Syncthing for Android to Windows PC: screenshot files are broken

I’m a tech writer using Syncthing 0.14.30 / 0.9.11 (auto-updating from Google Play) to capture screenshot on Android 7.1.2 and syncing it to the Windows 10 PC (Syncthing v0.14.34-rc.1 x64 + syncrhing-inotify 0.8.7) where I’m working on the article. Sometimes it works flawlessly, but many time the screenshot I get on Android are badly corrupted on the PC: I can see the first lines of the screenshot, but nothing more:

I’ve set: always in background, sync on charge, sync on wifi, honor android battery saver.

Syncthing in running with foreground priority + has been excluded from android dooze.

The phone is running a custom ROM (Resurrection Remix) + root, but Syncthing is NOT running as root.

The Syncthing registry logger is empty. Android logger (under Syncthing) displays this:

--------- beginning of main
07-29 18:06:36.887 I/art     ( 7749): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 15212(776KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 21% free, 3MB/3MB, paused 11.587ms total 23.896ms
07-29 18:10:51.880 W/art     ( 7749): Suspending all threads took: 5.627ms
07-29 18:10:51.888 I/art     ( 7749): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 23197(1279KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 31% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 6.680ms total 20.164ms
07-29 18:13:56.903 W/art     ( 7749): Suspending all threads took: 6.575ms
07-29 18:13:56.908 I/art     ( 7749): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 25400(1394KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 35% free, 2MB/3MB, paused 7.754ms total 23.108ms
07-29 18:14:01.621 D/DeviceStateHolder( 7749): All SSIDs allowed for syncing
07-29 18:14:26.153 D/DeviceStateHolder( 7749): All SSIDs allowed for syncing
07-29 18:14:26.231 I/art     ( 7749): Do full code cache collection, code=251KB, data=209KB
07-29 18:14:26.231 I/art     ( 7749): Starting a blocking GC JitCodeCache
07-29 18:14:26.231 I/art     ( 7749): After code cache collection, code=235KB, data=185KB
07-29 18:14:56.337 I/art     ( 7749): Do partial code cache collection, code=239KB, data=192KB
07-29 18:14:56.338 I/art     ( 7749): After code cache collection, code=239KB, data=192KB
07-29 18:14:56.338 I/art     ( 7749): Increasing code cache capacity to 1024KB
07-29 18:17:03.044 I/art     ( 7749): Starting a blocking GC Explicit
07-29 18:17:03.072 I/art     ( 7749): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 14661(796KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 355us total 27.727ms
07-29 18:17:03.147 I/art     ( 7749): Starting a blocking GC Explicit
07-29 18:17:03.168 I/art     ( 7749): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2272(146KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 364us total 20.300ms
07-29 18:17:03.187 E/StrictMode( 7749): class com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.activities.MainActivity; instances=3; limit=2
07-29 18:17:03.187 E/StrictMode( 7749): android.os.StrictMode$InstanceCountViolation: class com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.activities.MainActivity; instances=3; limit=2
07-29 18:17:03.187 E/StrictMode( 7749): 	at android.os.StrictMode.setClassInstanceLimit(
07-29 18:17:03.305 D/DeviceStateHolder( 7749): All SSIDs allowed for syncing
07-29 18:17:58.289 D/DeviceStateHolder( 7749): All SSIDs allowed for syncing
07-29 18:17:58.407 D/OpenGLRenderer( 7749): endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f61e55800 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7f61e2f9a0
07-29 18:18:08.881 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 7749): finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
07-29 18:18:08.884 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 7749): finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
07-29 18:18:11.564 D/DeviceStateHolder( 7749): All SSIDs allowed for syncing
07-29 18:18:11.712 D/OpenGLRenderer( 7749): endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f61e2c000 (ListView) with handle 0x7f61f380a0
07-29 18:18:16.880 W/art     ( 7749): Before Android 4.1, method int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
07-29 18:18:18.891 D/OpenGLRenderer( 7749): endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f60955400 (MenuPopupWindow$MenuDropDownListView) with handle 0x7f6095e1a0
07-29 18:18:32.059 W/InputEventReceiver( 7749): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
07-29 18:19:01.851 W/InputEventReceiver( 7749): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
07-29 18:20:44.583 W/InputEventReceiver( 7749): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
07-29 18:20:48.673 W/InputEventReceiver( 7749): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
07-29 18:20:53.133 W/InputEventReceiver( 7749): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
07-29 18:21:21.839 W/InputEventReceiver( 7749): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
07-29 18:24:02.673 D/DeviceStateHolder( 7749): All SSIDs allowed for syncing
07-29 18:24:02.754 D/OpenGLRenderer( 7749): endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f61e55800 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7f5f6e4980
07-29 18:24:11.028 D/DeviceStateHolder( 7749): All SSIDs allowed for syncing
07-29 18:24:11.137 D/OpenGLRenderer( 7749): endAllActiveAnimators on 0x7f5f7d7800 (ListView) with handle 0x7f60730c80

What am I doing wrong? :yum:


Syncthing sync files as they are, you should look for the cause elsewhere.

