Recurring issue of "Syncing 95%, 0B" after file rename

Did you click (or hover) the “no such file” msg in UI? That should provide connect on where the error happened. Also which version are you on?

@imsodin the “no such file” tooltip is “syncing: pull: no such file”

@calmh I’ve attached the log, but there’s a lot of:

[XXXX] 2020/02/03 20:39:23.083866 folder_sendrecv.go:1472: DEBUG: request: FOLDERID library/2020/2020-02-99_misc-around-home/029A9288.CR2 1703936 131072 returned error: no such file
[XXXX] 2020/02/03 20:39:23.189703 folder_sendrecv.go:1472: DEBUG: request: FOLDERID library/2020/2020-02-99_misc-around-home/029A9288.CR2 15990784 131072 returned error: no such file
[XXXX] 2020/02/03 20:39:23.298242 folder_sendrecv.go:1472: DEBUG: request: FOLDERID library/2020/2020-02-99_misc-around-home/029A9288.CR2 917504 131072 returned error: no such file

st.log (74.1 KB)

It’s trying to get data for those files, i.e. it believes the global/newest version isn’t deleted and the other device has that version. This could also be explained by missing sequence entries on the sending device: It then just never sent the deletion index and when the invalid request comes in and out rechecks the file everything looks fine, because the regular entry isn’t missing.

Can you either query the rest/db/need for one of those files on both sides, or share the db (index-v… dir in the config dir), or build the stindex tool from syncthings source and run stindex -mode idxchk. sorry for being a bit terse, typing on phone

@imsodin Nothing relevant to the folder in question shows up when running stindex -mode idxck on the reciever, and I can’t access the sender right now.

For “my theory”, that’s expected, as I suspect the problem on the sending side. However even if unrelated, any output of stindex is bad and relevant (except for maybe an informational line that all is good, don’t remember) - please share :slight_smile:

Minor point, but idxck will currently report missing need entry for ignored files announced by other devices. That’s expected. Other complaints are probably genuine and indicate things to look closer at…

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@imsodin OK, on the receiver the single error from idxck was: Missing need entry for needed file "ignoredpath/ignoredfile.jpg", folder "not-the-same-folder-id", which I assume is what @calmh was noting above. Nothing shows up on the sender when running stindex -mode idxck

Any other clues?

Interesting. Can you query for one file on both ends (or just the one end you have access to right now for starters).

Hmmm, I’m getting a 404 error when I try doing that. Could you post an example command? I gave: curl -X POST -H "X-API-Key: KEY" 'http://localhost:8384/rest/db/file?folder=FOLDERID&file=library%2Fdatabase.msg' (for file library/database.msg). Is that correct?

EDIT: remove extraneous backslashes

Just use single quotation marks, that’s simpler in my opinion: curl -X POST -H "X-API-Key: KEY" 'http://localhost:8384/rest/db/file?folder=FOLDERID&file=library/database.msg'

Hmm, still getting a 404 page not found. I must be missing something. FolderID is something like abcde-fhijk and the API key worked the other day for a database reset command

Ah I missed the POST and just copy-pastad it, that endpoint is a GET. And I assume you spotted the single quotation mark I missed at the end (corrected now).

Shouldn’t it be possible to return a 405 Method Not Allowed for cases like that? Seems like it would be a useful hint.

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The admittedly lazy answer is that’s just the default behaviour of go’s http library (see last paragraph of Maybe that’s not even just lazy and there’s a good reason the standard library does it. Anyway lets not further sidetrack this issue, please open a new thread if you consider this worth discussing.

Ah, whoops, works now. Here you go:

  "availability": null,
  "global": {
    "deleted": true,
    "ignored": false,
    "invalid": false,
    "localFlags": 0,
    "modified": "2020-01-30T02:40:30+11:00",
    "modifiedBy": "SENDERID",
    "mustRescan": false,
    "name": "library/2020/2020-02-99_misc-around-home/029A9286.CR2",
    "noPermissions": false,
    "numBlocks": 0,
    "permissions": "0",
    "sequence": 253598,
    "size": 0,
    "type": 0,
    "version": [
  "local": {
    "deleted": true,
    "ignored": false,
    "invalid": false,
    "localFlags": 0,
    "modified": "2020-01-30T02:40:30+11:00",
    "modifiedBy": "SENDERID",
    "mustRescan": false,
    "name": "library/2020/2020-02-99_misc-around-home/029A9286.CR2",
    "noPermissions": false,
    "numBlocks": 0,
    "permissions": "0",
    "sequence": 253598,
    "size": 0,
    "type": 0,
    "version": [

Gentle reminder about this thread: I’ve uploaded the database dumps for the offending files.

The /rest/db/file output is from the same device where the no such file occurs in logs?

That would be super weird, as the /rest/db/file output both shows to be already up-to-date (no syncing should happen), and even if there’s a mistake in that and it still tries to sync, it should try to sync a deleted file, however it handles it like a regular, existing file.

that one is from the “sender” in the above scenario, from a previous message I thought that’s what you needed. Sorry if I’ve got the wrong end of the stick. Similar output from “receiver” is below:

  "availability": [
      "id": "SENDER_LONG_ID",
      "fromTemporary": false
  "global": {
    "deleted": false,
    "ignored": false,
    "invalid": false,
    "localFlags": 0,
    "modified": "2020-01-30T02:40:30+11:00",
    "modifiedBy": "SENDER_ID",
    "mustRescan": false,
    "name": "library/2020/2020-02-99_misc-around-home/029A9286.CR2",
    "noPermissions": false,
    "numBlocks": 147,
    "permissions": "0664",
    "sequence": 240914,
    "size": 19215845,
    "type": "FILE",
    "version": [
  "local": {
    "deleted": false,
    "ignored": false,
    "invalid": false,
    "localFlags": 0,
    "modified": "2020-01-30T02:40:30+11:00",
    "modifiedBy": "SENDER_ID",
    "mustRescan": false,
    "name": "library/2020/2020-02-99_misc-around-home/029A9286.CR2",
    "noPermissions": false,
    "numBlocks": 147,
    "permissions": "0664",
    "sequence": 240914,
    "size": 19215845,
    "type": "FILE",
    "version": [

At the same time as you get these /rest/db/file outputs, you also get the failed items with “no such file” message for the file “library/2020/2020-02-99_misc-around-home/029A9286.CR2”? That should be entirely impossible: The receiver output you posted shows that it thinks it is already up-to-date (global version is equal to the local one), i.e. no syncing occurs and thus also no sync error. On the other hand the global file on receiver is older than the one on sender, which points again at sequence problems (which should show up running stindex -mode idxchk on sender, however it doesn’t, correct?).


Yes, that’s correct, I just ran stindex again on the “sender” PC and it doesn’t show any output at all.