What does "operation not permitted" mean in failed/our of sync?

Sorry if I’m not explaining well.

I am synchronising a wiki (i.e. a web application) across three systems. The files in the wiki may be written by me (i.e. they will have owner ‘chris’) or by the apache process (when they will have owner www-data). Both ‘chris’ and ‘www-data’ have all the permissions needed to read, write and delete files in the synchronised folders.

The error message I see in the syncthing web GUI is just “operation not permitted” against a number of files which have failed to synchronise. When I look at these files it turns out that they are owned by ‘chris’ on one system and ‘www-data’ on the other.

In the syncthing log file I see errors like:-

[BKI6D] 09:45:53 INFO: Puller (folder “wiki”, file “data/index/relation_references_i.idx”): shortcut: chmod: chmod /home /chris/wiki/data/index/relation_references_i.idx: operation not permitted [BKI6D] 09:45:53 INFO: Puller: shortcut: chmod /home/chris/wiki/data/index/relation_references_i.idx: operation not perm itted

So, yes, it’s chmod failing. If setting ignorePermissions will stop syncthing trying to do the chmod then it will solve my problem.