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Hashing performance is 149.19 MB/s [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 01:05:13 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 01:05:45 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 01:06:39 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 01:06:48 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 01:22:14 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 01:35:15 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 01:51:58 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 02:14:19 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 02:14:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\shelfunit01a.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\scenes\\npc\\male01\\squad_affirm03.vcd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\ambient\\levels\\labs\\teleport_postblast_winddown1.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\scripts\\weapon_stunstick.txt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_canal\\boat001b_chunk05.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\metalPot002a.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_piranesi\\marblefloor03.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\plasterwall029c_window01a.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_junk\\PushCart01a.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\gravestone_cross001b.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_buildings\\row_res_1.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\props_lab\\tpplug_plug.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\npc\\combine_soldier\\vo\\unitismovingin.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:30 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\props_trainstation\\TrackProps01a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:31 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\maps\\d2_coast_04.bsp"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:32 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_havana\\bldc.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:32 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\powertower01.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:32 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_dust\\residwall06a.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:32 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\metal_panelchunk02d.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:32 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_borealis\\bluebarrel002.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:32 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\weapons\\v_pist_p228.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:32 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\shaders\\psh\\WorldVertexTransition.vcs"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:33 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Gibs\\furniture_gibs\\furniture_vanity01a_shard01.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:33 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\windowdestroyed01a.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:33 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\concrete_section64Floor001c.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 02:14:33 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Props\\metalduct003a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 02:14:33 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200615-021433.log" [monitor] 02:14:33 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 02:14:33 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 02:14:34 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 02:14:34 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 02:14:34 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 02:14:34 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 168 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (146 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: Hashing performance is 140.24 MB/s [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 02:14:35 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 02:14:44 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 02:15:10 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 02:15:55 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 02:21:16 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 02:21:16 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 02:21:57 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 02:22:16 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 02:22:16 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 02:44:06 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 02:44:37 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 03:17:13 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 03:39:44 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 03:39:53 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Building_Template\\Building_Template007b.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 03:39:53 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200615-033953.log" [monitor] 03:39:53 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 03:39:53 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 03:39:53 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 03:39:53 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 03:39:53 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 03:39:53 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 03:39:54 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 184 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (141 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: Hashing performance is 154.93 MB/s [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 03:39:55 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 03:39:58 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 03:39:58 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 03:40:02 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 03:40:24 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 03:41:24 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 03:55:31 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 04:06:58 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: reading length: read tcp> wsarecv: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen. [SZPU7] 04:08:02 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 04:08:02 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 04:09:56 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 04:35:42 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 04:58:37 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 04:58:44 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Building_Template\\Building_Template009e.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [3] with length 2 [monitor] 04:58:44 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200615-045844.log" [monitor] 04:58:44 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 04:58:44 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 04:58:45 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 04:58:45 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 04:58:45 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 04:58:45 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 04:58:46 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 171 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (131 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: Hashing performance is 146.43 MB/s [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 04:58:47 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 04:59:16 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 04:59:50 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 04:59:59 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 05:13:51 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 05:28:49 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 05:43:58 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 06:01:17 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 06:05:20 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 06:05:20 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 06:06:12 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 06:06:16 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 06:06:20 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 06:06:20 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 06:06:23 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\pillarcluster_001b.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:23 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\cornerunit.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:24 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\wood_chunk08e.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:24 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\Weapons\\V_physcannon\\v_superphyscannon_sheet.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:24 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_combine\\pipes03_single02c.