Screenshots are fine on Android, are corrupted on PC

You can md5 them on both sides, or transfer them via some other method (that doesn’t involve media conversion, which mail apps do), to verify.

I have the same problem on my stock Android 7.1.2 (Pixel). Just tested. I can’t recall ever having this problem in the past (with older Android / Syncthing versions).

It seems the image file is created empty and then filled. For some reason only the create is captured by inotify and not the change. In my tests, the timestamp changes after the file is complete (1 second newer), so the next normal rescan will get the full file and transfer it.


@AudriusButkevicius : obviosly enough, MD5 for files on the phone and MD5 for files on the PC are different because the files on the PC are corrupted. They are the same when the files are transferred via USB (skipping Syncthing).

@wweich : thanks you for your confirmation + explanation! I hope this can help the devs to fix this critical issue. Meanwhile: is there any way to trigger a rescan manually?

Googling for the same issue I found this bug report from in March 2017 in syncthing-android Github. The author is… me, it’s just I didn’t remember filing it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Unfortunately, nobody has given s**t about it

@Zane : Open the WebUI of the mobile instance -> Edit folder -> Expand “Advanced Settings” section -> Rescan Interval

1 Like

To me it sounds like your camera app may be misbehaving. Could you try if you get the same issue with Google Camera? I’m using that and it works fine.

The problem is with screenshots, no camera involved.

Oh sorry I misread that. I’m on vacation now, so there’s no way for me to test this. It would be helpful if you can narrow down the problem in any way.

As Syncthing (of cause) checks for size and timstamp difference (among other things), the next rescan should pick up the “complete” file and then sync that to your Windows PC.

To rescan, you can just click the “Rescan” button in the expanded folder in the web ui, or “Rescan all” underneath the folder list.

I don’t need to do this, as by the time I open the web ui, the files has already been scanned again.

I did a quick test by creating some Screenshots. I set strace to scanner,http.

As an overview, here the (shortened and reversed) global changes log:

Pixel  added     /.../Screenshot_20170802-174358.png  2017-08-02 17:43:59
Pixel  modified  /.../Screenshot_20170802-174358.png  2017-08-02 17:44:26
Pixel  added     /.../Screenshot_20170802-174455.png  2017-08-02 17:44:56
Pixel  modified  /.../Screenshot_20170802-174455.png  2017-08-02 17:45:12
Pixel  added     /.../Screenshot_20170802-174510.png  2017-08-02 17:45:12
Pixel  modified  /.../Screenshot_20170802-174510.png  2017-08-02 17:45:22
Pixel  added     /.../Screenshot_20170802-174523.png  2017-08-02 17:45:24
Pixel  added     /.../Screenshot_20170802-174537.png  2017-08-02 17:45:39
Pixel  modified  /.../Screenshot_20170802-174523.png  2017-08-02 17:45:39
Pixel  modified  /.../Screenshot_20170802-174537.png  2017-08-02 17:46:16

This is the log (minus lines with paths to irrelevant directories and lines containing " ignored "):

