Pause resume folder using CLI

I have a folder that I want to pause and resume on a schedule; I found HOWTO: Resume via CLI which I allows me to resume all paused folders.

However I don’t know how to pause a specific folder on a schedule. Can anyone let me know how to do tackle this one.

Pause on folder a boolean flag on the config object of the folder, so you have to get the config, flip the flag on the folders you want and post it back.

Ok so I am almost there; i am just not getting the updated data being sent to the config.

If I remove the “= false” from jq the script returns the current value of the folder I’m interested in.

set -euo pipefail

echo "resuming "$folder


function clean {
  rm -f "$f"
trap clean EXIT

curl -s -H X-API-Key:$key $st > $f 

jq -r '.folders[] | select(.label=='\"$folder\"') | .paused = false' "$f"

curl -s -H X-API-Key:$key --data-binary @"$f" $st

So there is a stcli binary that makes this a lot easier, I think its not shipped part of the official release.

I think just outputs the modified content to stdout, so you might need to redirect to $f

Ok now it is getting a bit weird. I am getting a “Decoding posted config: unexpected end of JSON input” error.

When I don’t execute the jq there is no error.

This is the code that I am using now. Not too different then the above.

set -euo pipefail

echo "resuming "$folder


function clean {
  rm -f "$f"
trap clean EXIT

curl -s -H X-API-Key:$key $st > "$f" 
cat $f > orig.txt

#jq -r '(.folders[] | select(.label=='\"$folder\"')) .paused = false' "$f" > "$f"
jq -r '(.folders[] | select(.label=='\"$folder\"')) .paused = false' "$f" > output.txt

curl -s -H X-API-Key:$key --data-binary @"$f" $st

I run a diff on orig.txt and output.txt and the only change is the one I want; diff result

 <       "paused": true,
 >       "paused": false,

You might need content type headers, and I am not sure if @"$f" does the right thing. As I said, using the cli would probably make this much easier.

Got it; turns out that reusing the temp file “f” doesn’t work; having a second temp file “o” works.

set -euo pipefail

echo "resuming "$folder


function clean {
  rm -f "$f"
  rm -f "$o"
trap clean EXIT

curl -s -H X-API-Key:$key $st > "$f" 
#cat $f > orig.txt

jq --arg fldr "$folder" -r '(.folders[] | select(.label==$fldr)) .paused = false' "$f" > $o
#jq --arg fldr "$folder" -r '(.folders[] | select(.label==$fldr)) .paused = false' "$f" > output.txt

curl -s -H X-API-Key:$key --data-binary @$o $st

Now I have a nice little function that I can call with a folder name and it will resume; I will make a copy of this called pause and change the false to true. i.e.

~/myScripts/ aFolder
~/myScripts/ aFolder
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@AudriusButkevicius thanks for all your help.

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All working now!

See: stackoverflow for the help I got with specific jq questions.

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