Updated to Syncthing 1.23.4-29 on Synology 7.2.x, Constant Refresh Problem

Hey there!

I just updated my Syncthing instance when prompted. The new package installed and I was able to login, but once I login the page becomes stuck in a refresh cycle, probably ever 2 seconds with no details. I can’t do anything. Tried a reinstall from the Website and same problem. Was there something I missed? Previous version with this same OS Version was fine.

OS: Synology 7.2.1-69057 Update 1



Please check https://forum.syncthing.net/t/cant-access-v1-26-0-on-localhost/21043.

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This appears to be an artifact of Syncthing v1.26.0 enhancement Use a real login screen + sessions instead of HTTP basic auth · Issue #4137 · syncthing/syncthing · GitHub

Clearing cookies for the URL appears to correct the “infinite refresh” behavior.

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Thanks both Tomaz and Mopani. Tested with Safari, no issues. Things resumed to normal in Firefox (macOS, Ver 119.0 if anyone is wondering) when I cleared out those Cookies.


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