Ignore pattern modification and override changes

Sorry for jumping to discussion, but I feel your comparison is not relevant.

Ignore list does not tell ST not to keep synchronised, but not to see them at all.

I feel like Dropbox cannot be compared with ST in this because

  1. Dropbox has a central repository which you cannot control and which have all files and all history of those files.
  2. Dropbox has pretty low size limit (in free version at least) so you sometimes have to choose which subfolders of some big shared folder you want in your pc.

Yes, but with ST other side might not have those files (ignored there too or you are master). I know that you proposed this to solve it:

but I feel it is lot of code in the wrong direction. Main problem I see in this:

Ignore list is not selective sync, probably was never intended to be (I’m guessing from what I read in Selective Sync? - #7 by craibuc and Selective Sync · Issue #193 · syncthing/syncthing · GitHub). There are too many possible problems with it and too much work involved. I think result of discussion was that it would have to be completely rewritten (not based or derived from current implementation of ignore list) and that it is far future. And ST is still 0.X version.

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