Need your help - Syncthing installation on Synology DS218+

Hello, I am using Syncthing on a Synology DS115j for about one year now. Now I have a new Synology disk station - DS218+. I have added to the package manager and allowed beta versions to be displayed. Still, I cannot find the SyncThing package anymore :-(. Please help - I am not a Synology specialist and I am not fit in installing packages manually. How can I install Syncthing on this disk station? Best regards, Curly

Best check the syno forum. There you should get better support as this is a syno problem, not a syncthing problem.

Though there was a thread not long ago where syncthing wasn’t listed in the packages with some DSM versions:

Thanks a lot, wweich. Unfortunately, I already have DSM version 6.1.4-15217 Update 5. I will try to get a solution in the syno forum, but if anybody here has an idea, please update this thread.

You can download the official binary and run it using triggered / scheduled tasks (Control Panel -> System -> Task Scheduler). For 218+ you’ll need the linux-amd64 flavor.

Hi Gabriela:

I’m running the same DSM as you, and can see Syncthing in the listed packages. I suspect you need to do these:

  • Go into Package Centre > Settings > General: set Trust Level to Synology Inc and Trusted Publishers;
  • Back in Package Centre, scroll to the bottom of the list down the left-hand side, and go into Community. In here you should find Syncthing listed.

I hope that’s of some help!


@Moisie: Unfortunately, this is exactly what I have done. Still, no SyncThing package there. :frowning: @argus-core: I am not a specialist in this, I simply expect a tool like SyncThing to have an installer routine and work flawlessly without such manual steps.

I am about to change to some other sync tool as I do not have the time to care for such installation issues on my own.

@Curly - Sorry to hear this. I’ve just set up another two Synology NAS units, and had no problem installing the Syncthing package as described.

Are you seeing any other packages from the SynoCommunity repository?

@Moisie: Thanks for your reply, but I have changed to resilio now. It takes me too much time to solve such issues, unfortunately. That’s a pity as I was very happy with Syncthing, but with resilio I found an adequate solution which runs flawlessly on all target systems.

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