Update Android App to 1.19.0: Won't Sync w/ Windows 10

It’s not entirely broken as far as my tests went. I think sending doesn’t work, but receiving does.

And yeah, 1.18.3 and 1.19.0 are very different what Android behaviour concerns.

What I would expect to work, but isn’t working according to your screenshots: Phone discovering desktop with local discovery. What should also work, but you have disabled, is phone discovering desktop with global discovery. And of course hardcoding the address as Catfriend1 suggested will also work.

Just to let you know, I’ve added global discovery to both our setups and then forced an update on the wife’s phone to 1.19.0 (I have no idea why it was stuck on 1.18.3 all this time). We’re both working fine now.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to figure out the local discovery thing at some point. But, having global discovery on is fine as a workaround. Thanks for the help.

I’ve been seeing references to Android not recognizing From what I’ve read, it looks like it wants localhost instead. Yet, on my Android phone’s Syncthing, under Settings > GUI, the GUI Listen Address is set to It’s set to that in SyncTrayzor on my Windows machine, too. But, there’s a warning blurb saying:

“The GUI address is overridden by startup options. Changes here will not take effect while the override is in place.”

And, if I look under SyncTrayzor’s File > Settings > Syncthing > GUI Listen Address (which I assume are the “startup options”), that’s set to localhost:8384. Is it possible the Devices remaining Disconnected could be because of the phone’s Syncthing looking to Should I change that to localhost:8384 ?

EDIT: I think I’m wrong with the above. It looks like the localhost/ issue might have to do with running Android emulators on Windows.

The reason I brought up the Android thing is that I tried a port scanning app on the phone and it reported all the open ports for the phone’s IP (and, specifcally, TCP/22000 and UDP/22000, 21027 were there) but nothing for (i.e., not port 8384). I then connected the phone to my Windows machine via USB, ran adb -shell and then various netstat commands and along with the 22000/21027 ports, saw localhost:8384, not But, then again, adp is running from Windows, not on the phone. So, might not apply to the phone in this case and it showed localhost instead.

That’s expected: Localhost means local only, so bit visible in your scan, the others are externally visible

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