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:24 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Sprites\\ar2_muzzle4.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:24 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\scenes\\ravenholm\\madlaugh01.vcd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:24 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Stone\\stonefloor006c.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:25 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\crystalholder_claw.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:25 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\props_buildings\\hill_cluster.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:25 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\ambient\\machines\\train_freight_loop2.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:25 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_vehicles\\car005b_physics.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:25 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Brick\\brickwall048b.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:25 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\de_chateau\\ch_arch_ct3.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:26 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props_pipes\\Gutter_256_002a.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:26 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Decals\\Burn01a.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:26 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Gibs\\helicopter_brokenpiece_06_body.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:26 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_aztec\\swampdirt01_normal.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:26 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\concrete_section128Floor001a.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:26 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\maps\\graphs\\cs_italy.ain"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:27 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_office\\offinspb.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:27 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\ambient\\machines\\sputter1.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:27 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Metal\\metalwall018e.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:27 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Brick\\brickwall045k.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:27 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Decals\\alienflesh\\shot3.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:27 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\GasPipes003a.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\skybox\\sky_day01_05dn.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\FurnitureMattress001a.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_vehicles\\car001b_phy.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_chateau\\cnstrcttarp.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Sprites\\glow1_noz.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:28 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_junk\\garbage_glassbottle001a_chunk01.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\pipe02_90degree01.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Sprites\\640hud5.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_havana\\dirtfloor02.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_rooftop\\chimneypipe01a.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_havana\\crba.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 06:06:29 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\coast\\odessa\\male01\\stairman_follow01.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [2] with length 1 [monitor] 06:06:29 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200615-060629.log" [monitor] 06:06:29 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 06:06:29 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 06:06:30 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 06:06:30 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 06:06:30 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 06:06:30 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 06:06:31 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 175 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (137 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: Hashing performance is 148.24 MB/s [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 06:06:32 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 06:07:04 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 06:07:56 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 06:08:04 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 06:36:33 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 06:36:38 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 07:04:50 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 07:27:28 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 07:27:36 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\de_dust\\du_palm_tree01_skybx.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:36 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_junk\\garbage_carboard002a.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:36 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\weapons\\physcannon\\superphys_small_zap1.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:37 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_rooftop\\roof_vent001.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:37 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\prison_toiletchunk01j.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:37 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_chateau\\tapc.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:37 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\npc\\vortigaunt\\vmono_25.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:37 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\de_dust\\grainbasket01c_gib1.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:38 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props_debris\\plaster_ceilingpile002a.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:38 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\scenes\\eli_lab\\vort_elab_use02.vcd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:38 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Gibs\\Strider_Gib4.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:38 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_vehicles\\tanker001a.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:38 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_dust\\siteBwall12.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:38 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_pipes\\PipeCluster08d_005a.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:38 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_vents\\vent_large_straight001.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:39 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Concrete\\concretewall061a.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:39 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_rooftop\\dome_terminal_02.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:39 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Vehicle\\metaltrain001a_normal.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:39 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\blastdoor001b.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:39 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\FurnitureChair001a.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:39 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_combine\\pipes01_single01a.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:40 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\Alyx\\emptool_glow.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:40 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_junk\\wood_crate001a_Chunk01.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:40 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Decals\\decalplaster003b.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:40 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\walldestroyed09a.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:41 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Gibs\\Shield_Scanner_Gib1.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:41 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_havana\\plantb.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:41 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Metal\\metalwall021b.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:41 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Combine_turrets\\ground_turret.