Synching large files and differences

I have two servers:

One folder about 254 files. Main sync is set to “Send” only. The Receiving is send and receive.

If the files from Sending only server are different from the files on the receiving server (i.e. the MD5 hash does not match. Does syncthing overwrite those files or delete them? If so How would I set the setting to do so. The files never change from Sending only server to secondary server. Meaning I have large files ~1-5 gb in size.

Example on SEND ONLY server video.iso md5 hash 4E7FC207BDD33DB2CDAC8079E951D893 Example on RECEIVE ONLY server video.iso md5 hash CC2FE42D08318676AFBC635A05ABD548

Will sending only server over wright VIDEO.ISO? I want it to do that even if having to “resend the entire file”

Thanks in Advance,


Syncthing will create a temp file, copy unchanged blocks from the old version, transfer changed blocks over the network, then rename over the old version.

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