intermitent network not allowed in 1.6.1

I have no idea, but I suspect the fault is at your end.

You can check config code for the types you should be using. I have no idea what their java equivalents are, but I guess string array makes sense.

I was just thinking along the same lines - incompatible types

Also, the fact that you are asked to restart syncthing when adding a folder or a device sounds like you’re also mis-serializing something else, as these actions do not require a restart.

If I knew GO better this would be simple - finding these in syncthing would be a challenge

Config code is, unsurprisingly, in lib/config package.

yes - I appreciate that it is well organized - I have looked into some of it

Also, if you don’t have 1 to 1 exact maching classes for the whole config, you are discarding fields when you are deserializing, and then posting the config back without those fields, you are implicitly un-setting them.

We discovered that early on

Well you haven’t discovered everything then I guess, as restart is only required by a handful of options, which you seem to have missed (Because you are getting the restart prompt).

I think your first assumption may be correct - I am looking at the go code and finding some issues with data types

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