Discovery gives wrong IP (through docker)

Hello, one of my devices is reporting or detecting the wrong IP address so that when my second device attempts discovery it gets the wrong IP.

I admit I have a bit of an odd arrangement:

Public machine “P” (device ID I7H4FLZ) is a server with multiple public IP addresses: I am running syncthing in docker and connecting ports to Actual command:

docker run --rm -h -v /opt/syncthing:/opt/syncthing -p -p -p --name syncthing utgllc/syncthing:latest

My laptop “L” (device ID KUMNZOX) is not publicly accessible. It’s just connected to a standard network with NAT and no uPnP, for instance at a coffee shop.

When I run syncthing on L with STTRACE=discover it seems to be getting the .1 address for P, not .2:

[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.360523 main.go:564: INFO: syncthing v0.12.15 "Beryllium Bedbug" (go1.5.3 linux-amd64) 2016-01-17 09:57:20 UTC
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.360634 main.go:565: INFO: My ID: KUMNZOX-OVFDDXA-LGE55AA-BZ5W7XL-U2AIDJE-GRYEHDL-YLAP2DM-5FG5FQF
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.678100 main.go:905: INFO: Single thread hash performance is ~184 MB/s
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.683293 model.go:192: OK: Ready to synchronize cmm-router-setup (read-write)
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.683351 main.go:752: INFO: Using discovery server
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.683517 upnpservice.go:58: INFO: No UPnP device detected
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.683532 global.go:228: DEBUG: Announcement: {"direct":["tcp://"],"relays":null}
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.683543 main.go:752: INFO: Using discovery server
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.683618 main.go:752: INFO: Using discovery server
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.683688 global.go:228: DEBUG: Announcement: {"direct":["tcp://"],"relays":null}
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.683749 main.go:752: INFO: Using discovery server
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.683837 main.go:752: INFO: Using discovery server
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.683925 global.go:228: DEBUG: Announcement: {"direct":["tcp://"],"relays":null}
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.684067 global.go:228: DEBUG: Announcement: {"direct":["tcp://"],"relays":null}
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.684114 main.go:752: INFO: Using discovery server
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.684242 global.go:228: DEBUG: Announcement: {"direct":["tcp://"],"relays":null}
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.684410 global.go:228: DEBUG: Announcement: {"direct":["tcp://"],"relays":null}
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.685257 rwfolder.go:332: INFO: Completed initial scan (rw) of folder cmm-router-setup
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.693251 main.go:802: INFO: Device KUMNZOX-OVFDDXA-LGE55AA-BZ5W7XL-U2AIDJE-GRYEHDL-YLAP2DM-5FG5FQF is "" at [dynamic]
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.701362 gui.go:267: INFO: API listening on [::]:8384
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.701377 gui.go:268: INFO: GUI URL is
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.717163 global.go:232: DEBUG: announce POST: Post dial tcp [2400:6180:0:d0::d9:d001]:443: connect: network is unreachable
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.717186 global.go:232: DEBUG: announce POST: Post dial tcp [2604:a880:800:10::182:a001]:443: connect: network is unreachable
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.717194 global.go:232: DEBUG: announce POST: Post dial tcp [2001:470:28:4d6::5]:443: connect: network is unreachable
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.987285 global.go:237: DEBUG: announce POST: 204 No Content
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:47.987312 global.go:264: DEBUG: announce Reannounce-After: 1800 <nil>
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:48.260632 cache.go:107: DEBUG: lookup for I7H4FLZ-4TTOCRP-CXZ6KPI-QSAJ6XZ-YROSIJK-6DA7IPQ-TXEQH5T-IC32DQL at global@
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:48.260652 cache.go:108: DEBUG:   direct: [tcp://]
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:48.260659 cache.go:109: DEBUG:   relays: []
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:48.266561 global.go:237: DEBUG: announce POST: 204 No Content
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:48.266574 global.go:264: DEBUG: announce Reannounce-After: 1800 <nil>
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:48.501941 cache.go:107: DEBUG: lookup for I7H4FLZ-4TTOCRP-CXZ6KPI-QSAJ6XZ-YROSIJK-6DA7IPQ-TXEQH5T-IC32DQL at global@
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:48.501958 cache.go:108: DEBUG:   direct: [tcp://]
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:48.501962 cache.go:109: DEBUG:   relays: []
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:48.766537 global.go:237: DEBUG: announce POST: 204 No Content
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:48.766564 global.go:264: DEBUG: announce Reannounce-After: 1800 <nil>
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:49.643151 cache.go:107: DEBUG: lookup for I7H4FLZ-4TTOCRP-CXZ6KPI-QSAJ6XZ-YROSIJK-6DA7IPQ-TXEQH5T-IC32DQL at global@
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:49.643170 cache.go:108: DEBUG:   direct: [tcp://]
[KUMNZ] 2016/01/21 01:42:49.643175 cache.go:109: DEBUG:   relays: []

