Moving files to a sub folder

I want to make sure I’m not going to have to re-sync all my data if this change happens.

Current setup. A>B>C Device A. Send only Device B. Send and receive ignore delete. Device C. Receive only ignore delete

Folder shared is c:/filestore

Files are currently in c:/filestore/

An application I use to write data adds another renamed folder to the tree. So the above file would now be in c:/filestore/

Would this cause everything to need to re-sync?

I’m sure there will be (next to) nothing transfered, when syncing this change. But, as you have ignore delete enabled, an a move is a delete and new file, I’m not sure if Synchting will do a move on B and C, or if it will do a delete (which is ignored) and new file, so you will end up with 2 copies of the same file.

Thank you for the reply. I have ignore delete set to prevent users from accidentally deleting things. I think for security sake I will take C offline. Then enable deleting on B before performing the change on A to prevent the scenario you outlined. At least if things go horribly I’ll still have C as my master copy.

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