content in folders with names tess or tessie are not synced

On my Synology NAS when I create a folder called tess or tessie and I copy content to that folder, the folder is synced but the content is not synced to the other Synology NAS. As soon as I rename that folder to something else then these two names the content does get synced. This feels very weird.

Are you using .stignore on either peer for that Folder?

Not for those names. I have only this ignore (?d)@eaDir.

The funny thing is that when it is called tessi (so something in between those names) it also does get synced. It’s specifically these two names.

Could you post the full .stignore files?

What you see above is the full .stignore file but for your sake hereby the file. .stignore (11 Bytes)

On the other system there is no ignore file. I sync only one way. I am pretty sure it has nothing to do with the content of that file.

Another thing I discovered, while doing some more testing: when I rename the tess or tessie folder from one to the other or vice versa it triggers the syncing one time at that moment but when other files are added or deleted later, the syncing again doesn’t happen.

EDITED to add this new troubleshooting idea: Are you able to copy those files to those locations manually, without Syncthing?

Thank you. I’ll be darned if I understand this issue. Barring someone smarter than me weighing in:

  1. Check the log to see if anything mentions these directories; recreate those files if needed to trigger the behavior.
  2. Use each of the following debug facilities (fs, scanner, and sync), trigger the behavior and then examine the logs. I would suggest one debug facility at a time.
  3. If none of this seems to give us any clues, my next suggestion – if you’re willing – would be to start Syncthing on both sides with the --reset-database command-line flag (Syncthing — Syncthing documentation). I’d like to emphasize that I don’t know any reason to suspect a database problem, but I also don’t know what else to try.

The thing is that: the way I create these folders and the files in it are exactly the same as with those with other names that do work. I follow exactly the same procedure. The only difference is the name of the folders. Also the folders get created on the target system but the files in it are not. Those folders have the same owner, group and access settings as the other folders which do work.

My guess (as a developer with more then 46 years of experience) is that this is something in the programming.

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Every problem I’ve seen so far on this forum that looks anything like yours has been one of these issues:

  • file rights
  • unintended consequences of .stignore
  • database problems
  • filesystem problems

I do not suspect a file rights issue in your case, and while a database problem is very uncommon I think it’s even less likely to be a filesystem problem.

That doesn’t mean I’m right – it means I don’t know :-). I certainly cannot rule out a bug, particularly in the way ignore patterns are parsed.

Well… in fact it is not a much of a problem to me. I just don’t make any folders called tess or tessie. In fact I just tested using folder name “Tessie” with a capital and that works good as well. It was just a test directory I created (Tessie is Dutch slang for a small test :joy:).

But thanks for trying to find the problem.

By the way: because you asked me to look in the logfiles, I found a problem with small UDP buffers which I fixed in a boot script. :smile: :smile:

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