folder is announced as encrypted, but not configured thus

I wanted to try the new untrusted folder feature. I created a new folder, shared with another device and inserted a password.

I get a warning on the both machines:


2021-05-04 19:45:02: Failure checking encryption consistency with device $UNTRUSTED for folder "$FOLDER": folder is configured to be encrypted but not announced thus 


2021-05-04 19:43:03: Failure checking encryption consistency with device $TRUSTED for folder "$FOLDER": folder is announced as encrypted, but not configured thus

What am I missing? I thought that’d be enough to get started.

Both devices on v1.16.0.

The folder on the untrusted side must be of type “receive-encrypted”. That should be selected automatically if you get the “folder invitation” after sharing the folder on the trusted device.

The error messages are trying to convey the same message, just from the respective perspective:
On trusted: The local user configured to send data encrypted, but the remote device announces that it has a normal/not encrypted folder.
On untrusted: The local user configured the folder as a “normal”/not encrypted folder, but the remote announces that it wants to only share the folder in encrypted form.
Clearly, those error message could be better.

What if folders are automatically accepted?

edit: ok works nvm

Full story: I initially had one device on 1.15, which accepted the folder automatically. I upgraded it, but I still had this error. Removing the folder then accepting it (manually) worked.

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