[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:43:58.776160 walk.go:102: DEBUG: Walk /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:43:58.776384 walk.go:476: DEBUG: checkDir /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ {0x44204f0780}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:43:58.784461 walk.go:330: DEBUG: to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174358.png File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174358.png", Sequence:0, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:43:58.768589826 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 1}]}, Length:32864, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[]}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:43:58.784583 walk.go:191: DEBUG: real to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174358.png
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:43:58.785977 walk.go:169: DEBUG: Walk progress done /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:43:58.793599 gui.go:457: DEBUG: http: POST "/rest/db/scan?folder=Pictures&sub=%2FScreenshots%2FScreenshot_20170802-174358.png": status 0, 0 bytes in 18.65 ms
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:43:58.945803 walk.go:102: DEBUG: Walk /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:43:58.945926 walk.go:476: DEBUG: checkDir /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ {0x4421fbf980}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:43:58.965135 walk.go:169: DEBUG: Walk progress done /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:43:58.968461 gui.go:457: DEBUG: http: POST "/rest/db/scan?folder=Pictures&sub=%2FScreenshots%2FScreenshot_20170802-174358.png": status 0, 0 bytes in 23.63 ms
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:25.539441 walk.go:102: DEBUG: Walk /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:25.539787 walk.go:476: DEBUG: checkDir /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ {0x4421070c00}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:25.550045 walk.go:316: DEBUG: rescan: File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174358.png", Sequence:1356, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:43:58.768589826 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 1}]}, Length:32864, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[Block{0/32864/0/09abc9acd2514e71ba23b4ae5a68c26770318ab6af178f76a00884c527576d74}]} 1501688638 432
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:25.550140 walk.go:330: DEBUG: to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174358.png File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174358.png", Sequence:0, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:43:58.895256505 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 2}]}, Length:99650, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[]}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:25.550249 walk.go:191: DEBUG: real to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174358.png
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:25.551131 walk.go:169: DEBUG: Walk progress done /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:56.005837 walk.go:102: DEBUG: Walk /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:56.006002 walk.go:476: DEBUG: checkDir /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ {0x4420470f00}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:56.021439 walk.go:330: DEBUG: to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174455.png File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174455.png", Sequence:0, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:44:56.011928862 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 1}]}, Length:73884, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[]}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:56.021544 walk.go:191: DEBUG: real to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174455.png
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:56.022092 walk.go:169: DEBUG: Walk progress done /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:56.028650 gui.go:457: DEBUG: http: POST "/rest/db/scan?folder=Pictures&sub=%2FScreenshots%2FScreenshot_20170802-174455.png": status 0, 0 bytes in 23.76 ms
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:56.174521 walk.go:102: DEBUG: Walk /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:56.174713 walk.go:476: DEBUG: checkDir /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ {0x4420dbd440}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:56.187232 walk.go:169: DEBUG: Walk progress done /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:44:56.193201 gui.go:457: DEBUG: http: POST "/rest/db/scan?folder=Pictures&sub=%2FScreenshots%2FScreenshot_20170802-174455.png": status 0, 0 bytes in 31.55 ms
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:11.109133 walk.go:102: DEBUG: Walk /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:11.109269 walk.go:476: DEBUG: checkDir /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ {0x44213726c0}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:11.129448 walk.go:316: DEBUG: rescan: File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174455.png", Sequence:1358, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:44:56.011928862 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 1}]}, Length:73884, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[Block{0/73884/0/d9d37e59f701dc3fb6e19359a297c2a637b3d561f3b14e4a02039cab2f8958c2}]} 1501688696 432
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:11.129531 walk.go:330: DEBUG: to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174455.png File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174455.png", Sequence:0, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:44:56.111928872 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 2}]}, Length:109934, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[]}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:11.129928 walk.go:330: DEBUG: to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174510.png File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174510.png", Sequence:0, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:45:11.108597032 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 1}]}, Length:32864, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[]}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:11.130051 walk.go:191: DEBUG: real to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174455.png
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:11.130139 walk.go:191: DEBUG: real to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174510.png
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:11.131274 walk.go:169: DEBUG: Walk progress done /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:11.152909 gui.go:457: DEBUG: http: POST "/rest/db/scan?folder=Pictures&sub=%2FScreenshots%2FScreenshot_20170802-174510.png": status 0, 0 bytes in 44.72 ms
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:11.309704 walk.go:102: DEBUG: Walk /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:11.309883 walk.go:476: DEBUG: checkDir /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ {0x44202f3200}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:11.327241 walk.go:169: DEBUG: Walk progress done /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:11.335275 gui.go:457: DEBUG: http: POST "/rest/db/scan?folder=Pictures&sub=%2FScreenshots%2FScreenshot_20170802-174510.png": status 0, 0 bytes in 26.81 ms
