panic: non-increasing sequence

hey @imsodin where will Syncthing be installed on the NAS? I’m trying to find and run stindex. Happy to run it and try. Sorry, I’ve no issues with Windows debugging/config but Linux stuff normally goes beyond me

IT seems you have the SynoCommunity package so is Syncthing in


Hi Andy

Yes I believe it is. I’ll sort this in the morning. Can I ask, is there a better way/package I should be using?

The SynoComm package works well and I think the most of Synology users have installed that. A second package as BETA is directly from Kastelo (Syncthing) since a short time:

But to change have no advantage. Better is to have the SynoComm. package, since is possible to load RC-versions. At the end, for problems is the work on CMD the same.

Because of your question for another way: For me it was best to delete the entire database and have it rebuilt: Stop Syncthing on Synology via the package center and switch via CMD (I use WinSCP) in the directory


and backup the entire content and then delete the directory content. Then start Syncthing again (at Synology via the package center). This will create a completely new database. Depending on how many peers you have with a corresponding number of files and folders, this can take 1-2 day - more or less. It may make sense to do this on all of your devices. This gives you a clean base and that should work.

But I think it make sense to check the started way together with Audrius and Simon to find maybe available bugs or others, thats may be good for development and to have a good solution at the end for all.

Hi there

I’d prefer not to delete the DB and try and analyse with stindex.

I’m stuk - I’ve got a DS713+ which has an Intel Atom Dual Core. I saw the stindex tool build version isn’t available any more but found the tool latest build - but then faced with a lot of Linux$ variants - which one would it be?

Yes, not found.

I’d expect them to be just plain amd64, but you can run uname -m to be sure. The format of that is different, e.g. x86_64 is amd64, x86_32 is 386. If in doubt which one is the correct one, post it here.

Latest builds can be found here:<default>&tab=buildTypeStatusDiv

Click on the build number and go into artifacts tab.

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OK, so worked out it is linux_amd64. And copied the file to the NAS and moved to the bin folder. I’ve then chmod +x to make it executable. I can see the file and I’m in the folder, but I’m getting stindex: command not found

Maybe you need to start with ./ so it means ./stindex

Thank you. This is all so basic, thank you. Assume I need to specify the DB folder

stat /var/services/homes/mark/.config/syncthing/index-v0.14.0.db: no such file or directory (is another instance of Syncthing running?)

It is always forgotten to say that syncthing has to be stopped. In the case of Synology via the package center. You can check this with ps -e | grep syncthing and if there are problems, initiate the stop with killall syncthing.

Hey - it’s not running, and the ps command showed that. It’s the folder to the DB I think. I had it before

stindex is quite RAM-heavy - so if your DB is of any size, you might have problems running it on the NAS itself.

In which case, you can grab a copy of the DB and transfer it to your Windows machine for analysis:

  • Stop Syncthing on the NAS;
  • Log into the NAS under SSH as admin;
  • Elevate yourself to root user with sudo -i
  • Copy the DB folder to an accessible shared folder on the NAS with

cp -R /usr/local/syncthing/var/index-v0.14.0.db /volume1/(shared folder name here)

  • Copy the DB folder onto your Windows machine;
  • Run stindex with stindex -mode idxck (path to DB folder here)

Can you specify the command you used.

One noticeable thing is “homes/mark”: Usually it is not plural, i.e. “home/mark”

Hey - the command I used was the one above without a path to the DB folder.

How can I find the path to the DB folder on my system?

Under Windows in User AppData

You can run syncthing -paths I believe which will show where the db is.

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So I get:

Configuration file:

Database directory:

Device private key & certificate files:

HTTPS private key & certificate files:

Log file:

GUI override directory:

Default sync folder directory:

Except when I cd / to the var/services/homes/mark folder there’s no .config folder.

So if I stindex -idxchk passing in the full folder to the DB folder - I’m getting the same error message.

I’m happy to temporarily allow someone remote desktop access if it would help. I appreciate this is trying to help me, help you … but I’m wondering if you’ve all had enough and it might be easier and quicker to take over :slight_smile: I’m happy to continue either way

Dot directories (starting with .) are not visible using ls unless you pass in the -a option.