File is tracked but not synced

On Desktop I have a folder “Notes” where I changed a file test2.txt, this has also been tracked by Syncthing recording to the Button “recent changes” below section “Remote Devices”.

But in the column “Folders”, in row “Latest Change” there is another much older file shown. Even when I rescan the folder and also the “Last Scan” row shows that it has been scanned, the file is not updated to my phone. The file on phone stays unchanged.

Syncthing shows folder “Notes” on phone as “idle” on desktop as “up to date”.

I just created a new file on phone and it was immediately synced to the desktop. I also created a new file on desktop and its also not synced to phone. So this direction seems to fail.

How can I check, what is going wrong? I don’t understand, that syncthing knows that the file has been changed, but its does not sync it and at the same time says, everything is up to date.

Desktop: Linux Ubuntu - app v0.14.46 Phone: Lineage OS 14.1 - app v0.10.08

Latest change means latest remote change. I think the phone folders are set to send-only by default, so it refuses to receive any data.

The “Latest Change” row on the folders is not perfectly named: Only remote changes are displayed there. That’s why the file you added on your phone was displayed there on the desktop, but not “test2.txt” that you edited on the desktop.

If the file is really not synced to the phone, check the logs.

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