nodes won't connec from others networks

Hi; I have all nodes disconected when im trying to sync frm outside.

When im in a local net works fine.

Please tell me what info do you need: TCPDUMP? TRACE?


Syncthing tries to set up port mapping via UPnP, if UPnP fails on both devices, and both are behind a NAT, they won’t be able to connect.

You can try setting up a fixed port forwarding on either of the networks and it should work. Though make sure it’s the same port on the router and on the machine.

Also, I assume global discovery is showing OK on both devices?

yes, i have port forwarder it is the correct port? discovery is setted

Im also gettin this msg hourly.

19:55:34: Error renewing UPnP port mapping for external port 21493 on device ‘SMC8014WG’ ( AddPortMapping: 500 Internal Server Error

The public and private ports have to be exactly the same (as I said in my previous post). And I don’t know why your router returns a 500.

You can try and enable STTRACE=upnp environment variable, perhaps that will tell you more.

The output of the trace: the device outside of the local network is net.

i hope that you could help.


I suggest you disable UPnP and just setup port forwarding where public and private port is 22000. If you setup a different port, then make sure to change protocol listen address to that port.

ok, i will try that. Thnx

keep with out connect

Have you set up port forwarding as I suggested?


It doesn’t seem to be active? Also, make sure UPnP is off.