Ignore some introduced devices

I have a device A configured as an introducer for a bunch of devices, say B, C and D, with a common folder X.

At first, I wanted all devices to communicate with each other, and it worked fine : A shared the folder with B, C and D and introduced them to each other.

But now I’d like a setup where B and C can communicate, but where D only talks to A. So I tried to unset A’s introducer flag on D, so that I can delete B and C, and ignore them once they try to reconnect. This seemed to work fine until I set A’s introducer flag back on D (because I want it to be an introducer : I just want to be able to force ignore some devices) : after a while, B and C got introduced back again to D and were removed from the ignored devices list.

I sense everything is working as designed and I’m just trying to hack things here, could someone confirm ?

If that’s the case, I think there’s room for improvement here, because I can’t see why the introducer and ignored devices features couldn’t/shouldn’t get along. See the details below if you’d like to learn more about my use case and why I think that :


Here’s the details behind my use case : A is an always on NAS and B and C are in the same network as A. D however is a mobile device, so in order for it to sync with the others, I configured A to be reachable from outside the network (I don’t want to use relays, so I set up port forwarding). But I don’t want to bother configuring B and C, because they aren’t always on, or they use slower network links (slow WiFi for instance, instead of Gigabit ethernet for A), so I have no reason to use B or C instead of A to sync with D.

Now you may say the followings :

  • Q: Since B and C aren’t accessible out of your network, and you don’t use relays, they won’t ever be able to connect to D, so why bother ignoring them ?

    A: Because sometimes, D being mobile, ends up being physically in the same network as the others, but for the reasons stated above, I want it to use only A to sync.

  • Q: Why not just pause B and C on D, so that they are never used ?

    A: That’s what I’ll end up doing for now, but that’s not very clean : since D will never sync directly with B or C, why would I want them to appear on D at all ?

  • Q: Why not just remove the introducer flag from D all together ?

    A: I still want to be able to benefit from the introducer feature on D. Say I add another folder Y on A, that I share with D and a new device E, and that D and E are most of the time in the same location (different from A) : I’d like D to be able to sync to E directly, instead of going through A. Therefore, I’d like E to be introduced to D by A, and I don’t want to ignore it (as opposed to B and C).

Yeah, introducers are an all or nothing concept. However I don’t think the introducer overwrites device settings after they are created so you could pause the devices, or unset their address so no connection attempts will be made. Incoming connections would still be accepted but you could filter that with an IP ACL that only allows, or something like that.

Thanks for confirming.

That’s what I ended up doing (pause the devices). It’s just less clean to see devices that are paused 24/7, that’s all :slight_smile:

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