Early Testing for Untrusted (Encrypted) Devices

Automatically selecting receive-encrypted folder type when accepting a remote shared that is encrypted for us is pending here: all: Automatic/disabled folder-config when receive-encrypted by imsodin · Pull Request #7327 · syncthing/syncthing · GitHub


Does the Untrusted feature still depend on the advanced Feature Flags setting?


Should Versioning be allowed in Receive Encrypted folders?

I would personally lean towards having it completely disabled (as it is the case with Ignore Patterns), because restoring files with encrypted names that we don’t know (or shouldn’t know) what they are doesn’t really make much sense.

Is there a potential use case for it?

It’s not obviously impossible for there to be a use case. The versioned files could still be decrypted by a tool. (I don’t off hand remember whether the built in decryptor looks in unexpected directories, but it could.)


This is amazing, I cannot wait for this to be released and to see Syncthing cloud storage providers pop up using this.

Will the web client allow for you to browse your encrypted syncthing folders and be able to manage files in the web client?

A post was split to a new topic: How to restore/decrypt an encrypted/untrusted folder?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Problem adding second trusted device connected to untrusted device

I am closing this topic as it was meant (and used) for early testing. Changes have been made since and a new announcement with a call for testing has been made: Testing Untrusted (Encrypted) Devices

If you have questions/problems, please open a new topic for that.

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