running an additional discovery server

This does the trick. Didn’t read this in the documentation, though.

I managed to connect a Windows system and a ubuntu system to the discovery server. I figure the rasbian system won’t cause any trouble, after I add the CA certs. But android doesn’t connect, because the CA isn’t known, even after adding the intermediate certificates of LetsEncrypt to the device and rebooting.

Any ideas ?

The /v2/ thing is an unlucky coincidence of me updating the docs for the new discovery server the other day, and that not yet being released. Sorry about that. Had you tried this sometime between 2016 and a week ago the docs would have mentioned /v2/. Try it in another week or two and the latest released discovery server no longer requires the /v2 suffix (although it allows it).

Android is magic and I have no idea how our CA validation works there, sorry.

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