Help scripting with rest/system/connections

Sorry CatFriend, I can’t tell you ATM: I’m a casual coder and every script is for me a kickass. But please have a test on your own and report issues, I’ll try to give my PoV. ATM the pi I did this for is at a friend’s and I have no way to have a look to check the job is still well running without disturbing the friend. Some days ago I saw a thread about changes to REST API and was afraid they would break my job, but after reading the changes I think they won’t. Did you understand the 4th line was a reminder for me that there is a cron job and what it is? You speak of my “parts”: please tell me what they are as I have courage to decode your question. And are you aware you need a way to wake the pi up again after shutdown? I have no courage to re-read the whole thread to search if I said the way I do (external hardware tweak I posted details on french raspberry forum).

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