Syncthing v0.12 "Beryllium Bedbug" Release Notes - v0.12.0-beta1

Which one? There are a lot of them.

Maybe I have tried out some earlier build, I don’t remember. Assuming that I did run an earlier dev build, this seems to be not a bug. :beer:

I tried deleting the config.xml.v12 file, but got the same errors.

It reads the config.xml. I suspect this is not-a-bug - you even having a syncthing.xml.v12 is weird, the backup file ought to be called .v11 (as that was the previous config format). v11 format configs do get converted correctly in my tests.

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ok. Then this is something weird in my setup; I just convert it manually when 0.12 is out.

Or give it a v11 config - you should be able to just change the number on the first line of config.xml

I can reproduce this.

In previous versions of syncthing I could change “dynamic” to “” - and I still can in the current beta. But now syncthing reports a “unknown address schema” error.

You need a tcp:// prefix nowadays. That’s what the config conversion adds (among other things).

Yes. Should the gui enforce that?


Any value in STTRACE makes line numbers appear.

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