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:41 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props_c17\\light_floodlight02_off.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:41 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\FurnitureDrawer001a_Chunk05.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:41 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Decals\\Plaster020a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:42 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Humans\\Group03\\Female_07.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:42 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Weapons\\W_357.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:42 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Gibs\\HGIBS_spine.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:42 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\overpass_001a.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:42 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\Weapons\\V_hand\\bicep.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:42 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Models\\props_debris\\composite_debris.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:42 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_junk\\meathook001a.dx80.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:42 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Effects\\splash2.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 07:27:43 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Humans\\male_postures.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 07:27:43 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200615-072743.log" [monitor] 07:27:43 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 07:27:43 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 07:27:43 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 07:27:43 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 07:27:43 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 07:27:44 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 07:27:44 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 171 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (122 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: Hashing performance is 156.96 MB/s [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 07:27:45 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 07:28:17 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 07:29:11 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 07:29:20 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 07:40:15 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 07:43:37 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 07:44:18 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 07:44:18 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 07:44:48 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 07:45:18 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 07:45:18 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 07:57:47 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 08:16:33 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 08:39:25 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 08:39:33 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Sprites\\w_icons3.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:33 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\concrete_chunk02b.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:34 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_vents\\vent_medium_grill001.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:34 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\exterior_fence002c.mdl"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:34 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\gravestone_cross001b.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:34 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\tile_wall001a_chunk07.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:34 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_italy\\T_bench2.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:34 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\laundry_washer003.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:34 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\trainyard\\cit_blocker_getin.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Building_Template\\Building_Trainstation_Truss_Template001b.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\skybox\\de_piranesilf.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Wood\\woodwall012a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\tile_wall001a_chunk07.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\weapons\\v_eq_smokegrenade.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Halflife\\nwbarrelr.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_debris\\rebar002c_64.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\concrete\\concretewall044a.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:36 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_chateau\\moata.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:36 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_vehicles\\wagon001a_phy.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:36 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_combine\\combine_bunker01.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 08:39:36 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\prison_archgate002a.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [2] with length 1 [monitor] 08:39:36 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200615-083936.log" [monitor] 08:39:36 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 08:39:36 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 08:39:37 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 08:39:37 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 08:39:37 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 08:39:37 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 08:39:38 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 184 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (138 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: Hashing performance is 149.16 MB/s [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 08:39:39 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 08:40:10 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 08:41:08 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 08:41:16 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 08:55:44 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 09:09:41 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 09:25:37 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 09:39:39 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: read timeout [SZPU7] 09:43:12 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 09:43:12 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 09:43:44 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 09:44:12 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 09:47:04 INFO: Puller (folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp), item "s.wagner\\20171231.O2k7.Arch.SWagner.Server.pst"): pull: no such file [SZPU7] 09:48:24 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 09:48:34 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_lab\\blastwindow.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:34 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_office\\TV_plasma_p4.sw.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:34 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\canisterchunk01b.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\ambient\\machines\\keyboard_fast3_1second.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\cs_havana\\offflrc.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\skybox\\de_cobblert.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\npc\\metropolice\\vo\\preparingtojudge10-107.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_foliage\\driftwood_clump_01a.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:35 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Plaster\\plasterwall022c_c17.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:36 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\models\\props\\cs_office\\TV_plasma_p4.phy"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:36 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_combine\\breendesk.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:36 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\vo\\npc\\male01\\gordead_ans04.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:36 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\npc\\metropolice\\vo\\distributionblock.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:37 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\resource\\closecaption_korean.txt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:37 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_wasteland\\prison_padlock001a.jpg"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:37 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\cstrike\\materials\\de_chateau\\rockfbase.