Syncthing for iOS

Sorry about that, the whole discussion is obviously a little off-topic here. Personally, I think something like but for iOS could be a very viable alternative, as then the developer doesn’t need to worry about most of the OS restrictions. Someone skilled and interested enough is still needed to roll up their sleeves and do the actual work though.

Thanks - I’m going to take a look at that myself as I wasn’t aware of it

I live in France, I use syncthing on my Android phone for pictures backup on my computer and it is running just fine.

I would like to do the same for my wife phone, bit she has an iphone and doesn’t plan to change.

Do someone know why Mobius sync is not available in my country ?

If you’ve got more questions about Möbius Sync, please use their support channels. It’s a proprietary application and we don’t provide support for it here (unless your problem is related to Syncthing proper that runs inside it).


Is this even a use case enabled by Möbius, assuming you could get it installed and running?

One reason I’m not particularly interested in doing an app for iOS is that my understanding is that this is not possible. (As is, by doing a Syncthing wrapper; clearly, an app could be written in Swift etc to do this, specifically.)

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That is how I use syncthing on Android, and I assumed that Mobius would allow me to do that on iOS. But since I can’t install it, I don’t know if it works like the Android client.

From the Möbius Sync FAQ:

Syncing my photos and videos

Because iOS manages photos and videos within the Photo Library, they are not accessible to Syncthing to synchronise directly as files.

We understand that the ability to synchronise photos and videos captured on your iPhone or iPad to other Syncthing-enabled devices is a highly desirable feature and is planned for the future.

Two-way sync of photos and videos is even more difficult and is further down the roadmap.


By change the some code,i am glad that we have build a version for the can run on the iPhone normally. if someone interesting it, pls connect with me.

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I am all about freedom, and it is certainty not mandatory, but I encourage anyone who buys the (excellent) third party iOS app to consider making a corresponding voluntarily donation to the developers of Syncthing.

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Do you have any update on this?

Hi, sorry for my delay feedback. i miss the previous accout and make a new one. i am in Beijing China,for network reason,i can not access the out internet normally. in the project, we change the file system releated code and app can run on the IPhone.

Hi, are you able to share your app? I’m from France and don’t have access to Möbius

ok, i can share it. but, how to share?

You could put it on GitHub, with an appropriate open source license. That would most benefit the rest of the Syncthing community.

@calmh Hi Jakob,

Now that there will be other stores than “Apple Store” in the near future, at least in Europe (not sure if it’s available yet…), do you think an official version or semi-official version might be released in 2024?

Thanks in advance!

I don’t think the app store has ever been a relevant blocker for this.

after check the code and its license, i found some code are protected. i need wait some time till its expired. so, maybe after this period(several months), i can push it to the github.

Is there any update on this? Any iOS app planned?

A lot of people have iPhones, and if the app is not available on one device, they can’t use the app.


Thank you very very much! I will quickly test it when I get to WiFi. Finally someone put an app for iOS. It looks like it was not that hard, and developers could just do it,

I have been trying hard to get Synchting on iOS, and avoid Resilio (it’s closed source and proprietary). I like Synchting web interface better. The UI, documentation, customization and openness for Synchting is better.