When I trace the discovery on the server P it does get the correct IP for my laptop L, but of course it is unable to reach it though the NAT.

I am able to reach the expected public port on P from L:

$ tcp_check 22000 is accepting connections
$ tcp_check 22000 is not accepting connections: Connection refused

I even edited the configuration on P trying to tell it its IP address (but I expect that device addresses are mainly for connecting to other devices, not for configuring oneself):

<!-- this device config is on the server P for the server P -->
<device id="I7H4FLZ-4TTOCRP-CXZ6KPI-QSAJ6XZ-YROSIJK-6DA7IPQ-TXEQH5T-IC32DQL" name="" compression="metadata" introducer="false">

I also have on P:


but address/port control happens through the docker configuration which forwards connections to to the syncthing docker instance.

I did a discover trace on P, but the only line mentioning any of the IP addresses or announcements were these:

[I7H4F] 2016/01/21 02:00:12.001768 global.go:228: DEBUG: Announcement: {"direct":["tcp://"],"relays":null}
[I7H4F] 2016/01/21 02:00:12.016320 main.go:802: INFO: Device I7H4FLZ-4TTOCRP-CXZ6KPI-QSAJ6XZ-YROSIJK-6DA7IPQ-TXEQH5T-IC32DQL is "" at []

Note: I can’t change listenAddress to tcp:// since syncthing in docker doesn’t have access to that interface, the connections are passed-through via whatever iptables magic docker does. (at least when I tried that syncthing immediately fails because it can’t bind to the that address.)

Any ideas what’s wrong or what I should look at next? Would any logs, configs, or other information be useful?

Thanks, Dean


I have no idea how to work around the issue of binding to an address from within a docker container. However I do wonder if the short term solution is to add this device to the cluster with a static IP?

It will at least get you up and running for now.

The discovery server uses your source address (because this is usually the right thing). Docker sets up incoming NAT but rewrites your outgoing traffic to the host address, like a regular NAT gateway. You’ll need to use static addresses, probably.

The IP detected by discovery is the IP that is used for making an outbound connection to discovery. I don’t think docker cares about outbound connections and it just uses whatever kernel decides is the default route.

A workaround could be adding a separate tun/tap device with that IP, and passing that to docker (not sure if its possible).

Ah, thank you all very much, that makes sense, and I’ve found success! A ServerFault thread: Use a specific outbound IP with Docker shows how to change the outbound IP. They are using:

iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -p all -s -j SNAT --to-source

to change the outbound IP for all docker instances. I’d rather only change a single instance so I tried:

CONTAINER="$(docker ps -q -f name=syncthing)"
CONTAINER_IP="$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $CONTAINER)"
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -p all -s "$CONTAINER_IP"/32 -j SNAT --to-source

However, it didn’t work immediately (it very well may have if I were patient), but restarting the service caused docker to load another IP address so I didn’t really like that approach… At least for now. Apparently, docker has very recently merged some code for controlling addresses of containers (, but it is too new for my system. So, for now I plan to hand-enter the server IP address on my client. Eventually when my docker gets the relevant update I’ll be able to assign syncthing a fixed internal IP and use the post-routing to give it the right outgoing IP.

Thanks for all your help!

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