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:37 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Gibs\\Scanner_gib01.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:37 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Sprites\\qi_center.vmt"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:37 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_c17\\canisterchunk02e.vvd"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:38 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\Gibs\\furniture_gibs\\FurnitureTable002a_Chunk03.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:38 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\models\\props_borealis\\bluebarrel001.dx90.vtx"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 09:48:38 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\ambient\\materials\\footsteps_stairs1.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 09:48:38 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200615-094838.log" [monitor] 09:48:38 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 09:48:38 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 09:48:39 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 09:48:39 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 09:48:39 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 09:48:39 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 167 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (129 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Hashing performance is 123.53 MB/s [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 09:48:40 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 09:48:48 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 09:49:11 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 09:50:03 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 10:18:28 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 10:18:42 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 10:41:12 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 11:04:41 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "o" (792we-gdmch) [SZPU7] 11:04:49 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\materials\\Decals\\Plaster004a.vtf"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later [SZPU7] 11:04:49 INFO: Puller (folder "o" (792we-gdmch), item "_Gamez\\HalfLife 2\\hl2\\sound\\npc\\headcrab_poison\\ph_scream2.wav"): handling file: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 [monitor] 11:04:49 WARNING: Panic detected, writing to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\panic-20200615-110449.log" [monitor] 11:04:49 WARNING: Please check for existing issues with similar panic message at https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/ [monitor] 11:04:49 WARNING: If no issue with similar panic message exists, please create a new issue with the panic log attached [monitor] 11:04:50 INFO: Log output saved to file "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Syncthing\syncthing.log" [start] 11:04:50 INFO: syncthing v1.6.1 "Fermium Flea" (go1.14.4 windows-amd64) teamcity@build.syncthing.net 2020-06-02 09:49:22 UTC [start] 11:04:50 INFO: Using large-database tuning [SZPU7] 11:04:51 INFO: My ID: SZPU7RL [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 172 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (143 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Hashing performance is 151.03 MB/s [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Overall send rate is unlimited, receive rate is unlimited [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: QUIC listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22000) starting [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: GUI and API listening on [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL: http://localhost:8384/ [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint) starting [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: My name is "RAID" [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL is "DS918plus" at [tcp://] [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Device L6CNM7T is "RasPi4" at [dynamic] [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Install" (gszzh-qrado) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Ready to synchronize "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Ready to synchronize "o" (792we-gdmch) (receiveonly) [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 11:04:52 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 11:04:59 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Mail" (sxtpn-rdyfp) [SZPU7] 11:05:22 INFO: Joined relay relay:// [SZPU7] 11:06:17 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Shared Temp" (99nq4-kfrtw) [SZPU7] 11:19:21 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "Install" (gszzh-qrado) [SZPU7] 11:25:02 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: Syncthing is being stopped [SZPU7] 11:25:55 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 11:25:55 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at [SZPU7] 11:34:54 INFO: Sent usage report (version 3) [SZPU7] 12:03:57 INFO: Connection to 7GCKOOL at closed: reading length: read tcp> wsarecv: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen. [SZPU7] 12:04:27 INFO: Completed initial scan of receiveonly folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\Quotations 2020\\Russia 2020\\Meat Rus 2020\\BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki\\Corresp Client BF 2001-04\\200514eToFrToToFrToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime_References.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\Quotations 2020\\Russia 2020\\Meat Rus 2020\\BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki\\Corresp Client BF 2001-04\\200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\Quotations 2020\\Russia 2020\\Meat Rus 2020\\BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki\\Corresp Client BF 2001-04\\AC MainReferences r_200514 Sign.pdf"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\! Archiv\\Contracts 2007\\AC Quotations-Contracts_2007.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\Quotations 2020\\Russia 2020\\Spare parts Russia 2020\\SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan\\Corr ACR\\200615eToFrKondr_Revised Quote spare parts.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\Quotations 2020\\Russia 2020\\Meat Rus 2020\\BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki\\Corresp Client BF 2001-04\\200506eToFrToToFrLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\Quotations 2020\\Russia 2020\\Meat Rus 2020\\BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki\\Corresp Client BF 2001-04\\200506eToFrToToFrLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\Quotations 2020\\Russia 2020\\Meat Rus 2020\\BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki\\Corresp Client BF 2001-04\\200514eToFrToToFrToLemKhrushch_TestFreezTime_References.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\Quotations 2020\\Russia 2020\\Meat Rus 2020\\BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki\\Corresp Client BF 2001-04\\200612eFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.docx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\Quotations 2020\\Russia 2020\\Meat Rus 2020\\BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki\\Corresp Client BF 2001-04\\200612eFrToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\Quotations 2020\\Russia 2020\\Spare parts Russia 2020\\SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan\\Corr ACR\\200615eFrKondr_Revised Inqu spare parts.msg"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\Quotations 2020\\Russia 2020\\Meat Rus 2020\\BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki\\Corresp Client BF 2001-04\\plot.log"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\Quotations 2020\\Russia 2020\\Meat Rus 2020\\BF 2001-04 Velikie Luki\\Corresp Client BF 2001-04\\200612eFrToToLemeshev_TestFreezTime_ActTT.txt"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\Quotations 2020\\Russia 2020\\Spare parts Russia 2020\\SP 2003-01 ACR for Uzbekistan\\Calculation SP 2003-01\\2000615_Calculation SP 2003-01_3.xlsx"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\! Archiv\\Contracts 2008\\AC Quotations-Contracts_2008.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Puller (folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp), item "Firma\\! Archiv\\Contracts 2004\\AC Quotations-Contracts_2004.xls"): no connected device has the required version of this file [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 16 items [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 1m0.6417352s. [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp): Failed to sync 16 items [SZPU7] 12:04:28 INFO: Folder "shared drive" (yxpju-quzdp) isn't making sync progress - retrying in 2m0.0329788s. [SZPU7] 12:04:55 INFO: Established secure connection to 7GCKOOL at [SZPU7] 12:04:55 INFO: Device 7GCKOOL client is "syncthing v1.6.1" named "DS918plus" at