I can confirm that Syncthing+Tasker+termux is a working alternative.
- Intall Tasker from Play store
- Install termux and termux:tasker from F-Droid
Give the following extra permissions:
- Tasker: additional → run commands in termux environment
- termux: Appear on top
In termux install syncthing:
apt install syncthing
Create the following file: ~/.termux/tasker/start-syncthing-for-5minutes.sh
timeout -s KILL 5m syncthing
In Tasker: From 00:00 every 1 h Till 23.59 Plugin→Termux:Tasker
- start-syncthing-for-5minutes.sh
- terminal session: X
I switched off the Start browser in the GUI since it will pop up you into the browser when it starts, but i keep an open tab for it.
You can have a new installation, but if you export the config from the android app then you can copy it into ~/.local/state/syncthing then you only have to edit the config.xml and delete the username/password to access the GUI and then set a new one if you want.