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Have them store a bookmark to their syncthing instance so they can get back to it whenever it is running. If they want to kill it they should user the web GUI.

Thank you for the suggestions. They helped me formulate a solution… Here’s what I did that will work for my purposes…

I downloaded Excelsior Installer, http://installer.excelsior-usa.com/en/.

I used it to create an installer for Windows. The installer packages my syncthing.exe version along with a URL shortcut for the syncthing interface.

The installer places a shortcut for syncthing.exe in the Windows Startup folder. The installer places a shortcut for the interface URL on the desktop.

Now, when the user starts the computer, syncthing runs automatically. If they close their browser, they can open the interface again with the desktop URL shortcut.

By the way, you might like the look of some of the third-party wrappers on the community contributions docs page. There are installers, tray icons, even things which make syncthing look and feel more like a native windows application.

Just a note… including the fmt.Fprintf(b, " -H=windowsgui") tag when building for Linux causes my build to fail. It looks like some of you have it working on Linux, but I get this error throughout the build process:

crosscall_amd64: adddynlib: unsupported binary format

After removing the -H=windowsgui flag, it builds correctly on Linux.

I’m running Centos 7.

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