I appreciate the practical suggestions and examples. I’ll look into them at some point once I get the first release out and stable.
Good point. There are some features that work better on the newer iOSes so it was simplest to start with the most recent. But your point about old devices is a good one, so will see if we can push it back at some stage.
If you’re clicking on the App Store link from the website, yes that’s expected. Version 1.0 went live briefly until I realised I wanted to make one more change. Version 1.0.1 is under Apple review right now and should be out within hours. Will be available everywhere except France (due to encryption paperwork required there).
I’ll advise here when it’s out.
Hi guys! Now that this is announced and work ongoing I’d appreciate it if support were handled somewhere else, as this is a commercial venture and not really something the Syncthing project is involved in or can affect. Perhaps you have an issue tracker or similar where beta feedback can be gathered.
Thanks Jakob.
The first public release is now available. Download link and FAQ including support channels are at https://www.mobiussync.com.
Would love a video about:
- how to configure the app
- what’s free, what is $$ feature
Cheers! P
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