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:21.336146 walk.go:102: DEBUG: Walk /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:21.337415 walk.go:476: DEBUG: checkDir /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ {0x4421834e40}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:21.378224 walk.go:316: DEBUG: rescan: File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174510.png", Sequence:1360, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:45:11.108597032 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 1}]}, Length:32864, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[Block{0/32864/0/7688a5a854ddf945829ea78480750812acdb6909845f86b10c83a279b1ea3bb8}]} 1501688711 432
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:21.378489 walk.go:330: DEBUG: to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174510.png File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174510.png", Sequence:0, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:45:11.258597047 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 2}]}, Length:110810, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[]}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:21.378756 walk.go:191: DEBUG: real to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174510.png
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:21.381272 walk.go:169: DEBUG: Walk progress done /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:23.905820 walk.go:102: DEBUG: Walk /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:23.906002 walk.go:476: DEBUG: checkDir /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ {0x44204029c0}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:23.917354 walk.go:330: DEBUG: to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174523.png File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174523.png", Sequence:0, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:45:23.90193164 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 1}]}, Length:73884, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[]}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:23.917818 walk.go:191: DEBUG: real to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174523.png
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:23.919018 walk.go:169: DEBUG: Walk progress done /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:23.926006 gui.go:457: DEBUG: http: POST "/rest/db/scan?folder=Pictures&sub=%2FScreenshots%2FScreenshot_20170802-174523.png": status 0, 0 bytes in 21.04 ms
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:24.051290 walk.go:102: DEBUG: Walk /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:24.051433 walk.go:476: DEBUG: checkDir /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ {0x4420f98480}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:24.067139 walk.go:169: DEBUG: Walk progress done /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:24.070973 gui.go:457: DEBUG: http: POST "/rest/db/scan?folder=Pictures&sub=%2FScreenshots%2FScreenshot_20170802-174523.png": status 0, 0 bytes in 22.50 ms
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:38.122430 walk.go:102: DEBUG: Walk /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:38.122605 walk.go:476: DEBUG: checkDir /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ {0x442086b080}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:38.143586 walk.go:316: DEBUG: rescan: File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174523.png", Sequence:1362, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:45:23.90193164 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 1}]}, Length:73884, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[Block{0/73884/0/c65639cd15945c013cd6bb2bf623a5cf9bc65329a8f850e0f784b48b8eb16fad}]} 1501688723 432
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:38.143692 walk.go:330: DEBUG: to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174523.png File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174523.png", Sequence:0, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:45:23.998598316 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 2}]}, Length:110810, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[]}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:38.147595 walk.go:330: DEBUG: to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174537.png File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174537.png", Sequence:0, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:45:38.138599725 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 1}]}, Length:73884, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[]}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:38.147730 walk.go:191: DEBUG: real to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174523.png
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:38.147830 walk.go:191: DEBUG: real to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174537.png
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:38.149027 walk.go:169: DEBUG: Walk progress done /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:38.157010 gui.go:457: DEBUG: http: POST "/rest/db/scan?folder=Pictures&sub=%2FScreenshots%2FScreenshot_20170802-174537.png": status 0, 0 bytes in 35.53 ms
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:38.303653 walk.go:102: DEBUG: Walk /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:38.304289 walk.go:476: DEBUG: checkDir /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ {0x44223766c0}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:38.311248 walk.go:169: DEBUG: Walk progress done /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:45:38.323268 gui.go:457: DEBUG: http: POST "/rest/db/scan?folder=Pictures&sub=%2FScreenshots%2FScreenshot_20170802-174537.png": status 0, 0 bytes in 21.01 ms
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:46:15.594326 walk.go:102: DEBUG: Walk /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:46:15.595413 walk.go:476: DEBUG: checkDir /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ {0x44226dd380}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:46:15.630340 walk.go:316: DEBUG: rescan: File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174537.png", Sequence:1364, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:45:38.138599725 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 1}]}, Length:73884, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[Block{0/73884/0/c65639cd15945c013cd6bb2bf623a5cf9bc65329a8f850e0f784b48b8eb16fad}]} 1501688738 432
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:46:15.630603 walk.go:330: DEBUG: to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174537.png File{Name:"Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174537.png", Sequence:0, Permissions:0660, ModTime:2017-08-02 15:45:38.25193307 +0000 UTC, Version:{[{ZKOVTDG 2}]}, Length:110810, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, NoPermissions:true, Blocks:[]}
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:46:15.630947 walk.go:191: DEBUG: real to hash: Screenshots/Screenshot_20170802-174537.png
[ZKOVT] 2017/08/02 15:46:15.633544 walk.go:169: DEBUG: Walk progress done /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/ [] 131072 &{[] [] false <nil> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0x442022ed80 0x44215e2298 0x44211da9e8}

So, at least in my case, the initial creation of the file and the modification after it is “filled” are both catched by inotify and send to syncthing, but the second scan is delayed.

But it seems for @Zane, only the first scan is performed.

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Guys, sorry to bother but this issue is killing me. Any news?